Thursday, March 19, 2015

Solar eclipse: Warning to protect eyes ahead of Friday's phenomenon

Stargazers on Teesside eagerly awaiting the solar eclipse on Friday have been warned to protect their eyes during the phenomenon.

Our region will join the rest of Northern Europe and be cast into almost total darkness during the solar eclipse, which occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth.

The solar eclipse is expected to begin just after 8.30am and to peak at around 9.40am, finishing at roughly 10.45am.

Almost 94 percent of the Sun’s light is expected to be blocked during the event, which has not been seen from Middlesbrough since 1999.

While it may be tempting to brush off warnings against looking up at this eclipse bare-eyed, local opticians are urging people to take due care as the light from an eclipse can damage your eyes causing solar retinopathy.

This damage is often painless, so people don’t realise what they’re doing to their vision.

David Stockton store director of Specsavers in Middlesbrough said: "A solar eclipse of this scale and coverage is something not to be missed but the public should be aware of the risks of looking directly as the Sun and how to make sure they are not left with any long-lasting damage.

"It is vital that you protect your eyes as the Sun’s UV radiation can burn the retinas, leading to permanent damage or even blindness. This can occur even if your eyes are exposed to direct sunlight for just a few seconds.

"You should never, under any circumstances, look directly at the Sun without the appropriate protective eyewear.

"Observations from the last solar eclipse in 1999, highlighted a surge in patients with possible solar retinopathy after viewing the eclipse, so without dramatising the dangers, we are asking the general public to be aware and stay safe."

The only way to view eclipse safely is to project or filter the sun’s rays. This can be done through eclipse glasses or welder’s googles, experts say.

Police are also advising motorists to take care.

Officers are urging drivers and those on the school run to be careful in the potential darkness, and to not look directly at the sun.

Inspector Ed Turner, from the Cleveland and Durham Specialist Operations Unit, said: “Make sure you are prepared for the eclipse by wearing bright clothing when walking children to school and if driving be sure to turn on your lights and take extra care.”

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