Thursday, February 19, 2015

Middlesbrough battled back to spare Ben Gibson's blushes

Boro’s spirited fight-back at Birmingham was inspired by the team’s desire to save Ben Gibson’s blushes.

They were a goal and a man down after a poor back-pass by Gibson forced keeper Dimi Konstantopoulos into a dive that conceded a penalty and earned a red card.

But ten man Boro battled back after the break to score and salvage a precious point that put them top of the table.

And, says skipper Grant Leadbitter, they did it to get the young defender off the hook.

“We fought to get Ben Gibson out a hole because we are a team,” said Leadbitter.

“We are a tight group of players and we wanted to help him.

“Gibbo made a mistake but he worked hard to rectify that and as a group we all worked hard too because we wanted to help him out.”

And the skipper revealed there was also a half-time blast from the boss to contend with.

“There were a few harsh words said in the manager’s half time talk,” he explained.

“But it needed to be said because we wanted to go top of the league.

“And we responded. We came out with good spirit and good character and we worked hard and we showed good quality too, we passed it well and we scored one of the best team goals you’ll see all season.”

Now Boro are on the top the challenge is to stay there.

Boro are a point clear of Derby and Bournemouth but kick-off early on Saturday in a televised clash with Leeds and victory could open a four point gap and turn up the pressure.

“We’ve worked hard to get to the top but now we hav eto fight to stay there said Leadbitter. “We’ve got two home games now and we have to try to make them count - but there’s a long, long way to go yet and there will be twists and turns.

“We’re there to be shot at now but we’ve got strong enough characters in dressing room to fight for the cause.

“We have 15 matches left and we’ll be trying to win them all.

“We are never happy with just one point at this football club. The manager has instilled that idea throughout the club and you can see that from the 18s to the 21s to the first team.

“But it is always tough. We’ve got Leeds next and that will be very difficult, a derby for the fans with a big crowd and a big atmosphere and lot of noise.

“Of course its exciting being top. We are players who want to win important games - but we won’t look any further than Leeds. We just look at the next game and the next three points.

“I don’t want to talk about how many points we can go clear if this happens or that happens, if this team wins or that one loses. We just have to win our games and the league table will take care of itself.”

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