Boosting the image of Middlesbrough in a magazine which will cost up to £40,000 is the latest idea from council chiefs.
Middlesbrough Council’s Executive will meet on Tuesday to discuss whether or not to approve a one-year pilot to deliver a quarterly magazine - Middlesbrough is Changing - to all residents.
There would also be an e-version, to be more widely circulated, and branded signs to be displayed across the town.
A quarter of the cost of the project has already been sourced from partners, says chief executive Mike Robinson in his report.
The total cost of production and delivery is anticipated to be £40,000 maximum and “unlikely” to reach that figure.
So far, £10,000 has been secured already and further contributions will be sought.
The balance of any costs of the magazine will be met from existing council advertising budgets.
It has been recommended that the Executive approves the pilot scheme.
And a report is brought back to Executive in 12 months to evaluate the result.
Mr Robinson said the reasoning behind the pilot is to “actively promote the town, assist in attracting investment, raise community awareness, improve accessibility to employment and deliver key messages i.e. Public Health advice to every home in Middlesbrough”.
He cited several recent developments in his report which could be promoted in the magazine.
They included the new STEM building at Middlesbrough College, work on Southfield Road, new Sainsbury’s supermarket at Middlehaven, and Jomast’s agreement to the renovation of Bedford Street to complement nearing Baker Street.
The new Middlesbrough is Changing brand has already been rolled out.
Several sites are exhibiting signs produced by the council.
The authority is also working with private sector house builders for the inclusion at locations such as Grey Towers Village and Brookfield.
Mr Robinson added that the university is “keen” to adopt the Middlesbrough is Changing information to assist with undergraduate recruitment and their wider publicity.
The four shopping centre owners have also agreed to use empty window spaces to put up displays demonstrating how the town is changing.
They are also keen to use the Love Middlesbrough brand within their centres, he adds.
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