Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Your School: Badger Hill Primary - Brotton


School:  Badger Hill Primary School

Address:  Marston Road, Brotton TS12 2XR

Head teacher:  Heather Rowe

What are your school aims/policies?  Our motto is: Creating Our Future, We strive to ensure that all children are equipped with the confidence and skills to enable them to be successful now and in the future.

What were you rated in your last Ofsted?  Good. They said: “Pupils are courteous, have good attitudes, form positive relationships and show great keenness to do well in their work. They achieve well and clearly enjoy their learning”.

Do you have a school council? If so, what are they currently working on? We have house captains and Rights Respecting Schools Representatives who work on a variety of initiatives both in school and in our Community. Our Rights Reps have joined with other schools to form the East Cleveland Children’s Council which will help children in East Cleveland and Guisborough to have a say in what happens in our communities.

The Rights Reps choose a Unicef Right of the Child each month. They introduce the Right in Assembly and display signs around school to help everyone understand and remember the right. This helps us to make sure we promise to show the behaviour that ensures other children in school have their right met as well as helping other children around the world to have that right through fundraising. Our house captains help children in their houses to be the best they can be in school. They are there to set a good example, motivate people in their houses to get house points, support everyone in their house and to help staff to deliver the house assemblies.

What after-school clubs do you run?  Lego, football, netball, reporters, maths challenge, dance, gymnastics - it changes each term.

Tell us something we didn’t know about your school?  Our Year 1 children are performing their dance in front of a large audience at the Sports Partnership awards. We have just appointed some Better Badgers from our Y3,4,5 and 6 children to help children who are feeling lonely at playtimes.

Our houses are named after explorers: Hilary - mountaineer; Sharman - space; Cook - sailor; Shackleton - land.

The children raised lots of money through sponsored reading to send a cow, donkey, sheep, goat and four chickens to a village in Africa so families there can produce food and earn money so they can afford to let their children go to school.

Our caretaker, Mr Shimwell, awards the Golden Broom to the class with the tidiest cloakroom each week. Our lunchtime supervisors hand out Golden Tickets to people showing excellent behaviour. In assembly the tickets are picked out to see who will be on the Lunchtime Golden Table for that week.

Tye, Y6 said: We are really kind.

Liam, Y2 said: People don’t know that there is a secret button to let visitors out of school!

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