Monday, March 3, 2014

Middlesbrough Council agrees 'savage' multi-million pound cuts to its services

3 Mar 2014 21:18

Councillors voted 30-10 for the budget recommended by Middlesbrough Mayor Ray Mallon, which will see 'savage' multi-million cuts to council services

Teesside People's Assembly organised a protest against Middlesbrough Council's budget cuts ahead of a council meeting

“SAVAGE” multi-million pound cuts to Middlesbrough Council services - and a hike in council tax bills - have been agreed.

Councillors voted 30-10 for the budget recommended by Middlesbrough Mayor Ray Mallon at a meeting tonight.

As a result of the agreed £14.9m cuts, there will be 600 council job losses as well as the closure of the TAD Centre, Register Office and Middlesbrough Teaching and Learning Centre.

A vote of 30-10 was also cast to agree a 1.82% increase in council tax. This will equate to a 57p per week rise on a Band D property.

“The cuts on the council are savage indeed,” said Mr Mallon.

“We have a difficult task ahead.

“This pain that this town and area has suffered is since the Coalition Government was formed.

“Their cuts are too quick, too deep and too savage - leaving us with no choice.”

Mr Mallon initally announced 40 council cuts in November. He later made changes to two following consultation.

The £14.9m cuts - in addition to more than £40m removed from the council’s budget over the last three years - will lead to the loss of around 300 jobs and the transfer of about 300 staff to other organisations.

The severe cuts are in response to the Government’s drive to reduce public sector spending, with Middlesbrough required to achieve total budget reductions of more than £67m over the next three years.

The changes to council services include reductions in grass cutting, grounds maintenance and litter picking, reductions in leisure centre opening hours and staffing levels and the contracting out of a number of services.

Before tonight’s meeting, an anti-cuts demonstration was held outside Middlesbrough Town Hall.

Steve Cooke, secretary of Teesside People’s Assembly - the group which organised the protest, said: “The cuts will cause hundreds of job losses and cut important public sevices in Middlesbrough.

“We feel that the Labour councillors should put up more of a resistance to what the Tory and Liberal Democrats are doing rather than just accept it.

“We want to show people care about this issue. It is not just a management techinical matter - people’s lives, healths and wellbeings are at risk.”

Mark Edmundson, area organiser for Unison, added: “These cuts will be hurting the most vulnerable people and front line services.”

At the meeting, among the 10 councillors against the budget and council tax proposals was Chris Hobson.

Conservative Councillor Hobson, who represents Marton West, said: “The people of Middlesbrough deserve better.

“I will not be voting for this budget.”

But John McPartland, Labour Councillor for Middlehaven, said: “I am going to support the budget.

“Those who oppose it should propose an alternative but of course they can’t do that.”

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