Middlesbrough Council staff check for fly-tipped rubbish, and bags left by the side of bins - and make sure residents are recycling
Patrols target fly-tippers in Hemlington
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Families who leave rubbish by the side of their bins have been warned they could be fined if they continue.
Homeowners in Hemlington are being targeted in a crackdown on “flytipping” by Middlesbrough Council.
Weekly patrol squads will visit the area to check that residents are recycling waste, and removing fly-tipped rubbish.
Enforcement officers yesterday searched discarded rubbish bags to find evidence to identify who dumped it - joining refuse staff from the council and Erimus Housing, as well as local councillors, on patrol.
Householders not following the rules will be given advice or a warning letter.
But persistent offenders could be hit with a legal notice or end up in court facing a fine.
Councillor Tracy Harvey, the executive member for environment at Middlesbrough Council, said: “It is a pilot project to try and educate people - to not dump their rubbish, and to recycle.
“It will focus on ‘side waste’ – refuse left next to a bin because it won’t fit inside – as well as non-recyclable items being put into recycling bins and fly-tipping.
“All of these issues cause problems which are so easily avoidable – side waste can be avoided by simply contacting the council for an additional bin, for example.”
Cllr Harvey said she has seen a positive response from the majority of residents to the council’s recycling policy, which was brought in last August and sees weekly collections of general refuse and alternate weekly collections of recyclables and green waste.
Hemlington Ward Councillor Nicky Walker said: “We are targeting places that residents have been complaining about for 10 years. We are on Dallas Court today and that is somewhere that rubbish has been fly-tipped for a long time. It’s not a new thing and it’s nothing really to do with the new recycling system.”
One Dallas Court resident described the area as a “rubbish tip”, while enforcement officers rooted through bags looking for identification to track down the culprits.
Phil Armitage, an enforcement officer for Middlesbrough Council, said: “We have found letters with an address on, so we know where the rubbish is from and who is doing the dumping.
“We will help those residents who need it and give advice, but there are some persistent offenders - people we’ve been dealing with for five years or more - and they will face fines.”
The project was launched three weeks ago, and since then 129 bags of ‘side waste’ have been found at 33 different places.
The council’s enforcement team have also issued 21 warning letters and two legal notices.
If the patrols prove to reduce the amount of fly-tipping, side waste and increase recycling, the council will look to roll the scheme out into other areas of Middlesbrough.
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