Steel unions have dismissed the Government’s fast-tracking of a compensation scheme in this week’s Budget, claiming the move will be a mere “blip” on company balance sheets.
The Community union says the move represents a “fraction” of the support needed by big energy users faced with cost burdens and competition from abroad - and the government has “missed its last opportunity to stand up for steel.”
The scheme will be brought forward to this October instead of next April to help ease the burden of green taxes on steel producers, chemical firms and others, at a cost of £25m.
Responding to the announcement, Roy Rickhuss, General Secretary of Community, said: “This government has missed its last opportunity to stand up for steel.
“Bringing forward a fraction of the support for energy intensive industries will just be a blip in the balance sheets of UK steel producers who are struggling to compete with companies in France or Germany.
“For the past five years, along with major UK steel companies, we have been calling for action. Yet again George Osborne hopes that a line in his Budget will be enough to keep an industry quiet.
“Through our Stand Up For Steel campaign we have left the Government in no doubt of the importance of the steel industry to the UK economy, to supply chain industries and to families and communities.
“This is not a party-political issue. We call on whichever government elected in May to bring forward the full energy intensive industry compensation package and ensure the UK’s ability to compete abroad and at home with foreign imports.”
Steelmaker SSI’s John Baker said: “Whilst we welcome any positive proposals by government, this is of relatively small benefit. “There are much more important issues, such as level of business rates and the burden of cost we face from environmental legislation on carbon emissions.
“We support the increase in green legislation that’s coming out, but there is time and costs attached to it.”
Tata Steel said the benefit to be felt by the Chancellor’s announcement was “very limited” - an estimated four to five times less than if he had implemented support against other green levies.
And NEPIC (North East Process Industry Cluster) chief executive, Stan Higgins, also claimed the move was “small beer” when compared to the process industry’s overall energy costs.
Cost savings from the fall in oil prices had not yet started to feed through to those Teesside companies that are tied into long-term energy contracts, he said.
Teesside’s heavy industries had joined others around the country in voicing concerns about possible job losses and cuts caused by the high bills.
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