Thursday, December 11, 2014

RSS secret agenda unmasked; pracharak claimed 40K conversion last year

Rajeshwar Singh, the RSS regional pracharak of western UP, in a letter to probable donors, has claimed that, nearly 2,000 were Muslims were converted to Hinduism during last year alone, out of 40,000 people approximately.

Rajeshwar Singh, regional chief of Dharma Jagaran Samiti, Western UP, based in Madhav Bhavan, Jaipur House, Agra, sent the copy of the letter which makes this claim.

“Last year there were paravartan (homecoming) programmes in 20 districts, in which 40,000 people returned to the fold of Hinduism, and out of them, there were 2,000 Muslims. In 2014, our target is higher. We have to hold more than 50 such events and bring nearly one lakh Christians and Muslims to our fold”, writes Rajeshwar Singh.

“As you know, much money is spent on such programmes, and we have to collect money from (Hindu) samaj, and the samaj willingly donates. Now, since more people will do the homecoming at more places, more money will be needed for such programmes…..I would therefore request you to contribute to these programmes.

“We expect you to foot the bill for at least one such event and contribute towards the upkeep of one full-time worker.

“It costs Rs 2 lakhs annually to support one worker who works on Christians and Rs 5 lakhs annually to support one worker who works on Muslims. We need such donations in the least”, writes Singh.

The Dharma Jagaram Samiti, Western UP, names Dr Manveer Singh as district convenor for Aligarh, Ajay Jalesaria and Abhiram Goel as co-convenors, Kashinath Bansal as Treasurer and Brajesh Kantak as metropolitan convenor

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