Thursday, June 26, 2014

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Caroline Glick: The ‘Peace Process’ Is Over

Editor’s note: Below are the video and transcript to Caroline Glick’s address at the Freedom Center’s 2014 Texas Weekend. The event took place May 2nd-4th at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas.

Caroline Glick from DHFC on Vimeo.

CAROLINE GLICK: It’s really great to be here in Texas. I already managed to buy cowboy boots for my son, so I’m pretty much set. (Applause.)

Anybody have any idea where we can get cowboy hats? I’d love to know. Then we’ll be done and can come back here when they’re 15.

But it is a pleasure to be here, and thank you.

And so now that I’ve gotten all the pleasantries and happiness in being in Texas out of the way, let’s talk about what’s really depressing.

It’s amazing. You know, the Peace Process fell apart over the past six weeks. (Applause.) I don’t know if you know that, but there’s no more Peace Process, and I know you’re all shocked by that because everybody was probably totally optimistic that for the first time in 90 years the Arabs, the Palestinian Arabs were going to say, We accept Israel’s right to exist. They’ve never done it before, but suddenly, because John Forbes Kerry is such a brilliant man and such a great negotiator and just leader in general, just all-time good guy, right? Is John [O’Neill here?]

Anyway, then everything would be great, right? And then it all failed.

Now, there’s a stunning interview that was published yesterday in (inaudible), which is Israel’s — one of Israel’s largest tabloids. It came out Friday. Friday papers in Israel are like the Sunday papers. And an unknown American official — and I am willing to put good money on saying that it was Martin Indyk — but he gave the most extraordinary interview to (inaudible), where he engaged in rank anti-Semitic diatribes against Israel in order to blame Israel for the failure of the Obama administration’s Peace Process.

And I actually just got this on email — sorry, Congressman Gohmert — while you were speaking. So it took — I had to read it, but I want to read it to you just for a second, just some quotes, which are extraordinary.

It said here, One bitter American official told (inaudible) — the reporter — I guess we need another intifada to create the circumstances that would allow progress. It says, We need another Palestinian terror war against Israelis, where Israeli men, women and children get slaughtered in order to create the circumstances that would allow the progress. A third intifada, the Americans made clear — quote — would be a tragedy — you can see them crying.

The Jewish people — here is the good part — the Jewish people are supposed to be smart. It is true that they’re also considered a stubborn nation. You’re supposed to know how to read the map. In the Twenty-First Century, the world will not keep tolerating the Israeli Occupation. The Occupation threatens Israel’s status in the world and threatens Israel as a Jewish state.

(Inaudible) went on, Pressed by (Inaudible), the reporter, on perceived international hypocrisy over Israel’s presence in the West Bank — And you have to understand, just for a second (Inaudible) is a radical leftist whose formative years were spent in the Communist Youth Movement in Israel, and, yet, here, he is pressing these American friends of his — on perceived international hypocrisy over Israel’s presence in the West Bank when the world — quote — closes its eyes to China’s takeover of Tibet, it stutters at what Russia is doing in Ukraine, et cetera.

The Americans were quoted as responding, Israel is not China. It was founded by a UN Resolution. Its prosperity depends on the way it is viewed by the international community.

The American who was speaking to (Inaudible) also said that the Palestinians will get their state whether Israel likes it or not, meaning [whether the state] is in a state of peace with Israel or in a state of war with Israel, it’s going to happen, and since Israel owes its own very survival to the good will of the UN, we can expect, then, that the United Nations will then abrogate Israel’s sovereignty somehow or another in some fashion.

Now, what’s amazing about all of the — aside from the fact that it just makes my fist clench up without me even, you know, realizing it — is that this is really sort of par for the course, because this interview with Israel’s leading reporter in Israel’s — one of its largest-circulation newspapers comes, of course, just a few days after John Kerry called Israel an apartheid state or that we will be an apartheid state.

And that itself, you have to understand, is an American embrace of an anti-Semitic meme that was created by the KGB in the 1960s, before the Six-Day War, by the way. The first time that the Soviets used it was at the UN Subcommittee Against Discrimination or something like that, in 1964. So this has been going on since well before there was any Israeli settlements beyond the 1949 Armistice Lines.

And this has been propagated over time. Everybody remembers the UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 from 1975 that referred to Zionism, the Jewish national liberation movement, as a form of racism.

As Daniel Pipes said last night in his introduction to Ambassador John Bolton, Bolton’s role in having that resolution cancelled in 1991 was really decisive in terms of that happening.

But the fact that the resolution itself was rejected or was cancelled in 1991 didn’t mean that the sentiment behind it in any way went into remission. That has, since 1975, been really the guiding principle around which the entire UN system revolves, which is to try to somehow or another act in a concerted fashion in order to remove the international legitimization that was given to the Jewish national movement and the Jewish national home in 1947 in the UN Partition Resolution of the General Assembly [when it won].

So this has continued to be really the central motivating factor of the UN system generally since 1975, despite the good efforts of the George H.W. Bush administration in the early 1990s.

But this is, then, what we’re seeing now is a violent response by the Obama administration directed against Israel for the failure of Kerry’s intention of forcing Israel to make all of the necessary concessions to the PLO within nine months, so that he could get his Nobel Peace Prize, just like his boss got.

And this really — What’s so interesting about this drive that has been very willing, and, in fact, almost automatically devolving into rank anti-Semitism, the demonization of Jews, is just how extraordinarily hysterical the response has been. Why are they so hysterical? Why are they behaving like this? What is happening?

And I think that I know two aspects to it, and they both go to the heart of the nature of the two-state solution that they all claim is the be-all and end-all of U.S. Middle East policy, and specifically of Israel’s right to exist, as far as the U.S. Government is concerned.

So the two-state solution, you must understand it, and I go through this in the first part of my book, is based on two things, really, religious faith and Jew hatred, and they’re intertwined, and I will explain why.

When you look at what just happened in the last couple of weeks, well, the Palestinians refused to negotiate with Israel, so that this Peace Process that has supposedly ongoing for nine months has actually not involved face-to-face negotiations between Israeli negotiators and PLO negotiators at all. What we’ve seen is Martin Indyk and his team coming in and having conversations, on the one hand, with Israel and having conversations, on the other side, with the Palestinians, and then sort of acting as the go-between, because the Palestinians refused to sit at a table with Israelis.

So there haven’t actually been negotiations going on that have failed. There have been meetings of Israelis with Americans, on the one hand, and Palestinians with Americans, on the other. That has been the Peace Process, such as it is, since Kerry announced it with great, you know, ceremony and excitement nine months ago. So it hasn’t been a peace process.

The other thing is that, from the outset, and not surprisingly, PLO chief, Mahmoud Abbas, who serves as the president of the Palestinian Authority, despite the fact that his term of office ended in January of 2009 and there hasn’t been an election since 2006, he said, and continuously said over and over and over again that he will never recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, ever.

So what are we talking about? Well, essentially, we’re talking about something other than peace, right? Because if the Palestinian leader, who’s supposed to be moderate, who’s supposed to be a man of peace says, Over my dead body will a Palestinian leader ever recognize the right of Israel to exist, then we’re not talking about peace. You can’t talk about peace if you’re leading to an agreement between one side that won’t recognize another side, but that the side that isn’t recognized is expected to give up its capital city to the guy who won’t recognize it. That’s not peace. It’s something else.

And, then, after he did that, and then the Americans came in and tried to figure out a way to kind of square that circle by maybe saying, Well, maybe we could change the drafting. Maybe we could change the structure of the sentence, so that you can say something like, We recognize that there are Jewish people in Israel or that Jewish people like Israel, and maybe that would be acceptable to the Israeli government.

The Palestinians said no, and they also said, And, by the way, we’re signing a unity deal with Hamas, which is recognized by the State Department as a foreign terrorist organization, and, therefore, anyone who comes into direct contact with them is actually committing a felony under U.S. law and the United States is required, by U.S. law, to end all support for the PLO, including all military support.

Did you guys, by the way, know that the U.S. has been building a Palestinian army since 2007? Just for knowing, as they say. That’s supposed to stop. You’re not supposed to be giving them $500 million in budgetary assistance either. That’s not supposed to be happening anymore, because it’s all a complete breach of U.S. law, not to mention the law of nations, because the UN Security Council passed a Chapter 7, a binding international resolution, 1379, after 9/11 that said that anybody that provides this kind of support for a terrorist organization has committed an act of war against the community of nations. So this is a requirement under U.S. law and under international law for the U.S. to cut off all relations with the PLO.

But, instead, what we see is this hysteria, this mass hysteria of Obama administration officials that, again, have been more than willing — Their default position has been to descend into the gutters of anti-Semitic rhetoric, to attack Israel, to delegitimize Israel and even to threaten its very existence with terrorism and with a removal of international legitimization for Israel’s very existence.

