Thursday, April 2, 2015

Burglar left DNA after breaking into Eston house because of local cannabis farm rumours

A burglar blew it when he broke into a house that he believed was a drugs farm, a court heard today.

The address in Avondale Close, Middlesbrough, was boarded up but it was rumoured locally to be a cannabis grow.

Heavy cannabis user Liam Taylor, 21, pulled a board away from a window but he cut himself scrambling through before finding nothing and leaving a trail of blood.

Prosecutor Rachel Masters told Teesside Crown Court that Taylor, who had a previous conviction for aggravated vehicle taking, was identified and traced from the DNA link.

He said that he targeted it on January 20 after hearing the rumours because he was smoking a lot of cannabis.

Miss Masters added: “He said in interview that someone had told him that the person who lived there had stored a lot of cannabis.

“He denied having stolen anything from the premises.”

Nicola Horton, defending, said that the address was known in the area as a grow house for cannabis.

Taylor was in a confused state on the day that he went there and he left without finding anything.

She said that his partner was pregnant with their second child and he now had a seven day a week job, both of which had made him stop using cannabis.

The judge told him that he had come near to going to prison.

Judge Howard Crowson said: “It was deliberate and you targeted the place thinking that you might get some cannabis.

“As the father of two young children, it is essential that you play a more responsible role in society.”

Taylor, of Welton House, Fulbeck Road, Middlesbrough, was given an 18-month community order with a Thinking Skills programme and £85 costs and £60 Victim surcharge after he pleaded guilty to burglary.

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