Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Marton artist Adam Clarke finds his muse in the history of East Cleveland

A Teesside born artist found the muse for his final year exhibition at the Royal College of Art (RCA) in the history of East Cleveland.

Adam Clarke, 28, graduated with an MA in Fine Art (Printmaking) from the RCA, London, last week.

As part of his final year master’s degree show at the RCA, Adam has turned his hand to recreating 1930s Teesside furniture, re-imagining a traditional folk dance and painstakingly drawing photo-realistic scenes of East Cleveland.

The Middlesbrough-born artist has based his work on a project that took place in 1930s East Cleveland called Boosbeck Industries.

Boosbeck Industries was formed in May, 1934, when Major Jim and Ruth Pennyman, started a series of schemes to boost the East Cleveland’s economy after unemployment soared to 91%.

The modernist designs of Boosbeck Industries furniture became iconic but sadly, the company was a commercial failure and few original examples exist today.

Adam, from Marton, Middlesbrough, said: “The designs were cutting edge at the time because of the influence of a German artist called Wilf Franks.

“Franks was from the Bauhaus school in Dessau, Germany, and his input meant that the Boosbeck designs were influenced by Bauhaus school.”

The Bauhaus, or the International Style as it was often called, avoided ornamentation and focussed instead on the function of an object.

As part of his final year master’s degree show at the RCA, Adam faithfully recreated one of the original Boosbeck designs, changing only the surface finish to show how far ahead of its time Boosbeck Industries were.

He said: “I have recreated some pieces using the same methods the craftsmen would have used back in the 1930s.

“I had to recreate the furniture from an image in a brochure. The funny thing is when you give it a gloss finish, you’ve basically got Ikea furniture.”

Adam also teamed up with dance students from Teesside University to re-imagine a traditional folk dance.

He said: “I worked with six dancers and a choreographer to recreate the no longer practised North Skelton Sword Dance.

“The original folk dance only exists now in documentation and so we created a semi-fictional contemporary version.”

A video of the dance was projected into the hollow of Adam’s recreation of Boosbeck furniture.

“It can take days to finish one drawing, my art is about work in many ways. Putting time and effort into my work is important to me,”

Adam’s work has been selected to exhibit at the prestigious Screaming Hornets show, at the Tintype gallery, London, September 5-27, 2014.

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