Now, why? So the two-state paradigm — the two-state solution that they have this faith in is so attractive to them because what it says is that the core of all the problems in the Middle East — of Jihad everywhere, of misogyny, of economic backwardness, of anti-Americanism, of anti-Westernism, of anti-Christianity — it’s all due to the absence of a Palestinian state west of the Jordan River on land that is (inaudible) the Jews control.

And if Israel would just get out of Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria, then we’d have no problem. Then it would be okay to negotiate with the Taliban in Afghanistan, and all of these green-on-blue shootings would end, because everybody would love America because they had gotten the Jews out of Jerusalem, and everything would be great.

Now, it’s a very attractive idea, for so many reasons, but the main one is that it blames the immediate victim of Islamofascism or Islamic [supremism], of Arab supremism and fascism for everything that they do against it and everything that they do against the world. It’s the Jews’ fault. It’s the Jews’ fault. Those greedy, money-grubbing, land-stealing Jews, right? They won’t leave Jerusalem, and that is why we have all of these problems in the world.

It is incredibly convenient, and therefore attractive, to blame Israel for everything. You don’t have to think about anything. You can pretend that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. You can call the U.S. war on terrorism an overseas contingency operation and not turn into a laughing stock because it’s all the Jews’ fault. It’s all the Jews’ fault, and that, of course, makes sense.

Why has John Kerry been to Israel 12 or 13 times over the past 14 months, when the entire Middle East is blowing up, without any connection whatsoever to how many Jews live beyond the 1949 Armistice Lines? Because if that’s really the cause of everything, then what does he care that children are being annihilated and killed with chlorine gas in Syria? What does he care that Iran is building nuclear weapons? What does he care that Hezbollah is doubling its strength and going through massive military experiences or al-Qaeda members from Europe, from the United States, and, of course, throughout the Islamic world who are all converging on Syria in order to go through their — whatever the Islamic version of baptism of fire would be?

It’s not important. It’s irrelevant, because if Israel is to blame for everything, then the only thing that you should be focusing your attention on is Israel. You should be, as he is, trying to actively subvert the political standing in Israel of the elected government of this democracy, and you should be threatening the Israeli people with economic isolation and with murder, at the hands, by the way, of the same military forces that U.S. military trainers have been training since 2007, and ignoring everything else, because Israel is the only thing that’s important.

Now, that kind of blame-the-Jew mentality gets wrapped into an overall faith, right? This is completely irrational. This has been a position that the British took before the United States did back — beginning in the 1920s and moving on until the British moved out of the promised land in 1948 and made room for Israel to establish its independent state in accordance with the law of nations, not in accordance with the UN non-binding General Assembly Resolution that became null and void the minute that every Arab state rejected it in 1947.

But I digress. The point is that the reason why the two-state formula has been working as the — Has been comprising the basis of international thinking about the Arab conflict with Israel is because it is so attractive to blame the victim, especially when the victim happens to be Jews. [Hey], they’ve been doing it for over 2,000 years. It’s a default position for millions and millions of people all over the world that’s popular, and it is faith based.

Why is it faith based? Because it’s not reason based. Because it has absolutely no basis whatsoever in anything resembling facts. It has nothing to do whatsoever in anything representing rationality or logic. And so it has to be faith. You rule out every logical, every rational category of thought, and all you are left with is faith.

And so when somebody’s messiah fails him, does he recognize this and move on to another religion? No, he strikes out at the source of what he perceives to be that failure. This is supposed to be a panacea. A panacea is a miracle. It’s something divine. This is supposed to solve everything, and these Jews, they won’t stop building. They won’t stop recognizing one another’s property rights. They won’t stop giving due process to people.

So we’re going to blame them and we’re going to threaten them with terrorism and with economic isolation and with international delegitimization, because they’re horrible. They’re terrible people. Look what they did. They just showed my messiah to be false. How dare they. I’m right. My faith is perfect faith, and, therefore, they must be the devil. And that’s how he’s behaving. That’s how all of these Americans are behaving now, and it is terribly frightening.

And the thing is that how have they maintained this over time, for 90 years? How, for the past 21 years, have they forced Israel to maintain faith with this thing that has caused the murder of over 1,000 Israeli civilians? Murder in the most heinous of ways, by suicide bombers, whose bomb belts are packed, not only with explosives, but with nails to cause maximal suffering to the victims. And who do they blow up? Families. Children. Jews.

It’s maintained through threats, like we see. You’re going to get whacked by terrorism. We’re all going to take our money out of Israel. Oh, and demography. By the way, if you don’t quit Judeo-Samarian Jerusalem tomorrow, well, the Arab womb is going to overwhelm you. They’re having 75 children per woman, you know? And within three minutes there’s going to be an Arab majority west of the Jordan River and you’re going to have to choose whether you want to be a bunch of racists or you’re going to give up your right to Jewish sovereignty over the Jewish homeland.

Then there’s also, You’re an occupying power, right? This land belongs to somebody else. You have no right to be here. Settlements, Jewish communities built beyond the 1949 Armistice Lines — And by the way, just for knowing, the Armistice Lines, what are they? Israel was invaded at the moment of its birth by five Arab military forces, unlawfully, in breach of the law of nations in the most obvious way.

The Armistice Lines are the lines to which the Israeli army, which was made of a bunch of peasants and Holocaust survivors, managed to push them back before the international community descended on Israel and said, Okay. Accept an armistice. That’s what the Armistice Lines were. There is no legal basis for these lines. It was just the lines to which we were able to beat back a foreign invasion of our national territory. Okay? That’s what they are. They’re completely arbitrary.

But they say, If you don’t give up all the land beyond these lines to people who won’t even recognize your right to exist, including your capital city that was built by King David and has been your capital city since then, you’re going to be overrun, and all of your democratic Jews, the only democrats in the entire Middle East, are going to have to decide whether you want to be racists or not. And since we know about the latent evil of Jews, we — meaning the United States Secretary of State and his entourage — can safely tell the Trilateral Commission that you will become an apartheid state, because we know you’re going to choose evil, right?

But you know what, it’s not true. Jews are having more children than Arabs. It’s a Jewish womb. Mine, you know, all of us who are having babies, that are the problem for the Arabs, not the other way around, because who would have thunk it, Jews know how to go forth and multiply. (Laughter.) And we are.

Isolation, they tell us. Isolation. You note that next year, according to the Israeli Ministry of Trade, Asia is going to outstrip the United States as Israel’s largest trading partner. Year on year, we’re getting five and 10 percent increases in our volume of trade with China, with India, with South Korea, with Japan. We’re not being isolated. We’re being shunned by, oh, who? Europe.

Now, what’s surprising about it is that they’re being supported by the United States, but [Boeing] is just setting up a new center in Be’er Sheva. Doesn’t sound like American industry really had heard that they’re supposed to be shunning Israel. And, by the way, neither have European firms, because, despite the fact that the epicenter of the economic war against Israel is in Europe, Britain keeps expanding its trade with Israel five percent a year. So go figure.

But we’re going to be isolated. They’re going to be mean to us. Well, that’s new, Europeans being mean to Jews.

And then fed by lies. The UN established Israel. So (inaudible) referred to it before, I just think it’s very important to get this out: No, it didn’t. No, it didn’t. The United Nations General Assembly did not establish Israel in 1947. It recognized standing international law, because in 1922, the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine gave sole sovereign rights to the land of Israel, including Israel within the 1949 Armistice Lines, unified Jerusalem, the entire West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip to the Jews, and that assertion that the sovereign rights to the land belonged to the Jews alone was never abrogated or superseded. So the law actually says, no, it belongs to the Jews.

And then, of course, there are the national rights. And the international law determination of sovereign rights to the land of Israel that was made by the international powers in 1922 at the League of Nations was based upon a 3,000- or 4,000-year history of the Jewish people in the land of Israel that was widely recognized as the only nation in the world that had a sovereign claim to the land of Israel, so it was the basis of historical right that formed the basis of the international legal recognition of the sovereign rights of the Jewish people to the land of Israel.

And UN General Assembly Resolution [1981] that partitioned the land between a Jewish state and an Arab state was not a legal document. It was not legally binding, and it was cancelled immediately after it was passed when the Arabs rejected it and went to war against the Jewish state, so that it has no legal standing. It could never have formed the basis of anything because it’s not a legal document. It’s a UN General Assembly resolution. It does not have the force of international law, period.

But here is an American diplomat threatening Israel, that we are going to remove the international sanction, legal sanction that was given to the land of Israel to become a Jewish state or to the Jewish people to assert its sovereign rights over the land of Israel because Jews continue to build in Jerusalem and in Judea and in Samaria.

