Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Autumn Statement RECAP: How did the North East fare in George Osborne's announcement?

Chancellor George Osborne delivers his final autumn statement at 12.30pm today before what will be a pivotal General Election next May.

He will announce a raft of spending plans, as well as trumpet how well the economy is doing, but Labour MPs are sceptical about the pace of financial change for families in the North East.

This is a day of full Parliamentary theatre as George Osborne squares up against Ed Balls, the shadow chancellor and this live blog will bring you minute by minute updates.

Expect to hear how the economy is growing faster than any other G7 power, with PM David Cameron claiming this shows the Coalition's long term economic plan is working.

Labour will say borrowing is still higher than predicted and that the Government has failed on its deficit reduction targets.

But for people in the North East the big draws today will be an expected announcement on business rates and stamp duty, which follows news on the dualling of the A1 and NHS spend was already announced this week.

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