Gazette readers have reacted angrily at news that Cleveland Police's helicopter is to be moved from its current base in the force area.
Comments including "shocking", "shameful" and "disgusting" were being used on the Gazette's Facebook page today.
It comes after Cleveland's Police and Crime Commissioner Barry Coppinger said seven years ago that the "community safety interests of Teesside" were best served by a helicopter based at Durham Tees Valley Airport (DTVA).
"So as usual only Newcastle exists when it comes to any decisions about the North-east," wrote reader Carl Andrews on Facebook today.
"The Cleveland area gets ignored yet again!"
The National Police Air Service (Npas) confirmed this morning that Teesside will no longer have a helicopter base from the 2016/17 financial year as work is done to make savings.
The aircraft is currently housed at DTVA - with The Gazette reporting in October 2013 that a new deal for a tailor-made hangar meant that it would stay there for the next five years.
Durham Tees Valley Airport
Newcastle International Airport’s base has survived the cull, which will see Npas reduce its operating bases by 10 to a 15-base model.
It is not yet clear if the DTVA aircraft and staff will move to Newcastle.
The Gazette reported in April 2013 that the aircraft - previously under the control of the Cleveland force - was to switch to Npas.
At the time, Assistant Chief Constable Sean White said he believed the transfer would bring benefits for Teesside.
“The helicopter is not cheap to run and we would have had to look at air support as we are doing with other areas of spending," he said.
"However, the savings we are making in being part of the Npas and getting at least the same level of service mean it is win-win for this area.”
Assistant Chief Constable Sean White
The Gazette reported at the time that the helicopter cost Cleveland Police about £5.1m.
That was made up of a grant from the Home Office of about £2m and a part exchange on the force's old helicopter of £1m.
Cleveland did not borrow money specifically for the helicopter, but was being fully reimbursed by the Npas for the cost of purchasing the helicopter after deducting the first two years the aircraft has been owned by the force.
Cleveland Police bosses have previously hailed the fact the force had its own helicopter.
In 2009, then Deputy Chief Constable Derek Bonnard said: “The fact that we have one helicopter solely covering Cleveland means that we can further improve our effectiveness in responding to incidents, locating people and gathering evidence.”
In 2010 when the plans to switch to a national service were raised, the then chairman of Cleveland Police Authority, Dave McLuckie, raised concerns over the potential impact on Cleveland Police.
He said the transfer must be “examined very carefully given past experience of the difficulties involved in a regional service.”
And in June 2008, Barry Coppinger - now Cleveland's PCC - put forward a motion calling for Middlesbrough Council to back then Cleveland Police Authority’s move to keep the force helicopter on Teesside.
Mr Coppinger, then the council's Executive councillor for community safety, said: "The community safety interests of Teesside are best served by a helicopter based at Durham Tees Valley Airport.”
Regarding the prospect of the force helicopter moving out of the force area, Middlesbrough Mayor Ray Mallon responded: "If this issue was not so serious it would be laughable."
Barry Coppinger
Labour PCC Mr Coppinger said in a statement today: “Responsibility for police air support lies with the National Police Air Service, and while I’m disappointed that they have chosen to close the base at Durham Tees Valley, I am only too aware of how funding cuts mean that difficult decisions have to be made.
“I will be working with police colleagues to closely monitor plans for what the closure means in terms of level of service to Teesside and should the service reduce, I will be renegotiating a better deal for our area so that we are able to put money back into local policing.
“Budget cuts are impacting every area of policing and air support is no different.
"We currently pay £1.4million per year for the helicopter and it’s my role to ensure that we are not paying more than we should be during these changing times.”
Meanwhile, back on the Gazette's Facebook page today, Brian Land added: "I thought the Government would have closed Newcastle, being as Cleveland has a nuclear power station in the county and Newcastle doesn't. Very poor decision."
Some comments were posted about the noise of the helicopter flying over residential areas at night.
But James Watson responded: "All these people moaning about a good night's sleep and flying at daft o'clock - it's out for a reason and good to know its there.
"What happens if your car got nicked? Or your family member went missing? Would you think about a good night sleep then?"
Rick Redd added: "It's been nothing but cutbacks and hit the ordinary people since this poor excuse for a government got in."
"Just do away with the police force," said June Fearn, sarcastically.
"The Government won't be satisfied until there's nothing left. But they will be full of surprises when the crime rate goes up."
Doug Moody
The Cleveland Police helicopter
Terry McKee noted that Cleveland Police's mounted section had already gone.
"It's a total disgrace," he added. "We pay taxes aswell!"
Meanwhile, others looked at the plight of Durham Tees Valley Airport.
"What's left to fly from Teesside Airport now?," asked Paul Ramsey.
The decision comes less than a year after DTVA opened a new purpose-built hangar for the Npas aircraft.
The accountable manager for the NPAS said “difficult decisions” had to be made because of funding cuts.
Chief Superintendent Ian Whitehouse added: “There is no easy way of doing this and difficult decisions have to be made.
“This move will help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the service and mean that every base supports police forces 24hours a day.
"It is a move based on an analysis of potential threat, risk and harm to the public we serve.”