And we have people like Susan Rice and John Kerry and Obama saying that Jewish settlements beyond the 1949 Armistice Lines are illegitimate. Well, no, they’re not. I’m not a lawyer, but, apparently, I know the law a whole lot better than you do, because you’re just making this stuff up. You are just making this stuff up. None of the things that you are saying has anything to do with law. It only has to do with using legal terminology to defame innocent victims. And that’s what they’re doing.

You know, I wrote my book — My book basically is divided into three parts. The first part is the 90 years of failure of the two-state solution. Amazing. This is the bipartisan plan. You know, in a U.S. that is completely divided among Republicans and Democrats, everybody who’s [everybody] supports the two-state solution. Just ask. Everybody but everybody supports it. George H.W. Bush supported it. George W. Bush supported it. Clinton. Obama, of course. Nixon. Reagan. Ford. Carter. Everybody.

Why? Because it’s convenient, but it always failed, amazingly always failed. Truman supported it. Failed. Ike supported it. Failed. Everybody supports it. And it keeps on failing. I think the only one who didn’t support it was LBJ. God bless him (inaudible) from Texas. (Laughter.)

You know I was born here? I was. I was born in Houston Methodist Hospital. My true claim to fame.

But I think he was the only — Well, John F. Kennedy might have, too. And that’s it. Everybody else supported partition. Everybody else supported a weak Israel. Everybody else supported Israeli attempts to appease its Arab neighbors who don’t recognize its right to exist. So that’s part one.

And how this has dumbed down U.S. foreign policy, because if the centerpiece of your Middle East policy is this notion that everything will be solved if Israel coughs up its land to its sworn enemies, then how far are you going to get in actually understanding the region? Right? If you think that the most important aspect of the Middle East’s problems is that there’s no Arab state — additional — twenty-third Arab state west of the Jordan River, on land that’s currently controlled by the Jews, then how well are you going to understand Iraq? How hard are you going to try to understand Iran? How well are you going to understand Egypt? Not well at all, because your whole thinking is based on a total lie, and it’s based on something that is totally irrational. But if that’s the basis of your Middle East policymaking, then you’re necessarily going to discount the importance of everything else.

You can talk to the Taliban, and whether you’re Condoleezza Rice or Susan Rice — because it really doesn’t matter what they think, cause at the end of the day, you push the Jews around enough they’ll cough up Jerusalem and everything will be fine. Doesn’t — You know, the Taliban are insignificant. They’re unimportant. They’re objects. They’re not actors. They’re not responsible. They have no moral agency.

The second part of the book, I say, Okay. Enough. So now that we’ve described the failure, let’s talk about what can we do, how do we get off this train?

And the answer is the Israeli solution. You know what, when you look at the situation objectively, you realize that there’s only one thing that works in the Middle East today. There’s only one little engine that not only could, but is puffing along, doesn’t matter how steep the train is, we can just go up those Alps.

Why? Because we work really, really hard, and that’s Israel. That’s the only thing that’s working in the Middle East today. Look at anything. Close your eyes and put a finger on the Middle East and wherever you land, like pin the tail on the donkey, it’ll be a mess, unless your finger happens to land in that smidgen of land called Israel that’s so tiny that its name on world maps is written in the Mediterranean Sea. That’s the only thing that’s working.

So you want to make it not work? You want to go ahead and say, Okay. Israel, give up your ability to defend yourselves? Shrink yourself into indefensible borders that no one, but no one could defend in world history, and then place on your border, not just the PLO and Hamas, but all of the millions of foreign Arabs who today live in al-Qaeda- and Hamas- and Iranian- and Hezbollah-controlled refugee camps in such holiday spots as Lebanon and Syria, and deal with it, and it’ll be great.

Oh, no it won’t. You’ll be overrun before my oldest kid gets bar mitzvahed. Do that. That’s a great idea. We’re your best friends. You can trust us.

If you want to get away from that, how do you do it? What do you do? [We say], no, instead of shrinking into indefensible borders, expand them. Expand them. You know what, forget about this nonsense with the Occupation. Let’s base U.S. policy on law. Let’s base U.S. policy on rights, and let’s base — what a concept — U.S. policy on strategic rationality.

And let’s stand with our allies and against our enemies and say to Israel, You know what, forget it. We want more Israel. Apply your rights. Apply your sovereignty. You have them, [to] Judea and Samaria. That’s it. That’s it. We’re going to forget about this whole Palestinian statehood thing, because we recognize the fact that they don’t want a state. They want to destroy Israel.

Now, what would happen? Well, Israel would do with Judea and Samaria exactly what it did with Jerusalem and with Golan Heights in 1967 and in 1981 respectively, give permanent residency status, which means full civil and legal rights to the non-Jewish residents of the area, the same as the Jews have. And they’ll have the right to apply for Israeli citizenship, and if they abide by the criteria, including loyalty to Israel and rejection of terrorism, non-membership in terrorist organization, non-involvement in anti-Semitic incitement and solicitation of murder, they’ll get it. No problem.

You know why? Because there is a Jewish majority — guess what — a very solid and growing Jewish majority west of the Jordan River, not including Gaza. We left Gaza in 2005. Although, with Gaza, we’re still the majority, but no reason to include it. We’re gone. Let them be an independent state of Palestine if they want. Let them be part of Egypt if they want. Whatever they want. Not part of Israel.

So we’re talking about Judea and Samaria. We’re talking about the West Bank. Apply Israeli sovereignty to those areas. For the first time, the Palestinians will have — will be the only Arabs in the world that have full civil rights, whose legal rights are protected by a rule of law, whose human rights are respected by the rule of law, whose civil rights are respected by the rule of law, because Israel is the only country that is not ruled by the rule of the jungle.

You know, in my book, Part 3 talks about how other international actors — the Palestinians, the Arab neighbors of Israel, the European Union — are likely to respond to an Israeli move to apply its law to Judea and Samaria. And my conclusion is that the party that is likely to have the most negative response to it is not the Arabs. It’s the Europeans, because their whole unified foreign policy is really just based on hostility to Israel. They don’t have anything other than that, so that if Israel were to apply its laws to Judea and Samaria then they would react in a very foul manner.

But, unfortunately, when I look at these statements by Kerry and by an unnamed U.S. official, I’m coming more and more to the conclusion that the Obama administration may actually respond with greater hysteria than Catherine Ashton, the EU’s foreign policy chief, who is, you know, unapologetically anti-Semitic. Lady Ashton.

And, you know, people say, Well, how can this work, Caroline? And what I say is my book, I think, is step one in a multiyear campaign that, first and foremost, has to involve getting out the facts, getting out the facts to the American people and even getting out the facts to the Israeli people, although we don’t need them as much, cause we get it.

But, you know, let’s talk about who the land actually belongs to under international law. Let’s have a discussion about occupation. Let’s talk about the fact that this is a lie and this is a malicious slander of Israel to claim that we are somehow or another illegally occupying land that belongs to us by sovereign right under international law, not to mention history.

Let’s talk about the nature of Palestinian nationalism and show that the father of Palestinian nationalism was a Nazi and that he is still considered the George Washington of the Palestinian national movement, a Nazi, Haj Amin al-Husseini.

Let’s talk about what moderation really means in Palestinian terms. It means being willing to talk and shoot at Jews, as opposed to just shoot at them, and that that isn’t moderation. Let’s just mention that, you know, and let us talk about the fact that Israel is the most important ally that the United States has in the Middle East, that, as Israel’s minister of defense, Moshe Ya’alon, said, Israel is an aircraft carrier, a U.S. aircraft carrier, from an American perspective, from its northern tip in Metula down to its southern tip [in a lot] by the Red Sea. Let’s talk about this.

You know, we heard a lot today and yesterday about the Obama administration, and John Bolton said that the greatest threat to U.S.’s national security is the president. And it is very dangerous and very frightening what’s happening today in the United States of America, but we’ll only fix things in the United States if we have a discussion about what’s really happening. That’s why gatherings like this are so important, and that’s why truth is so important. I mean, it was Jesus who said, The truth will set you free. Jesus was a Jew. (Laughter.)

We have to talk about these things. We have to talk about the truth. We have to cast aside these illusions that are based upon false faith and that are based upon hatred of Jews. We have to stop blaming the Jews for the pathologies of their victimizers, of their oppressors, of their would-be destroyers. We certainly have to stop making it the centerpiece of U.S. Middle East policy.

You know, in Israel, things are actually going pretty well, as I think the extremely fruitful Israeli womb indicates. When things go well in Israel, we have more children, not fewer. We’re an international outlier. The more wealthy we become, the more prosperous, the more kids, because, for us, finding out who our inner self is involves going to the delivery room as often as possible.

This is a healthy society. This is a society that believes in itself, that believes in who it is. And our alliance with the United States throughout these years had more to do with trying to find an outside power to help us along when we’re in this horrible neighborhood.

It had to do, also, with idealism, that we saw in the United States, we still see in the American people, kindred spirits, people who value the same thing, yes, who have faith in the same God as the people of Israel, and we abide by that. And I think most Americans still do as well.

