Stephen Fernie was a nurse at North Tees Hospital in Stockton during the time of the incidents in 2011
A nurse at a Teesside hospital has been struck off after giving drugs intravenously to the wrong patient and stealing £10 from a colleague.
Stephen Fernie, who worked at North Tees Hospital in Stockton, also recorded a temperature of a patient on an observation chart without actually taking the temperature, a conduct and competence hearing found.
Mr Fernie was also accused of inaccurately recording a patient’s oxygen saturation levels, and altering those levels on an observation chart - but these allegations were not proven.
A Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) meeting in London earlier this month heard the case against Mr Fernie in his absence, and found his fitness to practice to be impaired.
In a report, the NMC panel said: “The panel bore in mind that Mr Fernie is an experienced nurse. There is evidence of only limited insight and no evidence of any genuine remorse or apology.
“The panel heard evidence that Mr Fernie’s clinical errors had the potential to cause significant harm to patients.
“There were also two separate instances of dishonesty, one of which involved theft from a colleague. The panel heard evidence that Mr Fernie demonstrated a poor attitude during the investigation process and appeared to lack an understanding of the seriousness of his actions. The panel has received no references or testimonials.
“The panel took into account that the purpose of a sanction is not to be punitive, although it may have that effect; rather, the purpose of a sanction is to protect patients and the wider public interest. The wider public interest includes maintaining public confidence in the profession and the NMC as a regulator, and declaring and upholding proper standards of conduct and behaviour.“
It was alleged that the incidents took place on August 13, 2011.
After considering whether it was appropriate to take no action, or place a caution order in Mr Fernie, the panel said: “The only sufficient, proportionate and appropriate sanction in this case is that of a striking off order.”
An immediate interim order was made which will stop Mr Fernie being able to practice during his 28 day appeal period.