Based on the true story of the greatest treasure hunt in history, the film is an action drama focusing on an unlikely World War II platoon, tasked by FDR with going into Germany to rescue artistic masterpieces from Nazi thieves and returning them to their rightful owners
The Monuments Men. Pictured: (l to r) Sam Epstein, John Goodman, George Clooney, Matt Damon and Bob Balaban
George Clooney is a man of many talents – but whether he can ever become a great director is seriously open to question after this.
Based on a true story, The Monuments Men follows a platoon of men who bravely risk their lives to search for priceless art treasures plundered by the Nazis.
While its intent is laudable from start to finish, the pace of the movie is, as the uninspiring title probably suggests, pedestrian at best.
Long delayed, it is finally opening in the middle of three Second World War stories – after The Railway Man (recently overshadowed despite the brilliance of Colin Firth and Jeremy Irvine playing the same character) and before the February 28 release of The Book Thief, a highly spiritual reflection of death.
While it’s pleasing to see this period back on the big screen, The Monuments Men is comparatively unfocused, covering several years and half of Europe with little sense of real danger.
Much of the story could have been introduced with a prologue, leaving Clooney’s character Frank Stokes to either concentrate on one raid or the perilous journey of a particularly prized piece of art.
The all-star cast includes Matt Damon (James Granger), Bill Murray (Richard Campbell), John Goodman (Walter Garfield) and Hugh Bonneville (Donald Jeffries).
Damon’s performance flatlines – he’s unrecognisable as the star of pulsating war movies like Saving Private Ryan and Green Zone.
And you’d never guess that Cate Blanchett, as museum insider Claire Simone, is a best actress Oscar contender this year for Blue Jasmine.
The lesser known Bob Balaban, who plays Preston Savitz, looks more ready to take the lead role in a future biopic of Rupert Murdoch.
Senior citizens will enjoy this for what it is, but it could well tank at the British box office.
The Crate Escape it’s not.
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