And we just have to get this message out. We have to get this message out. This land belongs to the Jews. And it will happen, cause a two-state solution is a faith. It is not a policy, and it is a false faith. It will always fail. At the end of the day, this is going to happen. We will apply our laws to Judea and Samaria, because it’s the only viable option, and thank God it’s a viable option. We have to make sure it stays a viable option. We do that by making sure that Israel stays strong and secure and continues to believe in itself. And I think that we’re doing that in Israel.

And I think that the United States has to stand by Israel, because I think part of regaining its sanity in foreign affairs involves recognizing why it is that Israel is such an indispensable ally to the United States. And, by the way, it’s all there in my book.

And those are my thoughts and I’d be happy to take questions, unless we’ve run out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE SPEAKER: We have run out of time.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE SPEAKER: Thank you, Caroline. (Applause.)


Bill Whittle: Get to Work!

point Everywhere we look today we see SCANDAL FATIGUE gripping the nation. It’s bad enough that Leftist policy has crippled the national economy; in his latest FIREWALL Bill Whittle explains why you shouldn’t let the Clown Car Cavalcade of Incompetence cripple YOUR economy as well. Watch and discover why America is bigger than these weenies at their worst. Video and transcript below:


Hi everybody. I’m Bill Whittle and this is the Firewall.

During the winter Olympics, I saw a commercial for the 2014 Cadillac ELR. I haven’t felt better about America since… well, since November of 2008 actually. I can’t play the whole thing – let me just play you my favorite part:


The Left hates this, of course: they see in it everything they hate about America. They say he is arrogant and strutting. That’s not strutting: that’s a guy who has someplace to be.

And arrogance? You want arrogance? Arrogance is a guy becoming President of the Harvard Law Review, then never writing a law review. Near as I can tell, the only qualifications this guy has for being President of the United States is that he used to hand out forms in Chicago. That’s arrogance.

Anyway, here’s a quick splash of cold water to snap me you of scandal stupor and help you cope with the clown car cavalcade of incompetence: the stupidity, the power-grubbing, vote-buying, pandering student-council weenieness of these losers, race hustlers and envy mongers on the Progressive Left. I’m speaking now to the rest of you: you know, the ones that go to work. The ones that can open a jackknife and know how to change a tire. The men who don’t have to climb on a chair and call the exterminator when there’s a spider in the shower; the women who keep things humming and who love good men and wish there were more of them around.

Yes, these has-been commie slackers and layabouts and agitators are busy tearing things down as fast as their soft, undersized hands will let them. Yes, as usual, these cheerleaders for failure and shortages are trying to mind your own business and generally gumming up what is a beautiful, humming hive of activity if you’d just leave it alone. Yes, these losers and weenies in are ruining what was once good money and screwing over the economy. But don’t let them screw over your economy.

We’re descended from people from all over the world who’d had it up to here with kings, potentates, sultans, Emirs, Democrats and other control freaks.


For example, this idiot – just picking one from a bouquet of idiots in government — rides around in limousines and private jets. He didn’t earn the money to pay for that – you did. Not only could this guy not run a company like Wal-Mart – he couldn’t run a single Wal-Mart.


This control freak talks about a selfless life of public service, and how poor she is, and how her life is a tale of sacrifice and woe and hardships suffered on your behalf. What is she worth? $50 million? But when she writes a book called IT TAKES A VILLAGE, the subtitle of that book is AND A VILLAGE NEEDS A CHIEF. And guess who she has in mind?

And we’re going to let these people run our lives? We are? Really? Here in America? We’re going to let this Goat Rodeo of failure take away our God-given optimism, ambition and vision. THESE idiots?

No. I don’t think so. Their moment has come. Their moment has passed. They’ve tried everything, and everything they tried failed. Even they don’t believe this crap anymore.

So don’t let these losers ruin your day.. Americans have been outsmarting government since there’s been America. Do what people like Hilary Clinton and Jon Ketty do: go make a pile of money, and then hire the best accountants you can afford to use every legal trick in the book to pay as little tax as possible.

Start a business. Get to work! Find that one young person in a hundred who wants to work hard, reward the hell out of him or her, and watch what happens to the rest of them. They’re all wealth redistributing socialists so long as it’s someone else’s wealth being redistributed to them. When it’s time to take what they’ve earned and give it away other, just watch them go William F. Buckley on you, right in front of your eyes.

So get out there and get to work! If you don’t like being a janitor, there are free online courses on becoming a plumber. If you don’t like being a plummer, there are free online courses in math or science or business. Go be whatever you want to be. That’s why this whole thing was built in the first place. Get to work!

Or don’t! You want to hang out by the dumpster behind the 7-11 and smoke dope all day, that’s your business. We don’t care. You want to be the Due, be the Dude. But the Dude doesn’t take other people’s stuff. The Dude abides. You want to take it easy for the rest of your life, fine. Abide. But some of us get up and go to work so we can have thorium reactors and fast cars and loud guns and a house, or two, or three or jet airplanes or boats or whetever else we want because we can.

My working hard doesn’t hurt you. It helps you, actually, but that’s not why I’m doing it. I’m doing it so I can have fun, so I can pursue happiness. My happiness. You’re going to let these weenies ruin that birthright?

This country was born by defeating the most powerful military force on the face of the earth. We’ve beaten Nazi technical genius, Japanese fanaticism, a half-century of socialist despair and misery and now Islamic brutality – hell, we even fought other Americans – and we’re still here. We’ve got six flags on the moon. You can’t stop that kind of creativity, ambition, vision and passion, and if you think a strutting, jug-earned Narcissist failure from Chicago is going to be the end of that then you have another think coming.

Nes pas?

Former soldiers take on rally of a lifetime to raise cash for military charity

Two former Teesside soldiers are taking on the rally of their lives for servicemen and women who gave theirs.

Hugh McNulty, from Middlesbrough, and his co-driver Richard Gentry, originally from Redcar, have joined 49 other teams for the epic 3,000 mile adventure Rally for Heroes 2014.

The fast-paced driving experience through the UK and Europe aims to raise to raise £100,000 for SSAFA, the nation’s longest serving military charity that helps 50,000 people every year.

The 50 teams will navigate some of the most scenic and demanding driving routes in the world, through 11 countries in just eight days.

Every five miles of the rally represents the life of a serviceman or woman, who has fallen in combat since the start of the Afghanistan conflict.

As well as the £1,500 entry fee each team has to raise at least £1,000 for charity before setting off on the rally.

Said Hugh: “Having served over 22 years in the Army I have personally used the services of SSAFA. When no one else could help SSAFA stepped up immediately, they are the ultimate Service charity.”

As well as both being staunch Boro fans Hugh and Richard are both ex-Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Warrant Officer Class Ones.

Richard served for over 27 years and at one point trained Hugh when he first joined the Army.

Among the many sites the rally will take in, Hugh said one of the most poignant will be a visit to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Northern Germany, where a special memorial service will be held.

Hugh, who is on his third Rally for Heroes, added: “There are some amazing cars going this year, from a McLaren to a Rolls Royce Silver Phantom.”

The Teesside team will be in Hugh’s green Audi Convertible. The 50 teams were due to be waved off by Top Gear’s Vicki Butler-Henderson today from the start line at the Top Gear Test Track Dunsfold Park near Guildford, Surrey.

Jim Morrison, regional fundraising manager for SSAFA, said: “Rally for Heroes is a challenge and endurance event with an honourable cause. Hugh and Richard and the Rally for Heroes team, just like our serving and ex-serving, are ordinary people doing something extraordinary for a cause they believe in.

“Together, SSAFA and Rally for Heroes are embarking on a journey to ensure that those who are no longer with us are never forgotten.”

To support Hugh and Richard visit

Glastonbury and Wimbledon washout fears as Britain braced for three weeks' rain in one weekend

Wild weather is expected to batter many parts of Britain this weekend, with flood warnings issued for Friday and Saturday.

Thunderstorms, hail and lightening are expected across the south of England, turning Glastonbury into a mud-bath and serving up a Wimbledon washout for tennis fans.

Weathermen say heavy downpours are expected to start in the early hours of Friday.

A Met Office spokesman said: "Showers will become heavy and thundery across southwestern parts of England and Wales early on Friday, moving northeast to affect other areas south of The Wash to North Wales during the day.

"Some reduction in activity is expected overnight, before further slow moving heavy and thundery downpours develop during Saturday, easing from the north later.

"The public should be aware that the resulting downpours may lead to localised flooding and potential disruption to transport and outdoor events."

It is only four months since devastating floods hit parts of England. Worst affected were homes along the River Thames and the Somerset levels, where many are still clearing up from the shocking of the winter weather.

