Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Redcar mum turns the tables on hairdresser in charity head shave

A mum who lost her hair when suffering with brain tumours has turned the tables on her hairdresser - after picking up his clippers and shaving his head.

Melanie Hennessy was diagnosed with brain tumours in 2009, and during her treatment relied on hairdresser David Taylor when her hair began to fall out.

But David was the one in the seat at Copper House hair salon on Baker Street when the 43-year-old shaved his head - to raise money for Brain Tumour Research through an umbrella charity she set up called MINE (Money is Needed Everyday).

Melanie, from Redcar, said: “When I was poorly, I knew my hair would come out so David cut it short for me.

“He always sorted it out for me which was brilliant when I needed it.

“It’s fantastic that he has decided to shave his head now. It felt good to have the clippers in my hand, but I was nervous in case I hurt him. But I think it definitely suits him!

“I am very grateful to David for raising money for the charity.”

Melanie Hennessy, 43, of Redcar who is battling various brain tumours and is turning the tables on her hairdresser, Dave Taylor. They have raised £1100 for him to have his head shaved at The Copper House hair salon, Baker Street, Middlesbrough VIEW GALLERY

David, 35, from Redcar, who set up Copper House with Steve Barker four years ago said: “It feels a little bit prickly now.

“I was dead nervous all day, but then when I actually got to it I wasn’t as bothered.

“I’ve known Mel for a long time and I wanted to get sponsored doing something for the charity. A lot of clients have pitched in, it’s been great.”

David raised more than £1,100 for the MINE charity.

Melanie was diagnosed with two serious brain tumours in November 2009.

She went on to have a major operation to remove 30% of a large tumour and series of tomotherapy - a type of radiation which treats hard-to-reach tumours and reduces radiation exposure to nearby healthy tissues.

She now has yearly MRI checks to check on the three tumours that she continues to live with.

Her fundraising has since helped to raise more than £13,000 for Brain Tumour Research through her umbrella charity.

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