Sunday, May 25, 2014

How America Treats Illegal Aliens vs. Veterans

Illegal-Immigrants A government that fails to secure its borders is guilty of dereliction of duty. A government that fails to care for our men and women on the frontlines is guilty of malpractice. A government that puts the needs of illegal aliens above U.S. veterans for political gain should be prosecuted for criminal neglect bordering on treason.

Compare, contrast and weep:

In Sacramento, Calif., lawmakers are moving forward with a budget-busting plan to extend government-funded health insurance to at least 1.5 million illegal aliens.

In Los Angeles, federal bureaucrats callously canceled an estimated 40,000 diagnostic tests and treatments for American veterans with cancer and other illnesses to cover up a decade-long backlog.

In New York, doctors report that nearly 40 percent of their patients receiving kidney dialysis are illegal aliens. A survey of nephrologists in 44 states revealed that 65 percent of them treat illegal aliens with kidney disease.

In Memphis, a VA whistleblower reported that his hospital was using contaminated kidney dialysis machines to treat America’s warriors. The same hospital previously had been investigated for chronic overcrowding at its emergency room, leading to six-hour waits or longer. Another watchdog probe found unconscionable delays in processing lab tests at the center. In addition, three patients died under negligent circumstances, and the hospital failed to enforce accountability measures.

In Arizona, illegal aliens incurred health care costs totaling an estimated $700 million in 2009.

In Phoenix, at least 40 veterans died waiting for VA hospitals and clinics to treat them, while government officials created secret waiting lists to cook the books and deceive the public about deadly treatment delays.

At the University of California at Berkeley, UC President Janet Napolitano (former secretary of the Department of Homeland Security) has offered $5 million in financial aid to illegal alien students. Across the country, 16 states offer in-state tuition discounts for illegal aliens: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Utah and Washington.

In addition, the Rhode Island Board of Governors for Higher Education, the University of Hawaii Board of Regents and the University of Michigan Board of Regents all approved their own illegal alien tuition benefits.

In 2013, the nation’s most selective colleges and universities had enrolled just 168 American veterans, down from 232 in 2011. Anti-war activists have waged war on military recruitment offices at elite campuses for years. The huge influx of illegal aliens in state universities is shrinking the number of state-subsidized slots for vets.

In 2013, the Obama Department of Homeland Security released 36,007 known, convicted criminal illegal aliens, according to the Center for Immigration Studies. The catch-and-release beneficiaries include thugs convicted of homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, and thousands of drunk or drugged driving crimes.

The same Department of Homeland Security issued a report in 2009 that identified returning combat veterans as worrisome terrorist and criminal threats to America.

In Washington, Big Business and open-borders lobbyists are redoubling efforts to pass another massive illegal alien amnesty to flood the U.S. job market with low-wage labor.

Across the country, men and women in uniform returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan have higher jobless rates than the civilian population. The unemployment rate for new veterans has spiked to its worst levels, nearing 15 percent. For veterans ages 24 and under, the jobless rate is a whopping 29.1 percent, compared to 17.6 percent nationally for the age group.

A Forbes columnist reported last year that an Air Force veteran was told: “We don’t hire your kind.”

And last December, Democrats led the charge to reduce cost-of-living increases in military pensions — while blocking GOP Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions’ efforts to close a $4.2 billion loophole that allows illegal aliens to collect child tax credits from the IRS, even if they pay no taxes. The fraudulent payments to illegal aliens would have offset the cuts to veterans’ benefits.

America: medical and welfare welcome mat to the rest of the world, while leavings its best and bravest veterans to languish in hospital lounges, die waiting for appointments, and compete for jobs and educational opportunities against illegal border-crossers, document fakers, visa violators and deportation evaders. Shame on us.

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White People Be Playing the Race Card

Senator-Jay-Rockefeller-007 I’m old enough to remember when only black people called black people “Uncle Tom.” Democrats, however, long expanded the category of who can play the race card and on whom. Call them equal opportunity race-card players.

As with black race-card hustlers — say the Revs. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or any given host on MSNB-Hee-Haw — white race-card players label others “racist” for the crime of disagreement. As with black race-card hustlers, white race-card hustlers need not name names when accusing someone of “racism.” And, as with black race-card hustlers, the mainscream media will not bother to ask the white race-card hustler to identify said racists.

Some examples:

Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y.: When recently asked if his Republican colleagues were racist, Israel responded, “Not all of them, no. Of course not. But to a significant extent, the Republican base does have elements that are animated by racism.” “Not all” implies one or more is “animated by racism.” He never bothered to name names, let alone what “animated” the racist(s). The host did not ask.

Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va.: Only days ago, the soon-to-retire senator said that he can now speak out about the number of Republicans who oppose President Barack Obama because of his race: “It’s an American characteristic that you don’t do anything which displeases the voters, because you always have to get reelected here. I understand part of it. It has to do with — for some, it’s just we don’t want anything good to happen under this president, because he’s the wrong color.”

Former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, now a Democrat: Crist recently said that “a big reason” he switched parties was because of the way “some” people in his former party — Republican — treated Obama: “I couldn’t be consistent with myself and my core beliefs, and stay with a party that was so unfriendly toward the African-American president.”

Feminist attorney Gloria Allred, Democrat: After the election of George W. Bush in 2000, Colin Powell and Condi Rice, formerly with the Reagan administration, were considered likely to join the new administration. Allred, who then hosted a Los Angeles radio show, referred to them (not by name) as “Uncle Tom types.”

Former President Jimmy Carter, Democrat: He attributed opposition to Obamamcare and other Obama policies to racism. “I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama,” said Carter, “is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he’s African-American.

Racism … still exists, and I think it’s bubbled up to the surface because of a belief among many white people, not just in the South but around the country, that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country.”

CNN’s Anderson Cooper: When asked by embattled Clippers’ owner Donald Sterling whether there’s much prejudice in America, CNN’s Anderson Cooper replied, “Yes. … There’s institutional prejudice” in addition to the kind “that people have in their hearts.” In fairness to Cooper, Sterling did not ask him to name any “institution” — but it would have been helpful.

The Republicans-hate-blacks narrative remains crucial to maintaining the monolithic 95 percent Democratic black vote, without which the Democratic Party cannot succeed. Economist Thomas Sowell writes, “If Republicans can get just a fourth or a fifth of the black vote nationwide, that can shift the balance of power decisively in their favor.” As recently as 1956, nearly 39 percent of blacks voted Republican in the presidential election.

The next time a Democrat or member of media speaks darkly about these anonymous Republican “racists,” ask this question: Don’t Israel and Rockefeller, currently in office, have a duty to “out” these racists? Why allow known bigots to remain in government? Doesn’t morality require Crist, running as a Democrat for his old job as governor of Florida, to identify and help remove these racist elected officials? Aren’t these Republican “racists” — whose IDs are being protected by their Democratic colleagues — detrimental to the interests of the nation and serving in violation of their oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution? Doesn’t this oath mean protecting and defending the rights of all constituents irrespective of race — and exposing the “racists” who refuse to do so?

Why protect them? Why conceal their identities? Out the SOBs!

But, no. Democrats would rather just brand unnamed Republicans as “racist,” no matter how absurd or outlandish the charge. Given this tepid five-year-old “recovery,” the Obama-loving/leftist media/academia/Hollywood crowd cannot, during this off-year election cycle, brag about economic growth. So look for more topic-changers like “income inequality,” climate change and the eternal struggle against the unknown “racist” obstructionists who sit across the aisle.


Freedom Center pamphlets now available on Kindle: Click here .

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Live: European Election count in the North East

On May 22, voters in six North councils went to the polls to their say in local elections. At the same time, everyone in the region was given the chance to vote in the European elections. The North East’s three MEP seats in Brussels will be decided.

For the first time in many years, the European battle in the North East is set to throw up some interesting battles. Currently, there are three MEPS – one each for Labour, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats.

Adrian Pearson, the Chronicle and Journal's regional affairs correspondent, is hosting a live blog bringing updates, results and reaction from polling stations around the North East, bringing the results of the European elections count from across the region.

Read a full guide to the European elections here.

Live: European election results 2014 - latest updates as new MEPs are chosen

Photo of Chris Styles

Chris was appointed editor of the Evening Gazette in January 2012. He is also a former Gazette news editor. Chris has more than 20 years experience as a journalist and has previously worked in senior positions in Newcastle, Exeter and Nottingham.

Live: British Soap Awards - latest news, winners and commentary

Photo of Chris Styles

Chris was appointed editor of the Evening Gazette in January 2012. He is also a former Gazette news editor. Chris has more than 20 years experience as a journalist and has previously worked in senior positions in Newcastle, Exeter and Nottingham.

Norton born beauty queen is a contestant in the Miss England finals

Ellie Mae Potter, who was born and bred in Norton, Stockton, has qualified for the Miss England finals in Torquay in June

The Miss England crown could go to a Teesside-born beauty after she scooped a regional title.