Live: Luis Suarez banned from World Cup and ALL football four months - latest reaction

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Chris Styles

Editor, Evening Gazette




Photo of Chris Styles

Chris was appointed editor of the Evening Gazette in January 2012. He is also a former Gazette news editor. Chris has more than 20 years experience as a journalist and has previously worked in senior positions in Newcastle, Exeter and Nottingham.

Murder accused was 'happy to have killed' after knifing housemate, court told

A paranoid knifeman stabbed his housemate to death then told police “I’m happy to have killed him”, a jury heard today.

Abdourhamane Barry fatally knifed Hamed Vaziri to the neck and chest in the home they shared with three other asylum seekers and refugees, Teesside Crown Court was told.

Prosecutor Nicholas Lumley QC said: “The stab to the neck damaged the carotid artery, a main artery in the body.

“Death swiftly followed. There was huge blood loss,” he said, opening the case at Teesside Crown Court today.

“The prosecution say this was completely unprovoked, completely out of the blue and entirely due to Mr Barry deciding there and then to take a knife to Mr Vaziri.”

Barry, 26, called 999 and told police at the home: “I’ve stabbed him. He was being racist.”

He admitted responsibility for the killing, said 26-year-old Mr Vaziri was “getting on my nerves” and claimed he acted in self defence.

He launched the attack in his and Mr Vaziri’s home on Carlow Street, Gresham, Middlesbrough, in the early hours of the morning, the court heard.

One or two days earlier, he was told his fellow housemates had made complaints about him.

Mr Lumley said Barry came home at about 3am on January 25 and asked Mr Vaziri in the living room: “Do you have a problem with me?”

On getting no reply, Barry went into the kitchen, came back and stabbed Mr Vaziri in front of their housemates, the jury heard.

“He lifted a knife above his head and struck it into Mr Vaziri’s neck, the area around his shoulder, in an angry manner,” added Mr Lumley.

“He struck him quickly twice, maybe three times.

“The victim collapsed on the floor in the sitting room. He tried to crawl upstairs but he collapsed at the top of the stairs.”

He said Barry also fought with two other men in the living room until he was disarmed.

Barry called 999 and told the operator: “I’ve killed someone. I stabbed him. He tried to stab me. I take the knife back.”

Iranian refugee Mr Vaziri was already dead at the scene when paramedics arrived.

Police found Barry calm, cooperative and coherent, though he said he suffered depression, back pain and bouts of dizziness.

He told his estranged wife on the phone: “I’ve killed someone. Self defence.

“It was either me or him. Somebody was going to die. He was getting on my nerves.”

In police interviews, Barry admitted stabbing Mr Vaziri “because he was being racist”.

He said he was “having a headache” as he took the knife from the kitchen after Mr Vaziri shouted and elbowed him as he passed.

He told officers: “I tried to stab him in the neck.

“He punched me in my stomach and chest. I was very angry. I knew they were talking about me.”

He said he passed Mr Vaziri slumped on the landing, adding: “I went to give him a kick.

“I’m happy to have killed him,” he said at the end of the interview.

Mr Lumley said Barry suffered no injuries and nobody saw violence from Mr Vaziri, described by his brother as a quiet and kind man who didn’t drink, smoke, cause trouble or have enemies.

He told how the behaviour of Guinea-born Barry, who came to the UK in 2003 when he was 15, worsened in the days leading up the killing.

His estranged wife said he believed people were being racist, he became paranoid about people following him and talking about him, and he was abusive and offensive to her.

He told her he was worried about being deported and “someone was going to kill him so he might as well kill himself”.

Barry’s mental health worsened after the incident, said Mr Lumley.

He told the jury: “It’s not a normal murder trial.

“He can’t take any meaningful part in this hearing, so you must resolve what he did that night.

“The prosecution say there is clear evidence that he killed Mr Vaziri. He used a knife to do it.”

Barry has been found unfit to plead due to a mental disability.

The jury of seven women and five men was told the trial would be unusual and they would not be asked to decide whether Barry was guilty or not guilty.

Mr Justice Green told them: “You’re going to be asked whether he did the acts which are alleged to have constituted the murder.

“In other words, did he kill the deceased?”


Teesside health chiefs could pay consultancy firm over £500k - for advice on cost cutting

Health chiefs could pay more than half a million pounds to a private consultancy firm for advice on how to cut costs.

South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust announced last month that consultancy giant McKinsey had been appointed to help it plug a £29m black hole in its finances.

The trust had refused to say exactly how much it will pay the US firm - but has now confirmed the bill could top £500,000.

Details released under Freedom of Information laws have revealed that health chiefs have set aside “less than” 0.1% of the £580m annual budget on fees for McKinsey.

However it is claimed McKinsey’s services have been secured for a “reduced rate” and that the scope of the work has not yet been identified.

It has also emerged that South Tees, which runs James Cook University Hospital, in Middlesbrough, previously paid £187,600 for work carried out by the consulting giant, in 2012.

The trust said McKinsey, which has estimated annual revenues of £5bn, has provided advice on South Tees’ “performance relative to its peer group and helped develop the necessary in-house capability to apply operational best practice within the trust”.

South Tees is facing a £29m deficit for this financial year, and now it has been projected that the 2015/16 budget deficit is likely to be almost £50m, putting it at risk of being deemed unsatisfactory by health watchdog Monitor.

The Royal College of Nursing said the cash for cost-cutting advice was a “waste of money”.

Glenn Turp, regional director of the RCN, said: “We already know that South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust ran a deficit for 2013/14 of approximately £7m; they had the worst financial position of any trust in the North-east.

“So given this context, it seems completely inappropriate that they are wasting yet more money to private external consultants, asking them how to save money.

“It might be stating the obvious, but perhaps one way to save money would be to avoid haemorrhaging hundreds of thousands of pounds on management consultants.

“If they are spending £500,000, then that would be the equivalent of 20 Band 5 nurses’ salaries for a year.”

The trust’s chief executive, Professor Tricia Hart said the financial problems were a combination of factors, from annual ‘efficiency savings’ demanded by the Government, inflation, higher prices, increasing pressure on emergency care, an increasingly elderly population with complex needs and high patient expectations.

The trust said it managed to head off a predicted deficit of £49.5m by the end of the current financial by introducing more rigorous cost improvement plans and has not ruled out job losses.

Prof Tricia Hart said: “It would be disingenuous of me to say at this stage that there might not be some jobs lost, but we have a track record of keeping those to an absolute minimum.”

Bosses are hoping experts from McKinsey will deliver a plan that will “drive out waste” and help move the organisation back to a stable financial position.

Director of finance Chris Newton said: “We have extraordinary talent in our organisation but we don’t have a monopoly on all the best ideas or best practices across the country and the world, and therefore to have access to that experience is enormously valuable to us but they’re here to supplement what we have.

“We’re not subcontracting our problem.”

Life on the oche: A look back at the darts career of Tony 'The Viper' Eccles

Just seven years ago Tony Eccles, who has been jailed for 16 years for raping a young girl, was playing alongside the best darts players on the planet after making the move to the Professional Darts Corporation (PDC).

It didn't work out for Eccles, known as the Viper on the oche, and with a best World Championship showing in the PDC of reaching the third round, he moved back to rival organisation the British Darts Organisation (BDO).

It was with the BDO back in 2002 when Eccles, born in Middlesbrough in January 1970, made his World Championship bow.

Five years later his fine form on the big stage led him all the way to the quarter-finals at the Lakeside, where he led 3-0 but was eventually knocked out 5-4 by Mervyn King.

He matched his best performance in the World Championships this year, again reaching the last eight but was well beaten by Robbie 'Kong' Green, from Liverpool, who went on to lose in the final.

Away from the television cameras, Eccles won the British Classic title and the Tyne and Wear Open last year and has amassed other victories in Norway, Holland, Sweden and Germany.

He reached the semi-finals of the Zuiderduin Masters in 2005 and the last 16 of the World Matchplay and World Grand Prix, both in 2008.

The 44-year-old has won more than £190,000 throughout his darts career and was a one-time world number four with the BDO.

He announced his retirement from professional darts after this year's World Championships ahead of his rape trial at Teesside Crown Court.

More on Tony Eccles:

Teesside darts player who raped young girl jailed for 16 years

Stuart Parnaby joins Boro contingent at Hartlepool United

Hartlepool United boss Colin Cooper has once again called on a former Boro team-mate after securing the signing of Stuart Parnaby.

The 31-year-old defender was released by Aitor Karanka at the end of last season having returned for his second spell at the Riverside two years earlier.

And Pools boss Cooper wasted no time in tempting Parnaby to Victoria Park where he will team up with another former Boro star Matthew Bates, who signed for the League Two club earlier this week.

Parnaby came through the ranks at Boro's academy and made his first team debut against Macclesfield Town in a League Cup tie in 2000.

The Durham-born defender went on to make the right back slot his own and lined up for Boro in the UEFA Cup final in Eindhoven in 2004.

