A nurse caught drink-driving has been struck off after it emerged that he has convictions dating back more than 30 years
Barry Payne was working as a community staff nurse in Middlesbrough when police saw him driving suspiciously and arrested him in October 2012.
He was fined £580 at Teesside Magistrates’ Court and disqualified from driving on November 9 the same year, the Nursing and Midwifery council heard. But a check of the Police National Computer showed Payne had convictions dating back to January 3 1984, when he was caught for attempted shoplifting.
The nurse was convicted of burglary and theft at Hartlepool Magistrates’ Court on August 21 1987 and was ordered to undertake 240 hours’ unpaid service. Payne had taken a Betamax video recorder, a Casio keyboard and 40 beefburgers.
He also received a 12-month conditional discharge from Newcastle Magistrates’ Court for obtaining property by deception.
He received a further conditional discharge for destroying property after he damaged a ground floor kitchen window, a front door window and a gas fire.
Payne faced four allegations at the NMC hearing in central London, which he chose not to attend.
Allegations that he was convicted of drink-driving and he failed to disclose his previous convictions to the NMC were found proved.
A single allegation that he failed to inform the NMC of the drink-driving conviction was found not proved after the panel ruled there was insufficient evidence.
In a written statement, Payne said: “I declared my first two offences but I am at a loss as to why I did not declare the other two offences.
“I have blocked a lot of my past out from my mind as there are things which I don’t wish to dwell on.
“I am ashamed and embarrassed about my criminal convictions and I wholeheartedly apologise if I have appeared deceitful.”
Panel chairman Susan Heards said: “The panel concluded that the impact Mr Payne’s misconduct had on his profession and the council, as a regulating authority, are fundamentally incompatible with Mr Payne remaining on the register and that the panel must consider a striking-off order.
“Although the panel has received no specific information about the potential impact of a striking-off order on Mr Payne in terms of the financial and professional hardship that this would create, the panel recognises and has borne in mind the fact that a striking-off order would prevent Mr Payne from pursuing his chosen profession and deriving an income from it.
“Nevertheless, the panel considers that in this case the public interest outweighs the interests of Mr Payne.
“The panel is of the view that Mr Payne’s actions, particularly the abuse of his position of trust, his failure to declare all of his convictions and his persistent attempts to minimise the seriousness of his convictions demonstrated a serious departure from the relevant standards as set out in the code and is incompatible with ongoing registration.
“Public confidence in the nursing profession and in the NMC as its regulator could not be sustained were the panel not to impose a striking off order.”
Payne was struck off the register and will not be able to apply for restoration for five years.
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