The mileage claims submitted by the councillors and Mayor Mallon over the period in question include:
:: Claimed seven miles for attending a remembrance service in November 2012. At 40p a mile, this equates to £2.80.
:: Claimed eight miles for watching the Olympic Torch arrival in Middlesbrough in June 2012 = £3.20.
:: Claimed seven miles to attend a Christmas concert = £2.80.
:: Claimed 12 miles to attend Armed Forces Day in June 2013 = £4.80.
:: Claimed 10 miles to watch the Olympic Torch arrival in June 2012 = £4.
:: Claimed 10 miles to attend Thornaby Mayor Mick Eddy’s funeral in August 2012 = £4.
:: Claimed 60 miles to go to a Battle of Britain ceremony in September 2012 = £24.
:: Claimed 10 miles to attend a press call at Stewart Park = £4.
Mileage was paid at 40p a mile prior to October last year.
Since then it has been paid at 45p a mile.
Total cost of mileage claimed in 2012-13:
:: Cllr Brady £485.60;
:: Cllr Brunton £416.40;
:: Cllr Budd £488.80;
:: Cllr Harvey £812;
:: Cllr Lowes £507.60;
:: Mayor Mallon £1,224;
:: Cllr Walker £256;
Total cost of mileage claimed in 2013-14:
:: Cllr Brady £522.50;
:: Cllr Brunton £263.25;
:: Cllr Budd £1,000.30;
:: Cllr Harvey £562.35;
:: Cllr Lowes £380.30;
:: Mayor Mallon £1,409.80;
:: Cllr Walker £396.10;
These mileage expenses are on top of the basic councillor allowance of £6,129.96 for Cllrs Brady, Brunton, Budd, Harvey, Lowes and Walker and Mayor Mallon.
On top of these in 2012-13 Cllr Harvey got a special responsibility allowance of £5,371.95, Cllr Brunton received a SRA of £12,260.04, Cllr Budd got a SRA of £18,390, Cllr Lowes got a SRA of £3,069.96, Cllr Walker got a SRA of £12,123.82 and Mr Mallon got a SRA of £61,299.96.
In 2013-14 Cllr Brady received £6,129.96 BA and £2,698.50 SRA, Cllr Brunton got £6,129.96 BA and £12,260.04 SRA, Cllr Budd got £6,129.96 BA and £18,390 SRA, Cllr Harvey got £6,129.96 BA and £6,129.96 SRA, Cllr Lowes got £6,129.96 BA and £511.66 SRA, Mayor Mallon got £6,129 BA and £61,299.96 SRA and Cllr Walker got £6,129.96 BA and £12,260.04 SRA.
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