Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Teesside’s latest Deal or No Deal contestant wins just 50p - and he’s spent it already

Student Jack Sinclair hoped an appearance on a TV show would earn him enough cash to change his life.

But the 20-year-old was left just 50p better off thanks to Deal Or No Deal - and he’s already spent his winnings.

Psychiatric nursing student and part-time senior carer Jack Sinclair was left “gutted” when his game of on the Channel 4 show left him with just £1.

But things got even worse for Jack when he gambled his meagre winnings with one final swap, only to see his grand total slashed in half, leaving the former Nunthorpe School pupil with just 50p.

Despite his bad luck, he has remained philosophical about his big TV moment.

Jack, from Ormesby, Middlesbrough, said: “If you win £100 or more, it goes through by bank transfer which can take a couple of days. If you win less than £100 they give you it that day in cash.

“At least I got mine on the day, there’s that I suppose. I put it towards a bottle of champagne - it probably paid for about one sip.”

The show sees contestants opening a series of boxes each with a cash amount ranging from 1p to £250,000 written inside. Players eventually win the amount in a box they selected at the start or accept one of a number of offers from “the banker”.

Jack said: “I went in with the idea that I was going to win £75,000 - I’d had a dream about it. But things weren’t destined to be lucky on that day.

“I had no system - it’s a game of chance - I was just unlucky.”

TV Grab from Deal or No Deal featuring Jack Sinclair from Teesside who won 50p TV Grab from Deal or No Deal featuring Jack Sinclair from Teesside who won 50p

But for upbeat Jack, the experience of appearing on the hit show was compensation enough.

“I’m massively thankful for the experience,” he said, “That meant more to me than the money.

“It was a kind of a big blur. I went down for 10 days, we stayed in a really nice 4-star hotel, they put a group together that gets on really well with each other and the company puts money behind the bar.

“You kind of go into a bubble where you live and breathe Deal or No Deal.”

While obviously disappointed not to have won a life-changing amount, Jack is now keen to move on and concentrate on his studies at York University.

He said: “We’re all a bit gutted but I’m going on holiday in three weeks which I’m looking forward to.

“My plan now is to get my head down at university, qualify, and go on from there.”

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