Saturday, October 4, 2014

Mark Proctor wants Middlesbrough FC to develop their own unique anthem

There's been a lot of talk about low crowds and the poor atmosphere at the Riverside Stadium lately and you can’t deny it is a real problem.

Maybe it is apathy, maybe it is the price, maybe it is results. Maybe it is a bit of all those.

Whatever it is, there’s no getting away from the fact that at Boro, 15,000 people are lost in a 35,000-seat stadium.

You need an atmosphere. That is part and parcel of why fans go to games - and the lack of it seem to be a big problem across football right now.

It is not just Boro. You see Anfield and Old Trafoord and Highbury on television and they are big clubs with big crowds but apart from when the home side score all you can hear on the box is the travelling fans.

We saw that at Liverpool in the League Cup: Apart from ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone” before kick-off, all you could hear was Boro fans singing.

A lot of my friends - diehard Boro fans - tell me they prefer away games now because the atmosphere is better.

It feels like a day out so there is a bit of a buzz and all the lads who like to sing and chant are concentrated together.

And I must say from my time as a player and in the dug-out as a coach, the Boro fans away from home have always made a fantastic noise.

You can really feel it. It makes the hairs stand up on your neck and gives you an extra spring in your step on the pitch.

What we need is to get that kind of atmosphere at home games too.

I always think it is brilliant when a crowd has a club song that everyone sings and identifies with. It unites everyone before kick-off and turns the volume right up. It sounds brilliant and it drowns out the away fans.

Even now after all these years it is incredible to hear “You’ll Never Walk Alone” at Anfield but they are not the only ones.

Sheffield United sing a version of “Annie’s Song,” Stoke have “Deliah” and Manchester City sing “Blue Moon”.

I really wish Boro had a unique anthem that the fans could belt out. Not clap along to but really raise the roof singing.

I have always thought that and a couple of years back, when I was in the dug-out, I tried to make it happen.

I tried to push for “Steel River” by Chris Rea.

I thought it would be perfect. It’s a distinct song. He’s a Middlesbrough lad. The lyrics are a celebration of the people and the industrial landscape of the area. You couldn’t get more Teesside if you tried.

I know a lot of young people might not have heard of Chris Rea or the song but I thought we could educate people, we could have the lyrics in the programme and on the big screen and that if we hammered away at it then everyone would quickly learn it and it would soon become our unique anthem.

Imagine if they cut the music on the PA at 2.55 and everyone stood together and roared that just as the team came out. It’d be fantastic.

As I say, I pushed for it, but it never quite happened. I don’t know why.

But something needs to be done. When the ground is flat you can really tell in the dug-out.

We all could - although we were all local lads and ex-players so maybe we could read it a bit more, pick up on it if there was a some tension or nerves in the air.

You can get the players pumped up going out there but if the team don’t score early on, or if there are a few mistakes and the opposition have a few chances then you can feel the positive pre-match energy quickly evaporate.

I’m not sure the players feel it in the same way. A lot have come from smaller clubs here or abroad so for them 15,000 may feel like a massive crowd.

For us who remember the buzz of a full house of 35,000 excited to watch Juninho or Ravanelli or Viduka, the same crowd is bound to feel flat.

The thing is, football is an expensive day out now and people need to feel they’re going to get their money’s worth before they buy a ticket.

It’s not like spending £30 to watch a stage show or a concert when you know exactly what you are getting. Football can’t guarantee that. Even Man United can’t these days.

Football is different because if it is poor, not just the result but the performance, it isn’t just a waste of money. It can ruin your Saturday night. And your Sunday too. The whole town is miserable if Boro are losing.

And even if Boro get a good result you can still come away feeling flat if the atmosphere hasn’t been great because being part of a crowd with a bit of a buzz is a part of that.

It is hard to know what the club can do about it. We can’t rent a crowd.

Or make them sing.

I suppose at the end of the day it is about results.

People want to see the team win and win well.

If Boro start to put a run of results together at home and get some momentum it helps convince the fans that there is something starting to happen they can believe in and want to be part of.

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