After leaving on a free transfer in 2007, Parnaby linked up with Birmingham City but a spell of frustrating injuries made it difficult for him to establish himself at St Andrews.

He did win some silverware during his time in the Midlands however as an unused substitute in Birmingham's shock League Cup victory over Arsenal in 2011.

Parnaby left Birmingham when his contract expired that summer and after training with Boro was offered a two-year deal by Tony Mowbray.

But he struggled to force his way back into the Boro side and after making 21 appearances in two years was allowed to leave in May.

Teesside darts player who raped young girl jailed for 16 years

Professional darts player Tony Eccles has been jailed for 16 years after being found guilty of raping a young girl.

The 44-year-old, of Northgate, Hartlepool, raped and indecently assaulted his victim, now in her 20s, when he lived in South Bank.

He denied 10 charges but was convicted by a jury after five hours of deliberations on Tuesday and was sentenced at Teesside Crown Court this afternoon.

Judge George Moorhouse said Eccles groomed a vulnerable girl and subjected her to "systematic serious abuse" including prolonged rapes.

The court heard the victim describe in a police interview how Eccles, whose darts nickname was The Viper, told her she was "special".

She told officers: "He would tell me I hadn't to tell anyone what had happened.

"He said he would go to prison for what he had done and I would go to a home for being dirty and letting him do what he had done."

The sexual assaults turned to rape, Eccles' victim told police, after he told her "you are going to be a big girl now because you are ready".

During the trial Eccles denied having any sexual interest in children and described the allegations as "complete and utter lies".

More on Tony Eccles:

Life on the oche: A look back at the darts career of Tony 'The Viper' Eccles

Troubled Middlesbrough drug dealer weeps in dock as he receives two-year prison sentence

A troubled drug dealer wept as the courts decided his fate after police raided his home.

Liam John Moseley, 26, cried out in the dock as he learned he would start a two-year immediate prison sentence.

He was jailed at Teesside Crown Court today despite pleas to make him an exceptional case.

Police went to his home on Conifer Close, Ormesby, Middlesbrough when no one was home.

He was arrested and searched when he arrived home during the raid on the morning of July 12 last year.

Officers found bags and a tub containing cocaine, cannabis and mephedrone, known as MCAT, in the one-bedroom ground floor flat.

Prosecutor Rachel Masters said they also discovered digital scales, three grinders and what they believed to be two “tick lists”.

Incriminating text messages referring to drugs supply were found on his phone.

Moseley, of Fulbeck Road, Netherfields, Middlesbrough, admitted possession of cannabis and mephedrone - both Class B drugs - with intent to supply, possession of cocaine and being concerned in the supply of that Class A drug.

He had no previous convictions and was in tears all the way through his sentencing hearing.

“Mr Moseley is clearly distressed as he sits in court,” said Robert Mochrie, defending.

“That’s not for your Honour’s benefit. They are not crocodile tears.

“He is a man who has never been before the court before and a man who quite frankly is terrified at the prospect of going to prison today.”

Mr Mochrie added: “He is a habitual user of drugs.

“He found himself in debt. He would effectively act as a conduit for supply.”

He accepted people involved in Class A drugs supply should ordinarily go to prison, but said Moseley could be given an exceptional suspended sentence.

He told how Moseley used drugs regularly for years since he was introduced to cannabis at 13, and his drug use affected his emotional well-being.

Moseley had “a troubled number of years”, suffered personal problems and used drink and drugs to cope with his feelings.

Mr Mochrie said: “He has everything going for him, save for this.

“He has an exceptional work ethic and has always worked.

“For the last six years he has been in full-time employment caring for people and doing his job exceptionally well.

“He received around £1,200 per month for doing that job. £1,200 doesn’t go a long way if you have an addiction to cannabis and cocaine.

“It was only a matter of time before he found himself in debt, as is often the case.”

He said Moseley’s arrest was “a massive wake-up call” and he suffered significant mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

The prosecution did not accept Moseley’s account and put him at the level of a street dealer.

Ms Masters said it went beyond supplying only to family or friends simply to pay off a debt.

Judge George Moorhouse said Moseley was a dealer who played a “significant role” and the very serious offences justified a prison sentence.

He jailed Moseley for two years.

Woman's fury after a Middlesbrough Clintons store failed to display Communion cards

A Middlesbrough card shop has sparked fury after customers claimed they were told by staff that it couldn’t display Holy Communion cards.

One buyer claims she went into Clinton Cards’ Linthorpe Road store yesterday and was told that head office had instructed that Communion cards could no longer be on display.

Clinton Cards has confirmed that they weren’t on show but apologised for the “inaccurate” advice given to the customer, saying religious ceremonies are cause for celebration.

The woman, who lives in central Middlesbrough, and wishes to remain anonymous, said: “I’d gone in yesterday for a communion card and they had to be taken out of a drawer.

“I asked why they had to be in the drawer and was told that the direction came from head office.

“To me it looked at though they were ashamed to put them out.

“I walked out in protest and thought ‘I don’t want to buy a card off you’.

“There is no way that I will ever go in there again.

“Who are they going to offend by displaying them?

She added: “We all pray to the same God.”

The woman also said that a friend had the same experience in the store when trying to buy a Communion card.

The company issued a statement saying that it doesn’t always have enough space to display all its range of cards.

A spokesman for Clinton Cards said: “We’re sorry for the inaccurate advice given to our customer.

“We have several hundred different cards in stock and only a limited range of these cards are on display in store at any one time.

“The card requested had to be retrieved from the store room.

“We try to display as many cards as possible on the shop floor at one time and there are occasional exceptions due to the extent of our range.

He added: “Religious ceremonies are a cause for celebration for many and we are proud to stock cards that celebrate occasions for a wide range of faiths.”

US drone memo justifies brute force

File photo shows a US drone flying over an unknown location.

The US government’s memo authorizing deadly drone strikes on suspected Americans abroad justifies the use of savage brute force, an analyst writes for Press TV.

“This is not the rule of law. This is savage brute force in minimal disguise,” David Swanson wrote in a column for the Press TV website.

The memo was released on Monday by US President Barack Obama’s administration to justify the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen in 2011 on suspicion of terrorism.

The 41-page memo concluded the use of lethal force is acceptable “at least where high-level government officials have determined that a capture operation overseas is infeasible, and that the targeted person is part of a dangerous enemy force and is engaged in activities that pose a continued and imminent threat to US persons or interests.”

Swanson said the memo is a “novel twist, though, for the government to get to use force to violate the law.”

The analyst said the memo’s author has made “murder-by-missile a lawful killing rather than an unlawful killing.”

“Then there are the vastly more numerous killings of non-US citizens, which the memo does not even attempt to justify,” he wrote.

Pardiss Kebriaei, a prominent lawyer following up on the case of Awlaki, said the memo shows the US government’s “drone killing program is built on gross distortions of law.”

Democratic Senator Ron Wyden called into question the legality of the memo, saying, “How much evidence does the president need to determine that a particular American is a legitimate target for military action? Or, can the president strike an American anywhere in the world?”

US citizen Samir Khan was also killed in the strike that killed Awlaki. Moreover, separate US drone strikes have killed two other US citizens.


Youngsters battle it out in Sainsbury's School Games at Clairville Stadium

Sporting youngsters from across Teesside battled it out to show who could go higher, faster, or further.

Hundreds of schoolchildren packed into Clairville Stadium for The Sainsbury’s School Games in the Tees Valley Athletics finals.

But this was no ordinary sports day – with officials checking photo-finishes, a visiting Paralympic silver medallist and a full day of track and field events.

Local organising committee member Craig Walker said the event was designed to reflect Paralympic and Olympic values in an inclusive competition.

He added: “For the students, this is their Olympic Games.

“Since we first started three years ago, it’s got bigger and bigger and bigger. For many, this will be the highest level at which they will compete.

“It’s a balance between supporting and challenging pupils but the key thing is that it’s inclusive.

“We have disabled and non-disabled pupils competing here today. Everyone has a sporting story, for many here today, we’re giving them their stories now.”

Big crowds cheered athletes to the finishing line and gave those on the podium a hero’s reception.

All the young people qualified after playing in intra and inter school festivals and competitions in their local districts.

Taking to the podium after the Year 6 Boys 600m final were Mackenzie Dicicco, who won gold, Daniel Payne, who took silver and Kai Hilbert, who picked up a bronze medal.

Mackenzie, 11, a pupil at Captain Cook Primary School, in Marton, said: “When you come around that corner and past the stand, it makes you run a bit quicker because everyone is cheering.

Daniel Payne, 11, a pupil at Levendale Primary School, Yarm, said: “It’s good to win a medal.”

Kai, who attends Avenue Primary Schoolm, in Nunthorpe, has run cross country for Middlesbrough AC.

He said: “I train quite a lot but I’m quite tired now.”

