A drunk punched a pal because he was walking too slowly as they headed home after celebrating on New Year’s Eve.
Streetcleaner Ronnie Knight was ordered to pay his victim £750 compensation for breaking his jaw.
The 21-year-old, from Eston, will pay it at £40 a month. He was also given a suspended jail sentence.
Prosecutor Paul Lee said that the men had been friends for 16 years and they had been to two house parties and a social club before Knight attacked him.
They were walking back to the victim’s flat where they had begun the night’s celebrations because Knight had asked to borrow his laptop.
Mr Lee said: “The defendant became agitated at the speed they were moving and he asked the victim and his girlfriend to hurry up.
“He pushed the man and punched him on the right side of his jaw causing immediate and intense pain.
“He staggered and the defendant struck him again in the face. The defendant walked off.”
The victim went to hospital and his jaw had been broken in two places.
Knight was interviewed on January 3 and he said he became upset over what he saw was slow walking by the injured party.
They had an argument and he said he felt threatened and he punched out in self defence.
Andrew White, defending, said that Knight had no previous convictions and he bitterly regretted what had happened.
He had shown genuine remorse and he wished to apologise because they had been friends for years.
Mr White said that Knight was an apprentice with the council cleaning the streets and working towards a qualification in Environmental Services.
“Alcohol was the trigger and clearly that is an issue that needs to be addressed and he is committed to addressing it,” he said.
Judge Michael Taylor told Knight: “The argument may have come about as a result of you taking too much alcohol, but this is a serious offence.
“There is a starting point of 18 months custody with a range of one to three years inside.
“If I lock you up you will be a drain on the State.
You have no previous convictions, you gave an early guilty plea and you are working so all that goes in your favour.”
Knight, of Castleton Road, Eston, was given a 12-month jail sentence, suspended for two years with supervision.
He was ordered to pay £750 compensation after he admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm assault.
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