Thursday, September 4, 2014

Controversial green wedge housing scheme in Yarm recommended for approval

Revised plans for a 14-home residential development on green wedge land off Busby Way, in Yarm, will be considered next week.

The controversial application was due to be heard by Stockton Council’s planning committee last month, but was withdrawn after it came to light the site boundary did not connect with the adopted highway.

This meant the plans did not allow for proper access into the site.

The agent submitted revised details which connect the site up to the adopted highway and the council has been re-consulting with residents.

As reported, a number of objections have been raised against the scheme.

Concerns relate mainly to being no need in Yarm for more housing, impact on the green wedge and on the Tees Heritage Park, the impacts of additional traffic, the impacts on wildlife movement and on the privacy associated with nearby properties.

Yarm Town Council has objected on the grounds that “the increased traffic on an already narrow road would lead to even more traffic congestion causing problems on Glaisdale Road as well as Busby Way” and on the grounds of “over development of the site”.

Yarm councillor Andrew Sherris said the development of 14 homes “will have little effect” on boosting the borough’s five year housing supply.

But Stockton’s planning officers have again recommended outline permission be granted with conditions.

A report to the committee said: “The proposal to carry out a residential development in the green wedge and within the Tees Heritage Park is contrary to policy.

“However, in view of a recently approved scheme adjacent, it is considered that this scheme would not add any notable further detriment to these designations beyond that which would occur as a result of the approved Mount Leven scheme.

“The outline application has adequately demonstrated that 14 properties could be constructed on site whilst achieving adequate spacing for privacy and amenity for existing and future occupiers of properties, providing adequate access, parking and private garden areas.”

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