Handing out the medals was 2012 Paralympic men’s 1,500m silver medallist for Ethiopia, Wondiye Fikre Indelbu.

He said: “It’s important for children to keep fit and eat a good diet and it’s nice for the them to be involved in an event like this.”

More than 1,400 young people from Teesside will celebrate their year-long participation in sport at the Sainsbury’s School Games.

This year’s games builds on the success of previous years thanks to £25,000 of National Lottery funding.

500 Morsi supports to go on trial in Egypt

Supporters of Egypt’s deposed President Mohamed Morsi stand trial in a court in Alexandria, Egypt, on March 29, 2014.

Nearly 500 supporters of Egypt’s ousted President Mohamed Morsi are going to stand trial next month as the Egyptian government continues its relentless crackdown on dissidents.

The 494 defendants will go on trial on July 16 over violent clashes that killed 44 people and wounded 59 others, including soldiers and policemen, in Cairo’s central neighborhood of Ramses in August 2013, Egypt’s state news agency MENA reported on Tuesday.

The report added that prosecutors have charged the men with “murder, attempted murder, assaulting police officers, carrying weapons and damaging public and private installations.”

The development comes as an Egyptian court has upheld the death sentences issued for 183 Muslim Brotherhood members, including the movement’s spiritual leader, Mohamed Badie.

The sentence was delivered Saturday by a military-installed court in the town of Minya, south of Cairo.

Later in the say, Egyptian activists, angry at the government’s crackdown on supporters of Muslim Brotherhood, staged protest gatherings across the country to denounce the measures.

The protesters clashed with security forces in Cairo and in Dakahlia Province, condemning the death sentences given to the Brotherhood members.

On June 7, an Egyptian court sentenced 10 supporters of Muslim Brotherhood to death in absentia.

Those sentenced were reportedly convicted on charges including inciting violence and blocking a major road north of Cairo during protests after Morsi’s ouster in July 2013.

All 10 were assumed to be in hiding amid a state crackdown on the group since Morsi’s ouster. One of those sentenced was Abdul Rahman al-Barr, a member of the Brotherhood’s Guidance Council, the movement’s executive board.

Mohamed Abdel-Maqsoud, a well-known Muslim cleric who fled to Qatar after Morsi was toppled, was also sentenced in absentia.

Egypt’s military rulers have accused the Muslim Brotherhood of trying to destabilize the country, arresting thousands of its supporters amid the ongoing crackdown on the movement.

Since Morsi’s ouster, a crackdown launched by the military-installed authorities on his supporters have left more than 1,400 people dead in street clashes and at least 15,000 jailed.


Morning news headlines: Savile hospitals probe published, monarchy costs taxpayers £35.7m


Findings of a series of major investigations by NHS hospitals into allegations of abuse by disgraced presenter Jimmy Savile will be published today.

The inquiries were prompted after a review by the Metropolitan Police revealed a number of shocking claims relating to Jimmy Savile sexually abusing victims in a number of hospital settings, including within the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust area and the high-security psychiatric Broadmoor Hospital.

Kate Lampard, who was appointed by the Department of Health to oversee the investigations, chief investigators and chief executives of NHS trusts will present the findings at a press conference in London this morning.


The monarchy cost the taxpayer £35.7 million in the last tax year - or 56p for each person in the country, Buckingham Palace accounts have revealed.

The Queen’s official expenditure increased in actual terms by £2.4 million from the previous year, while the real terms rise was £1.9 million or 5.7%.

More than a third of the sovereign grant - the system of finance given from the public purse to support the official duties of the monarchy - was spent on maintaining palaces.


British bank Barclays is taking allegations “very seriously” that it misled large institutional investors and other clients in the United States by falsely telling them it was taking measures to protect them from predatory high-frequency traders, it said today.

The claims were made against the banking and financial services firm in a securities fraud lawsuit announced by New York’s attorney general Eric Schneiderman.

A Barclays spokesman said: “We take these allegations very seriously. Barclays has been co-operating with the New York Attorney General and the SEC (Securites and Exchange Commission) and has been examining this matter internally. The integrity of the markets is a top priority of Barclays.”


Curbs on mortgage lending to make it harder for borrowers to take out riskier home loans are expected to be recommended by the Bank of England today.

Speculation has been mounting that the Bank’s Financial Policy Committee (FPC), which oversees stability, will announce measures to rein in the way some loans are handed out, following a string of strong surges in house prices and fears over their impact on the recovering economy.

The Bank has previously dropped hints that it could use some of its tools to calm the market down, with its deputy governor for financial stability, Sir Jon Cunliffe, recently describing the housing market as the “brightest” of the blinking warning lights that the Bank monitors.


Watching three or more hours of TV a day can double your risk of dying young, say researchers.

Scientists studied 13,284 healthy volunteers with an average age of 37 to investigate links between different kinds of sedentary behaviour and premature death.

Over a period of eight years, they recorded 97 deaths from heart disease, cancer and other causes.


The Government is continuing to create dozens of new tax reliefs - opening up fresh loopholes for the tax avoidance industry to exploit, MPs have warned.

The Commons Public Accounts Committee said that despite promising to simplify the tax system, the coalition had added to the complexity by creating almost three times as many new reliefs as those it had abolished.

While the committee welcomed the fact that HM Revenue and Customs was taking more tax avoidance cases to tribunals, it questioned whether there were sufficient sanctions available to prevent tax advisers from promoting “aggressive” avoidance schemes.


A string of blunders by NHS workers led to the death of a three-year-old boy, a review has found.

Sam Morrish died from a treatable condition because four separate health service organisations made repeated mistakes in his care, the Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) said.

Sam died of severe sepsis in December 2010 following a “catalogue of errors” by the Cricketfield GP Surgery, by NHS Direct, by the out-of-hours service Devon Doctors Ltd and by the South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.


European Union leaders including David Cameron are gathering to commemorate the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War in a memorial ceremony at Ypres, site of some of the conflict’s bloodiest battles.

But the event, designed to mark the 28-nation bloc’s success in helping the continent overcome past enmities, risks being overshadowed by a furious row which has split the Prime Minister from almost all his fellow leaders.

Mr Cameron has vowed to fight “until the end” the nomination as president of the European Commission former Luxembourg PM Jean-Claude Juncker, who Britain regards as an arch-federalist and roadblock to reform.


British number one Heather Watson will continue her bid for Wimbledon glory on Centre Court today.

The Guernsey-born 22-year-old is set to play Angelique Kerber from Germany.

Watson is scheduled to play after Rafael Nadal, while the match lined up after her clash features Roger Federer.


A beleaguered health trust has been put into special measures.

The action has been taken against the University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust after inspectors from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) ruled the quality of care provided was “inadequate”.

Inspectors found the trust lacked a clear vision for its staff and its lack of clarity about the trust’s future left employees feeling “disengaged and remote” from the executive team and the board, said England’s Chief Inspector of Hospitals, Professor Sir Mike Richards.

Luke and Rafal are ready to roar for Redcar Bears against Panthers

Rafal Konopka keeps his place and Luke Crang returns from injury as Redcar Bears take on Peterborough Panthers at South Tees Motorsports Park tonight (7.30pm start).

And their contribution from the reserve berths will be crucial to the Ecco Finishing Bears’ chances of picking up Premier League points, says team manager Jitendra Duffill.

Promoter Brian Havelock made no secret of the fact he was talking to potential new signings over the weekend, which could have seen Konopka, Crang or both squeezed out.

But the club have confirmed that their declared 1-7 remains the same ahead of a hectic few days in which they also make the long trek to Plymouth tomorrow then visit Rye House on Saturday.

“Peterborough are a strong side and an exciting side,” said Duffill. “They’re quite smiliar to ourselves in that they have a strong top five, but their reserves look weaker than some of the other teams in the league.

“It’s going to be tough because we’re nearly a couple of points below the points limit at the moment and that means we need someone to lift their game if we’re going to get anything out of it.

“We’re going to need our reserves to step it up - we need a contribution from them.

“But in our last home meeting against a good Plymouth team we took all three points with virtually the same side.

“So we know it can be done - we just need to make sure we do it againt tonight.”

The Bears are currently seventh in the PL table after collecting a point from their curtailed match at Berwick last Saturday night.

“I think if the match had gone the distance we could have won it, especially with Richard Lawson still to take three rides,” said Duffill.

“So hopefully that performance will give the lads some confidence going into a busy few days.”

Tonight’s meeting sees the return to Teesside of former Bears No 1 Ulrich Ostergaard who spent two years with the club.

And Duffill believes he is likely to be one of the Panthers’ dangermen tonight.

“Ulrich was without a team place until Peterborough came in for him,” he said, “so he’ll be coming here with a point to prove. He knows the quickest way around our track so he’ll be one to watch.

“The same goes for Ryan Fisher - when a team has those two in its line-up, you know they are going to be a handful.

