Monday, May 12, 2014

Man bit, kicked and choked ex with her own skirt - after she threw a 21st party for him

Anthony Winward, 21, 'flipped' and 'acted like a crazy person' :: Judge decides four months on remand is enough jail time

A violent partner hit, bit, kicked and choked his ex with her own skirt after she threw a 21st birthday party for him.

Anthony Winward was released from jail and ordered to do community work after a judge decided four months on remand was enough.

The 21-year-old and his girlfriend’s two-year relationship broke down after unreported domestic violence and his aggression on drink and drugs, a court heard.

He “flipped” after guests left a 21st birthday party she’d arranged for him on January 14.

The woman - mother of his one-year-old child - said Winward, who was drunk and had taken drugs, acted “like a crazy person” in an argument.

He grabbed her by the hair as she came down the stairs and pulled over the sofa, Teesside Crown Court was told.

Winward threatened the victim her child would no longer have a mother, prosecutor Emma Atkinson said yesterday.

He grabbed her by the throat, tried to choke her several times, punched her in the eye repeatedly, kicked her to the head and bit her right hand and left leg.

Winward wrapped a skirt around her neck and tried to choke her with it.

He took a phone from her and smashed it off the floor.

The victim had “significant bruising” and later said her child was affected by seeing her injuries.

Winward ran off. He tried to headbutt an officer and kneed him to the groin as he was arrested in the early hours.

Winward, of Dalcross Court, Hemlington, Middlesbrough, admitted assault causing actual bodily harm and common assault.

His only previous conviction was criminal damage, with a caution for battery.

Scott Taylor, defending, said Winward lost control when he drank too much.

He said: “He’s only been in court on one occasion.

“The most time he’s spent in custody before this was a night in the cells at Middlesbrough police station.

"He’s now been in custody for over four months, equivalent of an eight-month sentence.

"He missed his child’s first birthday whilst in custody.”

Mr Taylor said a further short jail term would achieve nothing.

Winward worked since he left school, though he was now on benefits, added Mr Taylor.

The judge, Recorder Patrick Palmer, said he initially thought it had to be prison for the sustained, serious assault.

He told Winward: “If it wasn’t for the fact you’ve already served an eight-month sentence of imprisonment, you would have gone to prison immediately today.”

The judge passed a nine-month prison sentence suspended for two years with 18 months’ supervision and 100 hours’ unpaid work.

He added: “You’ve been very lucky today. If you hadn’t spent that period on remand you’d be going directly to prison.”

Read more stories from Teesside's courts

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