Thursday, December 11, 2014

US-led drone attack kills 5 Afghan students

This file photo shows American drones in Afghanistan.

A US-led drone attack has killed five Afghan students in the country’s northern province of Parwan.

Authorities say the strike, which hit the Siahgard town on Wednesday, was meant to target Taliban militants, but killed the students instead.

Locals say the students were preparing for their yearly exams in a garden at the time.

The incident is the latest in the US-led drone attacks in Afghanistan that have claimed many civilian lives so far.

The US carries out targeted killings through drone strikes in several Muslim nations such as Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somalia.

Washington claims the targets of the drone attacks are militants, but local officials and witnesses maintain that civilians have been the main victims of the attacks over the past few years.

The United Nations and several human rights organizations have identified the US as the world’s number one user of “targeted killings,” largely due to its drone attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan.


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