Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Middlesbrough Mayor announces plans for almost 7,500 houses at ground-breaking first filmed council meeting

At a ground-breaking premier filmed meeting of Middlesbrough Council, Mayor Ray Mallon set out his plans to boost the number of the houses by almost 7,500 in the town.

He told a packed council chamber that the local authority had four sources of funding: Government grants, council tax, business rates and fees and charges.

These break down as £70.3m from Government formula grants (35% of the working budget); £41.1m from council tax (21%); £19.1m from business rates (10%); and £67.9m from fees and charges (34%).

He said that the population of Middlesbrough has dropped from 160,000 to 139,500 which equates to a £8m fall in Government funding.

“The more people we bring to live here the more money we get from Government grants,” said Mr Mallon.

Mr Mallon revealed that he believed the council can build 306 houses from different bands by 2019, 2,614 between 2019-2024 and 1,830 by 2025-2029. Increasing the number of houses equates to more people in the town and more funding from Government and council tax, he added.

He said the biggest challenge the authority faced was spending on adult social care and looked after children.

The meeting was filmed by three cameramen from around the council chamber for the local authority to upload onto its website. The media and a member of the public in the public gallery also filmed proceedings.

It follows new rules brought in by the council after a row broke out over the issue in May.

John King, who refused to stop filming when asked by new chairman, Cllr Bob Kerr, at the AGM on May 14, was not at last night’s meeting but said he was “glad to hear” that the meeting was filmed by the council, media and the public.

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