The Israeli regime’s enormous sway over the US government has inadvertently caused a backlash that will eventually send Zionism into the “proverbial dustbin of history,” says an analyst, Press TV reports.
“The expression ‘Israeli-occupied territories’ normally refers to Palestine. But more and more Americans are speaking out about the ‘Israelification’ of the USA – and wondering whether their country, too, is occupied,” wrote Kevin Barrett in a column on Press TV’s website on Monday.
Barrett then referred to an upcoming annual event by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), due on March 2 to 4 in the US, to celebrate the “Zionist domination of American politics and media.”
He noted, however, that, “Anti-AIPAC sentiment is spreading throughout all segments of American society.”
“Even the American Jewish community, once a bastion of near-monolithic support for Israel, now includes a rising chorus of anti-Zionist voices,” he wrote.
Barrett went on to point to several alleged reactions by Israeli officials to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the US, in which over 3,000 people were killed.
“Israeli’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu celebrated 9/11 with the ecstatic outburst: ‘It’s very good!’ Then Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon crowed: ‘We… control America, and the Americans know it!’ Mossad kingpin Mike Harari allegedly boasted of orchestrating 9/11 at the celebratory party he threw in Bangkok, Thailand, immediately after the attack on America, according to eyewitness Dmitri Khalezov.”
“But these and other Zionist celebrations of the 9/11 coup d’état were premature,” said Barrett.
“While the Zionists achieved their near-term goals – beginning with a US attempt to destroy ‘seven countries in five years’ on behalf of (the so-called) Greater Israel (scheme) – they inadvertently provoked a backlash that will eventually sweep Zionism into the proverbial dustbin of history,” Barrett concluded.
Intelligence analyst Gordon Duff has also pointed to alleged Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attacks in the US, saying that AIPAC has been trying to “suppress” a revealing 28-page section of a classified Congressional report on the attacks that reportedly points to Israeli involvement.
The 9/11 incident involved a series of coordinated attacks in the United States, primarily targeting the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City.
According to the official account by the US, during the 9/11 attacks, 19 “al-Qaeda terrorists” hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners and crashed two of them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and many others in the buildings.
The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, just outside Washington, DC.
The United States, under former President George W. Bush, attacked Afghanistan to remove the Taliban regime, which Washington accused of harboring the “al-Qaeda” terrorists involved in the 9/11 attacks.