Club name: Submit 2 Success/Urban Gurillaz BJJ
Address: Victoria Park Community Hall, Peel Street, Thornaby
Tell us about your club: Submit 2 Success is a non profit healthy lifestyle and fitness social project using the sport of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and No Gi Submission Grappling as means of delivery. The concept comes from Brazilian social programmes endorsed by LUTA which aim to reduce crime, substance misuse, anti social behaviour and negative choices in the favelas. I thought if it works in Brazil, it can work here in UK. We aim to promote health and fitness, confidence and instill what is known as “the bjj lifestyle” to the young people we work with. Our target age range is 13-19s which is completely free thanks to our funders at public health, Thornaby Town Council and Thirteen Group, we also have Urban Gurillaz which is our early intervention project for six to 12-year-olds. S2S is linked in part to that of the bigger Team Platinum Middlesbrough BJJ which is our parent club.
How often does the club meet? Team Platinum meets weekly and at various locations across Middlesbrough and Thornaby, we all chip in and do our bit in various areas of the club. S2S however is for 13-19s. Kids Monday - 5.15-6.15pm Kids Thornaby VPCH (Victoria Park Community Hall) Martin Ashton Purple Belt, 6.15-7.45pm Adults Thornaby VPCH Martin Ashton Purple Belt; Wednesday Submit 2 Success NO GI 13-19s Only - 5.30-6.30pm Thornaby VPCH - Ralph Presgrave Purple Belt, 6:30-8:30pm Adults BJJ Thornaby (VPCH)Will Smith Brown Belt; Thursday - 6-7.45pm NO GI Middlesbrough Fight Academy- Linthorpe- Jamie Taylor - Purple Belt; Friday - 5.15-6.15pm Urban Gurillaz Kids BJJ Team 6-12s Thornaby (VPCH) Ralph, 6.30-7.45pm Submit 2 Success Project GI Thornaby (VPCH) 13-19s only Ralph; Saturday noon-1.30pm No Gi Middlesbrough Fight Academy; Sunday - noon-2pm Middlesbrough Fight Academy Linthorpe- Middlesbrough Jamie Taylor Purple Belt.
No. of people in club: Exceeding 100 over various team sites and projects.
When did the club start? Submit 2 Success and Urban Gurillaz started in 2009 when Ralph Presgrave was working for Stockton Borough Council as a youth worker and developed it as a seven week pilot after it had finished Ralph saw potential and took voluntary redundancy and set it up as a voluntary community organisation, we have had many funders over the past five years including Thirteen Group, Sported, Comnunity Development Fund and most recently Elected Members Fund which Cllr Walmsley has worked with them on which has allowed us to develop the Wednesday NoGi Programme which is startied this month.
What are the club’s key achievements or have you or your members won any awards? Collectively Team Platinum have won numerous British titles, bronze, silver and gold medals from competitions up and down the country, some of Jamie and Marty’s guys travelled to Portugal for European Championships last month, Sub15 Lightweight Blue Belt Championship belt holder, Stockton Borough Council’s nominated Club of the Year 2012 two of Martin’s Children’s Team Alex Williams and Max Ashton flew out to California for the Kids Pan IBJJF Jiu-jitsu Championship to compete at the world championships. Alex won the gold medal in the junior category and Max won the bronze medal in the teenager category.
Any other information you want to include? We are just a group of really good friends who have trained together a lot, we welcome anyone to train with us. We all train at each other’s sessions and train across each others gyms, we are always looking for new members to join the teams and projects. For those to take part in Submit 2 Success it requires a quick referral form to be completed along with health and lifestyle questionnaire and meet participants’ parents before they commence.
Contact name and number: Ralph Presgrave 07581 513841, Jamie Taylor 07800 771568, Martin Ashton 07540 850265.
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