Friday, May 23, 2014

Thug who attacked woman with belt then carried out sex assault in Stockton home is jailed

Nigel Turner, locked up for more than four years, claimed the attack was retribution for 'years of women walking over him'

A brute who beat a vulnerable woman with a belt and sexually assaulted her in her home has been jailed for more than four years.

Nigel Turner, 41, grabbed the woman’s hair when she refused his instructions to take her clothes off, Teesside Crown Court heard.

When she resisted his attempts to undress her himself, he slammed her face into a door frame in her Stockton home.

He took hold of her hair, held her down and repeatedly struck her front and back with a belt.

Turner said it was for “years of women walking over him”, said prosecutor Ian Mullarkey today.

The scared, bloodied victim described “shrinking inside herself” during the violence.

Turner then gripped her wrists, knelt over her and sexually assaulted her, making sexual comments.

When he stopped, he told her how he thought women should behave and let her leave.

She went to a friend shaking, shivering, crying and swollen.

She went to A & E at the University Hospital of North Tees with extensive bruising to her face and head and numerous marks to her chest, back and right thigh.

Police found clumps of her hair in the home from where she was grabbed and dragged in the attack on April 1 last year.

Turner told officers he carried out the sexual assault “to provoke a reaction” and wanted her to “give him some sort of validation”.

He knew she was a “fragile and vulnerable lady”, added Mr Mullarkey.

The woman later said in a statement she had no lasting physical effects but still had to live with the psychological repercussions.

She said it affected her daily life, behaviour and interaction with family, friends and others. She had sleep disturbances and nightmares.

She also struggled as she had to recount the details of her ordeal in a trial.

Turner denied assault causing bodily harm and sexual assault.

He claimed she was consenting and instigated or provoked what he did.

The jury convicted him on both counts. He was cleared on two counts of common assault.

The court heard he was of previous good character and references spoke highly of him.

Judge George Moorhouse jailed Turner, of St Heliers Drive, Sandfield Estate, Port Talbot, for four-and-a-half years.

Turner was also given an indefinite restraining order banning him from communicating with the victim or going near her or her home.

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