Once a “horror story”, Teesside Coroner’s Service is now a “success story” after a “staggering” turnaround, a meeting was told.
Acting senior coroner Clare Bailey gave a presentation on the new “streamlined” service to Middlesbrough councillors.
A new model, which is fully compliant with the Coroner’s and Justice Act 2009, has been introduced and Ms Bailey - working with Hartlepool Coroner Malcolm Donnelly - are swiftly tackling the backlog of inquests in the region.
At its worst there were 528 outstanding inquests but the total figure of open inquests now stands at 128 according to a new report.
In 2014, the average time taken to deal with new inquests after July 2013 was 14 weeks, however, when backlogs are taken into account, the predicted performance is due to be 30 weeks in 2014.
Ms Bailey said: “The improvements that have been made are a team effort - the Coroner’s Service, Middlesbrough Council and Cleveland Police. We have now got a very motivated team.
“Mr Donnelly is dealing with enhanced cases - deaths in custody (prison or mental health institutions) - and with some of the older cases. I’m getting on with the newer cases and some of the older ones.
“We’re getting through them quickly but still being thorough. We’re a very good team.”
She said that the new model reduced the number of natural causes deaths and chronic alcohol deaths coming through to the Coroner’s office which lowered the overall number of inquests.
Another change she noted was that professionals no longer needed to attend inquests simply to read out their statements.
Financial control has also been handed over to the local authority.
“These things can only benefit the people of Teesside,” said Ms Bailey, who said the coroner’s office team meets regularly with the police and council.
Karen Whitmore, assistant director of organisation and governance at Middlesbrough Council , said the reduced average waiting time of 14 weeks meant that Teesside is now the fifth or sixth best in the country.
She said the council was also putting together a business plan for Teesside and Hartlepool Coroner’s services to merge which will be sent to the Lord Chancellor to decide.
“It is very clear from the evidence seen so far that there seems to be support for a merger,” she said. “There will be a 20% saving if we merge with Hartlepool.”
Cllr Frances McIntyre, chairwoman of the Community Safety and Leisure Scrutiny Panel, said: “It seems to be a much more streamlined service and much more integrated. This is really, really good news.”
Cllr Ron Lowes, who represents the Acklam ward, said: “It used to be a horror story the Coroner’s Service in Teesside and now, as it has been highlighted in The Gazette, it’s a success story.”
Cllr Brian Hubbard, who represents the Beckfield ward, said: “The turnaround is staggering. To go from the bottom to one of the best is staggering and the team should be congratulated for tackling it so well.”
Former coroner Michael Sheffield - who had received several years of criticism from families and MPs over the amount of time inquests were taking to conclude - retired from his role in April, aged 83.
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