Ellie Mae Potter, who was born and bred in Norton, Stockton, has qualified for the Miss England finals in Torquay in June after being crowned Miss York earlier this year.

The 18-year-old student left Teesside, aged 11, to study performing arts and musical theatre at the Ravenscourt Theatre School in Hammersmith, and now lives with family near York centre.

The Miss England competition is the only competition in the country that sends its winner to the famous Miss World Beauty Pageant.

Delighted with her success, Ellie said: “I was over the moon when they announced the winner, I’ve always watched Miss World growing up so I can’t believe it.

“I couldn’t speak at all. I can’t thank everyone enough. I’m so excited about the year ahead.”

Success in beauty pageants is something that runs in the family.

Ellie-Mae’s mum Samantha, 42, who runs the Samantha Moore Academy of Performing Arts, told how she was crowned Miss Ibiza in 1987.

She said: “I was 17 years old on holiday with my parents when somebody spotted me, I entered and I won it in August.

“But it’s much more complicated now, mine was straight forward - evening wear and swim wear - now there’s an eco round, a talent round and a sports round.”

The Miss England contest has evolved from a beauty contest into a competition in which contestants are expected to showcase a wide range of skills and interests.

“It’s not just about looking good in a swimsuit anymore,” says the website.

But for Ellie, the new emphasis on talent might just give her the edge when she competes in Miss England finals in Torquay between June 14 and 16.

Back in 2007, the Evening Gazette reported how, as a talented 11-year-old, Ellie’s singing, dancing and acting impressed a panel of celebrity judges and won her a scholarship at the esteemed London theatre school.

Ellie said: “My mum tells everyone her Miss Ibiza story - but it’s true about the contest being different now.

“I’m hoping I’ll do well in the talent round with my singing.”

Ellie spends half her time in York and half in Teesside with her family.

She added: “I live in York now but I travel back and forth - I like to make an effort to come back home.”

To vote for Ellie Mae Potter visit or for tickets to the final in Torquay call 01803 206333.

Stockton South 'could swing back to Labour', major survey finds

Survey of key marginals shows 6% swing away from Conservatives to Labour for the seat of Stockton South

The key parliamentary seat of Stockton South could swing back to Labour at the next election, according to a new poll.

The results of a major survey by Tory peer Lord Ashcroft indicate that Conservative James Wharton could fail to cling on to his wafer-thin majority.

The poll asked residents in 26 marginals which party they would vote for if there was a General Election tomorrow.

In Stockton South, 44% indicated they would vote Labour, compared with 34% supporting the Tories.

Just 6% indicated support for the Lib Dems while 14% backed UKIP, and 2% for other.

The poll will provide a boost for Louise Baldock, who is looking to regain the seat for Labour after it was lost in the last General Election in 2010.

Mr Wharton has a majority of just 332 after beating Labour’s Dari Taylor. Ms Taylor held the seat since 1997.

However the poll also contained some positive news for Mr Wharton.

When asked specifically about their own constituency, and taking into account the candidates, 36% of voters indicated they would vote Tory.

While still below Labour’s 43% for the same question, the share of the vote was the second highest of any Tory across the 26 marginals.

Stockton South, which covers areas including Yarm, Ingleby Barwick and Thornaby, is likely to be one of the most bitterly fought over at the next election.

Labour lists it as its seventh top target - needing a swing of just 0.3% to recapture the seat.

It has previously been held by both Tories and Labour.

The Ashcroft survey found that a third of voters (33%) in Stockton South said had been contacted by the Conservatives in recent weeks, compared with 17% who said they had been contacted by Labour.

Mr Wharton said: “The poll was done when Labour enjoyed a lead of around five points nationally and indicates we would need a significantly smaller national lead than last time to hold the seat at the next election.

“It also showed many more people hear from my local campaign than from Labour on a regular basis, indicating the all-important ground war is breaking in our favour.

“I am confident that when I stand on my record as a hardworking MP who is here all year round, not just as someone who turns up at election time, we have every chance of success.”

Responding to the poll, Ms Baldock said: “Having knocked on many thousands of doors already, I can say this latest poll broadly reflects what people are telling me.

“There is a strong feeling that the coalition has done nothing for the North-east. Unemployment is still too high particularly for young people.

“We are not complacent however, the only poll that matters will be on May 7 2015 and my team and I aim to have called at every home by then to listen to people’s concerns and views.”

