Thursday, August 21, 2014

Albert Park fountain back in action after being repaired following vandalism

A fountain at the heart of a historic Middlesbrough park is back in action following repair work.

The popular feature in the town’s Albert Park became clogged with soil and debris earlier this month as a result of anti-social behaviour.

When the council was alerted to the problem by a park user, arrangements were made to strip and clean the water system and filters to rectify the problem.

Blockages have been cleared, debris including socks, jumpers and other objects removed and nearby flowerbeds – believed to be the source of the soil – have been grassed to deter future vandalism.

Park staff will undertake daily checks to ensure the water feature continues to function freely, and deal with any further issues as they arise.

Park user Mike Dunn, who alerted the council to problems with the fountain, said: “I’m grateful to the council and its contractors for putting in a lot of effort to overcome the water flow problem.

“The fountain is once again a real centre piece and a credit to the park.”

Councillor Tracy Harvey, Middlesbrough Council’s executive member for Environment, said: “Our parks are rightly popular with the many thousands of people who use them all year round, and when users bring issues to our attention we will always endeavour to address them.

“The problems with the Albert Park fountain were the result of unacceptable anti-social behaviour but I’m pleased to say we have been able to resolve them and take steps to prevent them occurring in the future.

“Extra patrols and inspections will ensure the fountain remains in operation for many years to come.”

The Albert Park fountain was built in 1869 and was fully refurbished in 2013 following damage sustained during the extremely cold winter of 2009/10.

The refurbishment programme in 2013 included the replacement of the fountain’s pipework and electrics, and the installation of new pumps and filtration units.

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