Thursday, January 29, 2015

Inquiry into proposed housing development on Great Ayton farmland is extended

An inquiry into a proposed housing development on farmland has been extended.

An eight-day appeal hearing over Hambleton District Council’s decision to refuse permission for 113 homes to be built on Great Ayton land farmed by the Phalp family was meant to conclude last week.

But with the time allocated for the appeal proving to be insufficient, it has now been adjourned until March 12 when there will be a two-day extension to conclude the hearing.

The Phalp family was overjoyed when plans to build 113 properties on the land they farm at School Farm, off Station Road in the village, were refused by Hambleton District Council last year.

But with Gladman developments lodging an appeal, the ongoing hearing will determine whether the initial refusal will be overturned.

“It would rip our hearts out,” said Kath Phalp, whose family face the prospect of losing their livelihood if the plans were given the go ahead.

Her husband Mark added there has been “extreme pressure put on our family and the business” by the ordeal.

The appeal opened on January 14 and at the Civic Centre in Northallerton.

But due to the “overwhelming” support the Phalps have received from villagers, it had to be moved to the Golden Lion in the town.

The family have farmed and lived at School Farm for more than 24 years. They also run a popular farm shop on the land.

But in 2013, Gladman submitted an application to build 113 homes on the site.

And in September last year, the company also submitted an application to demolish the farm buildings.

A second appeal against the non-determination of this application within eight weeks has also been submitted by Gladman. This will take place from May 21.

Formerly part of the Fry estate, the land is owned by the Ward family. Gladman has been handling the plans on their behalf.

“The overall vision for the site is to provide a distinctive and high-quality place, which enhances the qualities and character of Great Ayton village,” read the design and access statement, which outlines the potential development.

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