Nationally, the survey put Labour 12 points ahead across the 26 battleground constituencies on 41% to the Tories’ 29%.

It found there was an average 6.5% swing from David Cameron’s party to that of Ed Miliband - enough to oust as many as 83 of the Prime Minister’s MPs and secure Labour a healthy Commons majority.

The poll was based on 26,025 adults, including 1,001 in Stockton South, being interviewed between March 31 and May 18.

British Soap Awards winners: Coronation Street's Hayley Cropper cancer storyline bags stars six awards - full results

Hollyoaks bagged two gongs, including Best Soap - with EastEnders picking up only two awards, too

Coronation Street stars David Neilson and Julie Hesmondhalgh cleaned up at the British Soap Awards 2014 with a total of six wins between them.

The pair played husband and wife Roy and Hayley Cropper in the ITV series for 16 years until Hayley's screen death from pancreatic cancer in January.

Neilson and Hesmondhalgh were awarded Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Dramatic Performance (Neilson), Best On-Screen Partnership, Best Storyline for Hayley's cancer and Best Single Episode for Hayley's death.

Hesmondhalgh said of not working with Neilson any more: "It's like a marriage. We went out for a pint in Manchester the other week, it was lovely.

"I told him all the gossip, even though I'm not in it any more I know all the gossip and he doesn't.

"That kind of working relationship comes once in a lifetime."

Neilson explained the toll the storyline had taken on him: "My personal life was a complete write off last year because I was living Roy's life."

He added modestly of the storyline: "I'm glad we got the result but I don't do pride much."

Corrie's other wins included Outstanding Achievement for Helen Worth who has played Gail McIntyre for 40 years, Best Comedy Performance for Simon Gregson who plays Steve McDonald and Sexiest Female went to Michelle Keegan for the sixth year running.

Hollyoaks picked up Best Soap and Danny Mac, who plays Dodger Savage in the show, held on to his crown as Sexiest Male.

The Channel 4 soap also got Best Villain in Anna Passey who plays Sienna Blake, and Ellis Hollins won Best Young Performance as Tom Cunningham.

BBC soap EastEnders got just two awards - Best Newcomer for Maddy Hill as Nancy Carter and Outstanding Achievement Off Screen for company manager Carolyn Weinstein.


Danny Mac - Hollyoaks


Michelle Keegan – Coronation Street


Anna Passey - Hollyoaks


David Neilson – Coronation Street


THE WINNER IS: Julie Hesmondhalgh – Coronation Street


THE WINNER IS: Simon Gregson – Coronation Street


Ellis Hollins - Hollyoaks


The Woolpack Flood & Siege - Emmerdale


David Neilson & Julie Hesmondhalgh – Coronation Street


Maddy Hill - EastEnders


David Neilson – Coronation Street


Hayley’s cancer – Coronation Street


Hayley’s death – Coronation Street


Helen Worth (Coronation Street)


Carolyn Weinstein (Company Manager – EastEnders)



* The British Soap Awards is on ITV tonight at 8.15pm

Union fears increased risk to public safety from rapists and paedophiles

Reforms to the Probation Service could see 'inexperienced' staff dealing with high risk sex offenders - according to anonymous officer

Fears have been raised that high risk sex offenders could pose serious danger to public safety as planned changes to the Probation Service go ahead.

Unions fear that privatising parts of the service this year could see inexperienced staff dealing with sex offenders - while one anonymous officer working for the Durham Tees Valley Probation Service fears victims could be at risk.

However a Probation Service spokesperson said that all staff dealing with sex offenders, including rapists and paedophiles, would be “fully qualified”.

Speaking to the BBC, an anonymous probation officer raised serious concerns that staff would only receive two days training to deal with sex offenders.

They said: “We are dealing with rapists, child rapists, paedophiles, people who have abused children. The staff are qualified but not with dealing with sex offenders.

“Because we are not equipped to deal with those people there is a fear we may not pick up on things... Our biggest worry is those people could reoffend and cause further harm to others.”

After May 31, the Durham Tees Valley Probation Service will no longer exist as a result of government reforms.

A smaller, national service will be created alongside 21 regional community rehabilitation companies - which will be sold to the private sector in October.

The local branch, based in central Middlesbrough, currently has a specialist Public Protection Team to deal with sex offenders.

However, according to Tanya Bassett, national official for the probation union Napo, these changes could see “generic” probation officers take on those cases.

