Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Adopting digital could bring multi-million pound boost to Tees Valley

The digital initiative - Get Your Head Into Digital - sees five weeks of free digital skills workshops being held for businesses in Middlesbrough, Stockton, Hartlepool, Darlington and Redcar and Cleveland.

It’s hoped more than 200 companies will adopt digital technologies as a result of the workshops, allowing them to work smarter, increase turnover, reach more customers and grow profits.

Experts at Tees Valley Unlimited today revealed that if the initiative achieves its aims then the Tees Valley economy could benefit by more than £10m over three years through job creation, higher profits for businesses and wages for staff.

More than 100 businesses have registered to attend the workshops and more are registering every day.

There are said to be around 4,300 businesses in the Tees Valley who have no effective digital presence and low or basic online skills – based on the Lloyds Bank UK Business Digital Index, although it’s believed this figure could be much higher.

Get Your Head Into Digital aims to change all that.

The programme is part of the Government’s national SME Digital Capability Challenge Programme and is being run by Teesside’s DigitalCity and the Tees Valley Business Compass.

The workshops cover a range of topics including getting your business online, selling online, using social media to reach more customers, business banking online and accessing business files from any device anywhere in the world.

Michael Ryding, Director of DigitalCity, said: “There are a huge number of economic benefits to businesses of all sizes and sectors in using digital.

“The figures speak for themselves. Those businesses which have a digital presence are more profitable than those that don’t.

“Digital technologies are tools which help businesses to operate more effectively – it doesn’t matter whether you’re a sole trader or running a traditional business employing a team of staff, the workshops offer real skills that can help you grow your business and operate more effectively.”

The Tees Valley Unlimited figure of £10m was based on information from the Office for National Statistics and industry and government reports showing the potential profitability of businesses with a digital presence compared to those without.

Nationally around a third of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) don’t have a website. If voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSEs) are included the figure rises to 50%.

Independent analysts Booz and Co. estimate full digital take up could add £63 billion value to the UK economy.

Find out more and book a place on a workshop at


One of the companies already using digital to boost its turnover is Stockton-based Evolution Valves .

The company has embraced digital ever since the company launched five years ago.

The business produces engineering valves with a whole host of different uses in industry.

Its use of digital marketing techniques, website and Skype for meetings has supported the company to a multi-million pound turnover.

Evolution Valves director Peter Cone said: “When we started up the company we recognised straight away that we wanted to stand out.

“We decided that we wanted to get a good click marketing campaign so we looked at IT to enhance our image and reputation.

“Use of digital allowed us to compete effectively - as a young company we were at a disadvantage so it was important to establish some credibility to catch-up to the established businesses.”

Evolution Valve’s growth has been meteoric.

By using digital marketing techniques the company has operated in profit every year and is on target for a £3.5m turnover.

The company has also opened an office in Houston, Texas in the US and now employs 16 people.

Peter said: “I think the greatest thing use of digital has given us is recognisable credibility.

“By having a strong digital presence people have a lot more confidence in us and what we do.

“We export 70% of what we produce so our customers very much recognise the value of what we do digitally, and because of our digital presence they feel confident that we’ve got the ability to develop to the quality they need.

“We use 3D visualisation of our valves and the website is a tool that the customers use for verification – it’s a tool that people can use to confirm that we are the right supplier, it’s very important.

“The 3D graphics are much more versatile than a traditional technical drawing. 3D has a stronger message and helps the end user to realise the flexibility of what we’re selling in a very pleasing manner.

“Then, for our direct marketing sales campaign, we use digital images and visualisations which we download on to YouTube .

“We also live and breathe Skype here.

“We have customer meetings and board meetings on Skype which has proved invaluable in speaking with our US office.”

Peter has a message for businesses which are unsure how best to use new technologies.

He said: “If you’re unsure about how to use digital just experiment with the media that’s out there to see what works for you - and don’t be afraid of it.

“I think people understand the use of digital for the consumer, more than for example in the area in which we operate – the traditional engineering marketplace.

“But every marketplace is adopting these technologies now so it is important not to be left behind.

“If you’re not using digital then you are immediately putting yourself at a disadvantage.”

For more information about Get Your Head Into Digital call 01642 384068, email or visit the website

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