Thursday, May 8, 2014

Shale gas mission lands key US link for NOF Energy

A fact-finding mission to find out more about US shale gas has gained NOF Energy a new member

A fact-finding mission to find out more about US shale gas has gained NOF Energy a new member.

Nearly two-thirds of the business development organisation’s 450 strong membership has expressed an interest in shale gas.

NOF Energy, which operates in the oil, gas, nuclear and offshore renewables sectors, led a delegation that visited Government departments, shale gas operators and supply chain companies in Oklahoma and Louisiana.

NOF Energy works closely with global partners to ease members’ access into overseas markets and encourage international trade - now, it’s welcomed Greater Oklahoma City Chamber to its members list.

George Rafferty, NOF Energy Chief Executive, said: “We are very pleased to welcome Greater Oklahoma City Chamber as a new member and look forward to working with the organisation as our latest global partner.

“This partnership is a further example of NOF Energy’s proactive approach to developing international business relationships. With the UK Government indicating support for the development of a shale gas industry in this country, it is important that we furnish those in the supply chain with the understanding needed to meet the requirements of operators.

“We are convinced that our members will benefit from this relationship with Greater Oklahoma City Chamber through an exchange of information and knowledge that will help firms take advantage of the work that will be generated by onshore gas extraction.”

Roy H. Williams President and CEO of the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber, said: “This partnership with NOF Energy will help forge a close connection between the supply chain in the UK and those involved in the energy industry, and in particular the shale gas industry, within our state.”

Mr Rafferty added: “There are a lot of companies operating in the energy sector that have the skills, products and services that are transferable into the shale gas market.

“More than 60 percent of members who responded to our annual survey expressed an interest in shale gas, so it is imperative NOF Energy harnesses expertise and knowledge to help prepare our membership for the opportunities that will arise from this emerging source of energy.

“Each new Global Partner that joins NOF Energy’s network adds a vital extra depth and dimension to the services, awareness and information that we are able to offer.”

NOF Energy offers business development support, advice and guidance for supply chain companies in the energy sector.

It also provides access to business opportunities, project updates and makes introductions between its members and prospective clients and partners.

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