“Durham Tees Valley were one of the last trusts to have a specialist team, but it has now been forced to hand out these cases to generic officers,” said Ms Bassett.

“It is not about how it impacts on the staff, and their case loads, but the fear of not seeing the risks from behavioural changes that those who are experienced in working with those offenders would.

“We are very concerned about these changes. We have taken strike action twice in the last six months - considering we have only taken industrial action five times in our 104 year history, you can see how strongly our members feel.”

A Probation Service spokesperson said: “Protecting the public remains our priority. All sex offenders will be managed by the National Probation Service by fully qualified probation officers. It is totally wrong to suggest otherwise.

“Introducing lie detector tests for high-risk sex offenders, with satellite tagging to track their movements, will give us one of the world’s toughest approaches to managing this group in the community.

“Together this will be vital in preventing sex offenders from leaving more victims in their wake.”

Woman airlifted to hospital after being thrown from horse Redcar beach

The rider was found unconscious on Redcar beach after the horse was spotted on the loose

A woman who was found unconscious on Redcar beach after falling from her horse has been airlifted to hospital.

The alarm was raised after a member of the public spotted the horse on the loose near the Sat 9.50am today.

Emergency services including police ambulance and the police helicopter were called following fears that the rider had been thrown from the horse.

She was found unconscious about half a mile towards South Gare.

She was airlifted to Middlesbrough’s James Cook University Hospital by the police helicopter.

Inspector Ashley Harvey said: ““Due to the location of the woman and the tide coming in the decision was made to transport the woman to hospital using the police helicopter instead of waiting for the air ambulance. A paramedic from the ambulance service also came in the helicopter with the woman.”

PC resigns after accessing confidential records for friends

Cleveland police officer Steven Meredith resigned after accessing records on the Police National Computer for friends and colleagues

A shamed police officer resigned from a force after illegally accessing confidential records for pals on the Police National Computer.

Steven Meredith, who worked in Stockton Police Station, in Teesside, passed on personal information to friends and former work colleagues.

On one occasion the 45-year-old sent a text to a friend giving details of a victim of an attack when they asked him for it.

In another incident Meredith, of Hilden Park, Ingleby Barwick, accessed the details of a motor vehicle for a former police officer who wanted to buy the personalised registration plate from the car.

Following a hearing in Newcastle distraught Meredith told the Sunday Sun the incident had ruined his life but says he was just trying to do his job.

Meredith, who previously had 13 unblemished years with the police, resigned from the force following the incident and he is now driving HGV trucks three times a week.

He said: “I’m just trying to make ends meet trying to pay rent. It’s difficult work I’m doing but you can’t pay a mortgage with it.

“You don’t know when you are going to be working.

“It’s absolutely destroyed me. I’m just picking the pieces up trying to get on with things now.”

Meredith says he’s lost everything.

He added: “I haven’t got the money I had or the life I had.

“It’s really affected every relationship.

“It has been absolutely horrific.”

Cleveland Police Force launched an investigation when they discovered the texts on Meredith’s phone, which had been seized in relation to another incident, for which no further action was taken.

At a hearing at Newcastle Magistrates’ Court Maimuma Bappa, prosecuting, said: “The defendant was arrested on June 5 last year. His mobile phone was taken by police. At this point officers discovered text messages from the mobile phone to individuals who asked for information.

“The information was held on confidential police computers and he passed on the information.”

Ms Bappa told the court that statements had been from all individuals involved who were shocked to find their personal details had been passed on. Meredith pleaded guilty to five counts of obtaining or disclosing personal information at the hearing. He has since resigned from the police force and is currently driving HGV trucks two to three times a week.

Lee Goodchild, mitigating, said: “This man has lost his personal life, job and respect. He’s lost everything. The offences took place two-and-a-half years ago and apart from this offence his record was impeccable.”

Magistrates sentenced Meredith to a six-month conditional discharge and a £15 victim surcharge. They didn’t award costs because of his limited means.

Meredith added: “I was nearly in tears in court. It brought everything back to me. I have had to live this every day for 17 months.”

A spokesman from Cleveland Police said: “Cleveland Police can confirm that a former Cleveland Police Officer has appeared at Newcastle Magistrates’ Court charged with a number of Data Protection Act offences in relation to accessing and disclosing information from police computer systems.

“Cleveland Police take seriously the need to safeguard personal information, and have systems in place to audit officer’s use of computer systems to safeguard personal data.

“This access to data in this case has been limited to three persons who have been contacted by Cleveland Police and are aware of this investigation.”