Saturday, August 16, 2014

Teesside special needs support group is hoping for the help of your Wish Sport tokens

A support group for young people with additional needs is hoping to continue helping families with the aid of this year’s Wish Sport campaign.

Formed in 1999, SNAPS,is a parent led group otherwise known as Special Needs Activities with Parents Support.

The group, which is run by volunteers, provides activities for all the family where there is a child or young person with a disability or a special or complex need.

With the help of SNAPS, more than 300 families are able to spend invaluable quality time together and enjoy the activities provided at various venues in the Tees Valley.

Having entered The Gazette’s Wish Sport campaign last year and using that money to help continue the regular sporting activities, the group has entered again to help them continue with their work.

Ruth Benson, who runs the group, said: “Our much used equipment needs replacing. Any money we receive from this year’s Wish Sport campaign will be used to continue to provide various sports for our families who can share quality time together swimming, ice skating, bowling and learning football skills.

“The money would also be used to buy new footballs for the different age groups as well as a variety of beach balls for swimming activities.”

The Gazette has teamed up with Middlesbrough and Teesside Philanthropic Foundation, which is providing £30,000 to share between groups across Teesside.

Tokens are being printed in The Gazette every day for groups to collect. The more collected, the greater the share of the prize pot.

This year the tokens collected will be worth a share of £25,000, with the remaining £5,000 up for grabs during two online bonus days.

All groups will be in with a chance during the bonus days to win a share of the additional money pot – the four that receive the most votes on will get the cash.

Steve Gibson, whose Teesside-based firm Bulkhaul is a patron of the Philanthropic Foundation along with Middlesbrough FC, said: “Middlesbrough FC exists not simply for what can be achieved on the pitch on a Saturday afternoon but to make Teesside a better place to live.

“We are a force for good in the local community. Both the football club and Bulkhaul are proud to be working with so many like-minded business and individuals in supporting the Philanthropic Foundation’s outstanding work.

“Wish Sport is another excellent example of it, helping grassroots sport thrive.”

To help SNAPS, send your tokens to: 16 Hillside Road, Norton, Stockton on Tees, TS20 1JG.

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