Things are getting better – or so we keep being told.
House prices are slowly starting to creep up, the jobless figures are falling and the economy as a whole is one of the fastest growing in the developed world.
So is it a good time to fix your mortgage rate?
That's the question I’m most commonly asked and, to be honest, it's a good one.
The Bank of England base rate has been at 0.5% since 2009 and not many of us expected it to go that low in the first place.
The general consensus is that it only has one place to go from here. So that suggests you should fix, right?
Well not necessarily, and I'll tell you why.
But first let me get my disclaimers out of the way. This is by no means right for everyone – each person’s situation is unique to them. This is simply some food for thought to discuss with your adviser.
So, let’s look at the case for variables.
Firstly, they’re cheaper.
It seems like an obvious point, but it's the biggest plus.
Especially at higher loan-to-values, there’s a considerable difference between the payments on, for example, a two-year fixed rate mortgage and a two-year variable. The money you save with a variable rate mortgage could go towards repaying the mortgage more quickly, or even paying off other debts charging you higher interest rates, thus helping your monthly cash flow when they've gone.
However, variable rates can go up, but will they increase that quickly?
I could never guarantee they won't, but logically, any rate rises are more likely to be baby-steps than giant leaps forward.
That’s because our economic recovery is based on consumer spending – that's you and me buying things.
For example, say I go on a shopping trip on the bus to Middlesbrough and spend £100. My money goes to five shopkeepers, who in turn pay ten workers that day.
Those workers then go shopping themselves – and so the cycle continues. That’s consumerism, and it's what the government wants.
If my lender increases my mortgage payment, however, that extra money goes straight to the bank.
Of course, it benefits the economy because the banks also pay staff but, for obvious reasons, bank profits haven’t been a major government concern since the crisis of 2009.
Rate rises are likely to come, but I’d expect them to be gradual.
We've become used to cheap money, and if everyone’s mortgages were hiked by three percent overnight, there’d be a dramatic drop in our non-essential spending.
That would inevitably leads to job losses, falling house prices and the threat of a return to recession. Nobody wants this, and that's why it’s far more likely to happen gently over a period of time. For this reason, if there’s a big difference between the fixed rate and the variable rate available to you, it could be worth the risk.
Another very good reason to consider a variable rate is that some lenders don't tie you in to the deal.
It’s a bit like having the best of both worlds.
You benefit from a cheaper variable rate, but if you think rates are going to go up, you can jump off and go onto a long-term fixed deal instead.
This isn’t without its risks. I suspect the vast majority of people will want to switch away from these deals when their payments rise.
However, when they emerge into a post-rate rise market, it could be more expensive for them to fix their mortgage rate compared to when they took out their original mortgage deal.
Fixed rates are competitive at the moment and being on a variable rate doesn’t give you the same ability to budget.
This is something you need to factor into your short and medium-term planning.
There are pros and cons on both sides of the Fixed v Variable debate, which is why it’s important to get expert help before you decide.
If you’re looking for stability and to be able to plan by knowing exactly what you’ll be paying out each month, it might be a good idea to choose a fixed rate deal. But if your budget allows it, and you don't expect rates to go up any time soon, a cheaper variable deal might well be worth discussing with your adviser.
Matthew Grayson is employed as a mortgage adviser at Bob Little & Co Ltd Call 01642 477758 to speak with an advisor about your personal circumstances.
Please be aware: your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. This article is intended to provide generic information only and it should not be relied upon as a recommendation or advice.
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