The new tax year is upon us and, with it, the much vaunted and eagerly anticipated new Pension Flexibility Rules which become effective from 6 April.
The new rules apply only to defined contribution (money purchase) schemes, including personal pension schemes.
The most heavily publicised of the changes is the facility to draw income from a pension fund at whatever rate you choose until the fund has been exhausted. The idea is that we will all be free from the need to purchase an annuity and will be able to deal with our pension funds as we see fit.
There are, however, several things to bear in mind:-
• Apart from the tax-free lump sum, pension benefits are assessable to Income Tax and will, therefore, it will make sense to limit the rate at which income is withdrawn in order to avoid paying tax at the higher rate.
• Ideally, a pension plan should provide an income that lasts as long as you do. If the fund is depleted too quickly, you may run out of money. Once it’s gone, it’s gone!
• An annuity, although much maligned in the press, can guarantee an income for life and will remain an appropriate choice, if only as part of the over-all retirement strategy, for some individuals.
The pension contributions annual allowance will remain at £40,000 for 2015/16 except for individuals who have drawn income under the new flexible pension benefit rules for whom contributions to defined contribution schemes, including personal pension plans, will be restricted to £10,000.
The new tax year will see a significant improvement to the treatment of pension funds on death, including the potential to pass them down several generations. Where the pension scheme member dies under age 75 the pension funds will generally be available free of tax to their chosen beneficiaries, whether taken from crystallised or uncrystallised funds and as a lump sum or as income.
Where death occurs after the attainment of age 75 income drawn from the pension fund will be taxed at the beneficiary’s marginal tax rate and any lump sums taken will be taxed at 45%. The intention is that the rate will change from 45% to the recipient’s marginal rate from tax year 2016/17.
A further improvement will be the widening of the category of individuals who can receive a pension from a deceased person’s income drawdown pension plan to include non-dependants.
Until the end of the current tax year, only a dependent beneficiary has had the option to use their share of the deceased’s pension plan to provide income.
The term dependant includes legally married spouse or civil partner (but not an unmarried partner), children aged less than 23, children aged over 23 who are dependent due to disability or any other person who was financially dependent on or interdependent with the member due to disability.
From 6th April 2015, a deceased person’s pension fund will be able to be used to provide a pension for a dependant or a “nominee”.
A nominee is any person nominated by the member or nominated by the scheme administrator although a nomination by the administrator over a dependant or over an individual or charity nominated by the member.
The new rules also introduce the category of “successor” of the member.
A successor is someone nominated by a dependant of the member, by a nominee of the member, by a successor of the member or by the scheme administrator. As with nominees, a successor nominated by the scheme administrator will not take precedence over a successor nominated by the current beneficiary.
Where no nomination is made, the scheme administrator will distribute the pension benefits as it sees fit.
One aspect of the nomination of dependants, nominees and successors which requires care is its treatment for Inheritance Tax (IHT) purposes. Nominations under the current rules are not binding on the scheme administrator which means that they do not form part of the nominator’s estate for IHT purposes. However, it appears that the new rules may remove the scheme administrator’s discretion, potentially leading to an IHT assessment on the benefits. Further clarification is needed on this point but a way around the issue may be for the individual to complete an Expression of Wish form which is not binding and preserves the discretion of the scheme administrator.
The rules governing pension benefits and contributions are particularly complicated and are an area in which professional advice is essential.
For expert advice on the new pension rules call Mercury Wealth Management Ltd to arrange an appointment.
Tel: 01642 670307
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