A shop assistant has told how she tackled a robber armed with a screwdriver in a raid on a Middlesbrough store.
Karen Croker, of Longford Street, Middlesbrough, was working behind the counter at AJ Convenience Store in Crescent Road, Ayresome, when the shop was targeted.
The mum-of-three told how a man came into the store with his hood up and lunged across the counter after paying for some sweets.
But the robber fled after Karen bravely fought to stop him stealing cash from the till.
Karen Croker
Yesterday Paul Hatton, of Park Road North, Ayresome, appeared before Teesside Crown Court where he admitted robbery, attempted robbery, attempted burglary and having two offensive weapons which were never found.
Speaking after the hearing Ms Croker, 45, said: “He came in and I didn’t even feel suspicious - he asked whether our boss, John, was in - I said no.
“He bought an item and left it on the counter. Then he bought some chewing gum and put that on the counter. Then he just lunged forward and stuck a screwdriver in the till to stop me from closing it.”
Ms Croker, who has previously worked as a barmaid at Inn Off The Park on Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough, added: “I didn’t have time to think. I just tussled with him for a couple of seconds until the till ended up crashing onto the floor and he fled.
“That’s when my daughter, Zoe, who also works at AJ’s, came through. All my family have told me since that I should have just given him the money.
“My boss always says, if anything happens, just give them the money. I don’t know why I said no. But it was that fast that was just my reaction - it was just instinct.”
Paul Hatton
Teesside Crown Court was told Hatton was high on drugs when he carried out the robbery at about 6.50pm on January 4. He then tried to rob another shop owner before attempting to burgle a third in the space of just over six hours.
After carrying out the failed raid at AJs he attempted to rob Jawaad Ahmed, at the Gresham Food Store on Gresham Road at 8.30pm.
He pulled a weapon described as a sledgehammer from his jogging bottoms, said prosecutor Paul Lee.
He lunged at the shop owner, who jumped over the counter and ran from the shop after he was told to “open the till” leaving Hatton to flee empty-handed after falling over a heater.
He was arrested on Linthorpe Road hours later at 1.10am after smashing a window at the EE shop.
He told officers: “Yeah I broke the window. I did AJ’s and Gresham Road too” and then said “I just want to go to prison”.
A statement by Karen Croker read out in court said: “This has happened to me before and for it to happen a second time has really had an impact for me.
“I need my job. I don’t want to quit. Every time a customer comes in I remember the incident.
“It was very scary. I have nightmares about it and it brought back memories of the last one.”
Hatton, who had 70 previous offences including supplying Class A drugs, had just been released from a prison term for burgling a shop.
John Nixon, defending, said Hatton, who had long-term drug addiction issues, acted “utterly and totally out of character” with no previous violence on his record. He showed regret and remorse and knew the awful fear he had put the victims through.
He said Hatton had worked hard and brought up a family in a seven-year period, but lost his job and relationship and went into “complete decline”.
At the time of the offences he was at an emotional low, had taken substances and remembered nothing of what happened, leaving him “in a state of shock and utter bewilderment”.
The judge, Recorder Sarah Mallett, said the robbery offences were frightening, though they were short-lived and no one was injured.
She said: “These are small shops which are open late to provide a service to the local community.
“Both of these attacks were during the hours of darkness.”
She took into account his genuine remorse, difficult history and personal struggles, and said he was capable of being a responsible, hard-working person and he empathised with the victims.
She jailed him for five years.
Speaking after the case Mr Ahmed, 20, the owner of Gresham Food Store on Gresham Road, Middlesbrough, said: “I was cashing up and writing the figures in the book when this customer came in.
“He seemed normal. He said he was cold, which it was, then he started to come around the back of the counter where I had a heater.
“I looked at him and said, ‘what do you want?’”
“Then he pulled a sledge hammer out of his trousers and told me to open the till. I just jumped over the counter and, as he came forward, he tripped over the heater.
“I ran out of the shop and across the road and the lad ran out of the shop after me.
“When I went back inside, there was a load of receipts coming out the till. He must have just pushed a load of buttons and hadn’t been able to open it - he left with nothing.”
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