A campaign to save the last community pub on Stockton’s Hardwick Estate from closure has won the backing of an MP.
More than 900 people have liked the Facebook page set up to save The Sheraton Pub, which is said to be earmarked for a new children’s nursery opposite the University Hospital of North Tees.
The Hardwick Estate recently lost its second-last pub and local people are incensed that they could now lose the Sheraton as well.
The Sheraton Pub
On Friday night locals packed into the pub alongside Stockton North Labour MP Alex Cunningham and local councillors to sign a petition and show their support to the Sheraton.
Alex and Hardwick and Salters Lane councillors Nigel Cooke and Norma Stephenson are calling on Stockton Council to reject any application to remove the covenant on the pub, which would stop it being converted for any alternative use.
At the public meeting they were told the pub owners, Lancashire-based Trust Inns, could sell the premises to a private nursery company.
It is understood Rosedene Nurseries want to convert the pub into a nursery to provide services for younger children following the closure of the nursery at North Tees Hospital.
Alex today spoke with Lynne D’Arcy, managing director of Trust Inns, and said she confirmed the pub had been sold subject to contract – even though it was not on their list of premises to be sold.
There have been no planning applications to convert the building into a nursery, but the premises are protected by a covenant which restricts the use of the premises to that of a public house.
Alex Cunningham in the pub with petition alongside leader of Stockton Council Cllr Bob Cook and Cllr Norma Stephenson
If Stockton Council refuses to lift the covenant, the project would not be able to go ahead, say campaigners.
Alex said: “Developers and the local authority have invested millions of pounds to redevelop Hardwick estate and it would be a major blow to local people to lose their last community pub.
“Whilst I appreciate there is a need for increased nursery provision in the area, sacrificing the last pub in the area is not the way to meet it.”
Urging people to sign the petition the Sheraton’s Facebook page says: “We as a community lost The Falcon Pub, The Hardwick pub, a long time ago The Roseworth pub - why should we all sit pretty and let our last estate pub be taken from under our noses? Why take away our last place to chill and socialise?”
Gemma Hawkes, who works at the Sheraton, said: “People don’t want to go into town to drink - but this is the only pub we have left in Hardwick.”
A spokesperson from Stockton Council said: “We have received a request to amend the covenant and this is currently being considered.”
Trust Inns and Rosedene Nurseries are currently unavailable for comment.
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