A petition has been launched to save a piece of Billingham’s history.
Network Rail plans to close and demolish the railway signal box on Station Road in the town and replace it with a modernised lighting system, which is controlled remotely.
But campaigners say that to remove the signal box and adjoining footbridge, which has been in place for more than 110 years, would see Billingham lose a part of its heritage.
Andy Armitage, 34, lives close to the structure and said he hopes that the community can think of a way to save it once it becomes redundant.
Mr Armitage said: “It has been there for more than 110 years, it’s an iconic structure and it has to be one of the oldest buildings left in Billingham.
“Whatever the plan for it is, the signal box and footbridge should be saved.”
Mr Armitage, who works as a teacher for people with special needs and learning difficulties, has launched an online petition which has already attracted more than 840 signatures, and created a Facebook group to discuss the issue.
And he believes that the signal box could be transformed into a cafe, shop or other business to save it for future generations.
“I have seen it before in other towns, and I think it could work in Billingham, but we’d need people to come forward and do it,” continued Mr Armitage.
“It is a unique structure and quite different to a lot of others locally and across the country, it is worth saving.
“Hopefully our petition will show Network Rail that people are serious about saving it.”
A spokesman for Network Rail said: “As part of our plans to improve and modernise signalling across the network we are replacing old signal boxes such as the one in Billingham with a new system that will be controlled remotely from York, with redundant signal boxes then removed as it would prove expensive and dangerous to keep the building standing once its operational life has ended.
“Any members of the community who wish to enquire about this signal box should contact Network Rail on 03457 11 41 41.”
You can find Mr Armitage’s petition by searching for Save Billingham Signal Box on Facebook.
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