A retired nurse from Redcar is joining the People’s March for the NHS on Saturday.
Cecilia Elliott worked for the NHS for 40 years and did her training at Middlesbrough General Hospital.
“We should try and save the NHS. It’s being fragmented quite stealthily and privatisation is creeping in,” said Cecelia, who is married to Adrian and is mum to Faye John, a community psychiatric nurse, and Lee John, who sadly died when he was 22.
Cecilia’s mum, Bridget Ginty, was a midwife, and her dad, John Ginty was on the management committee at the inception of the NHS in 1948. He was at the official opening of Middlesbrough’s South Cleveland Hospital - now James Cook University Hospital.
Cecilia, a volunteer for the charity, Homestart, and Adrian are taking part in the first leg and the last leg of the march.
The People’s March starts in Jarrow on Saturday and finishes in London on September 6.
Locally it will pass through Darlington and Northallerton on Tuesday and Wednesday.
It has been organised by the 999 Call for the NHS, a group of mums concerned about the future of the UK’s health service.
Among the marchers will be members of the Green Party including David Masterman, the prospective Green Party candidate in the Middlesbrough mayoral elections in March next year.
He said: “I have many personal reasons to be thankful for the existence of the NHS, as myself and several close family members have been the beneficiaries of the care and expertise of NHS staff in past years, and as such I will be showing my support by taking part in the march between Darlington and Northallerton on Tuesday.”
The NHS was founded by Nye Bevan in 1948 and was formed on three core principles:
1. The health service will meet the needs of everyone;
2. It will be free at the point of delivery;
3. Healthcare will be delivered according to clinical need, not the ability to pay.
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