“It should make for a close and entertaining meeting.”

The Panthers headed into last night’s match against Sheffield with a clean bill of health.

They are without reserve Ollie Greenwood who is nursing a broken collarbone but recruited Dane Nicki Barrett to replace him earlier this month.

BEARS: Luke Crang, Jan Graversen, Rafal Konopka, Richard Lawson, Hugh Skidmore, Aaron Summers, Carl Wilkinson.

PANTHERS: Nicki Barrett, Lasse Bjerre, Lewis Blackbird, Ales Dryml, Ryan Fisher, Joe Jacobs, Ulrich Ostergaard.

Berwick promoter John Anderson has issued an apology after long delays caused Saturday’s match against Redcar to be abandoned after 10 races.

He said: “The circumstances were truly exceptional, but we are aware we had to ask spectators to wait an undue length of time – it was 67 minutes - before resuming racing after heat six.

“For this, we fully and deeply apologise.”

For a match report from tonight’s meeting, visit from around 11pm.

Read Martin Neal’s In The Pits blog at

Israel Must Defeat the Tactics of Terrorists

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century.

kidnapped+israeli+boys In Jerusalem, Israelis pray for the return of three missing boys and in the West Bank, Israeli soldiers hunt for them and for their captors. But in the midst of all this, it is important not to lose sight of the larger conflict.

Israel made one tragic mistake with the Gilad Shalit deal. That deal, aside from already costing the life of one Israeli, is what led to this kidnapping. One kidnapping turned into three. It can easily become many more.

Defeating terrorist tactics can be more important than defeating terrorists. It is not that hard for a modern nation to kill a terrorist. Drones allow us to kill enemies from a distance at the push of a button. But drones cannot protect the morale of a nation.

Conventional armies use tactics to defeat enemy forces and seize territory. Terrorists however use tactics to take over mental territory. A suicide bomber is not out to take over a particular block. He is out to change how people think about that city block and the larger conflict.

Terrorism has succeeded in accomplishing that goal in Israel. The scale of terrorism turned every piece of land into a mathematical equation. How many lives was this village in Gaza worth? How many lives is this West Bank town worth? How many lives is East Jerusalem worth?

However terrorists are not trading an end to violence for a village or a town. They are calculating how many deaths it will take to force Israel to abandon that village or town. And once they have that town, they will use it to inflict more terror on another town or village.

Israelis were convinced that a price in lives had been put on Gaza and that if they withdrew, the killing would end. But Gaza was just the beginning. Not the end.

Terrorists try to create the perception that the winning side is losing. This perception can be so compelling that both sides come to accept it as reality. Terrorists manufacture victories by trapping their enemies in no-win scenarios that wear down their morale.

That is what has been happening to Israel. The entire carrot and stick of the peace process and the suicide bombing, the final agreement that never comes and the final solution that is coming, were designed to wear down Israelis, to make their leaders and people chase down empty hopes.

The last few decades were meant to create a sense of helplessness among Israelis.

Taking hostages is one form of the no-win scenario. If the winning side can’t cut the Gordian Knot by rescuing the hostages, it faces a choice between releasing terrorists or having to watch its own people held captive or killed. Either one creates a sense of helplessness and defeat.

Terrorists are not attacking land or buildings. They are targeting morale. Their goal is to destroy the mental and spiritual resistance of a people by wearing it down with acts of terror, tying it down with moral and legalistic debates, and finally finishing it off with negotiations that are also designed to wear down the other side without ever concluding a final agreement.

As important as it is to defeat terrorists, it is even more important to defeat their tactics.

The first and best way to defeat terrorist tactics is to refuse to negotiate with terrorists. Terrorist tactics work best when they create complicity on the other side. The first wave of complicity comes from leftist activists and sympathetic terror lawyers making human rights arguments. But the second wave of complicity has to come from the authorities for terrorism to be successful.

Negotiating with terrorists makes the negotiators complicit in whatever plans the terrorists have. Once negotiations begin, the terrorists will force the negotiators to violate their own side’s values and to sell out portions of their own population or those of allied countries. These tactics allow the terrorists to divide and conquer the enemy.

A terrorist group that seizes hostages from Country X in exchange for Country Y freeing prisoners has managed to turn two of its enemies against each other. If Country Y frees the prisoners, the terrorists win. If Country Y doesn’t free the prisoners, they still win because Country X will now blame Country Y, rather than the terrorists, for what happened.

Swap the two countries for two groups of people inside a country and it becomes easier to understand what the terrorists are trying to accomplish by taking hostages.

Israelis were convinced that they could buy their way out of the problem by betraying their fellow citizens living in the West Bank and Gaza. European leaders are convinced that they can have peace in their time by pressuring Israel and restraining America. American leaders are convinced that peace will come if they can pressure the Europeans and Israelis to stop offending Muslims.

This is classic divide and conquer.

The greatest danger of fighting terrorists is falling into a reactive pattern. The more you react to what terrorists do, the more they set the agenda. Taking hostages is the ultimate reactive trap. The kidnapping of three Israeli boys has sent Israel into the same predictable pattern, rounding up the usual suspects, making temporary arrests and a public outcry that, like the one surrounding Gilad Shalit, can easily be turned into a campaign to pay any price to free them.

The only way to defeat a terrorist tactic is to invalidate it. The act of invalidating it is often painful, but it’s less painful than not doing it. Refusing to negotiate with terrorists cripples their ability to set the agenda. It’s hard to divide and conquer people who won’t talk to you.

Human shields proliferate because they work. The only way to invalidate them as a tactic is by reacting to terrorists the same way whether or not they are using a human shield. Hostages are taken because the terrorists have a realistic expectation of striking a deal.

Eliminate the deal and the hostage taking ends.

Terrorists create a sense of helplessness by forcing a society to experience pain without having any control over it. The experience of being terrorized is not merely horror and death, but the inability to control how it happens. It is this need for control that leads to Stockholm syndrome, identifying with terrorists and accepting their agenda in exchange for having some control over their terror.

It is not enough for a society to endure the pain that terrorists inflict. Every society has its breaking point. Instead a society must be willing to inflict pain on its own body to prevent greater pain and suffering. A society that cannot do this is so focused on avoiding pain that it so no longer able to fight back.

Israel has already gone too far down the road to helplessness. And it is not alone. Every nation, society and culture confronted with Islamic terrorism seeks ways to spare itself the pain. But the pain can only end when the terrorists are thoroughly defeated.

War is a form of pain that we inflict on our society to spare ourselves the greater pain of conquest and defeat. Resistance to terrorism may also require other smaller forms of martyrdom that allow a society to assert control over its own destiny.

One of these is not negotiating with terrorists.

When a society is willing to defy the power that its enemies wield over it by causing its own pain, it destroys their power over it and escapes the helplessness that will otherwise kill it. It breaks free of the chain of concessions that will inevitably lead it to lose its soul.

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Robert Spencer: We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us

Editor’s note: Below are the video and transcript to Robert Spencer’s address at the Freedom Center’s 2014 Texas Weekend. The event took place May 2nd-4th at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas.

ROBERT SPENCER: Thank you very much. Thanks for coming.

This book, The Arab Winter Comes to America: The Truth About the War We’re In, is necessary because the truth about the war we’re in is so completely obscured these days, such that we’re in a very strange situation.

We are, in this room right now, the children and heirs of the greatest civilization the world has ever known. The Judeo-Christian West has given the world its notions of human rights, freedom of speech, the dignity of all human beings and so on, the concepts of the importance of human rights that are held universally around the world by all cultures, except one.

And so that culture that rejects those understandings of human rights is aggressive, violent, intolerant and more confidently advancing than it has in centuries at this point. And yet we know our ideas are better, what we say is the truth, and that we stand for better principles.

So why is it that the West is, at this point, so confused and, indeed, retreating before the advance of Islamic Jihad, and not only Islamic Jihad, but Islamic supremacism, the spread of concepts of Islamic law into the West and the undermining of the foundations of the civilization that has made the West great? Why is this happening?

In the first place, the answer comes, of course, from the great philosopher, Walt Kelly, the cartoonist who wrote the cartoon, Pogo, which some of you may be old enough to remember, where we said, We have met the enemy and he is us.

Islamic Jihadis would not have been able to bomb the Boston Marathon or to shoot 13 Americans dead at Fort Hood or to shoot two U.S. military men outside a recruitment center in Little Rock, Arkansas, or mount so many of the foiled Jihad plots that we have seen over the last few years were it not for us, were it not for the loss of our societal self-confidence and cultural self-confidence and the blanketing denial and willful ignorance that manifest our response to the Jihad threat in general, even among the people who seem to be taking a strong stance.

Couple of examples. You may have heard a few days ago that Subway, the restaurant chain, in the United Kingdom, in Great Britain, 200 Subway restaurants are no longer going to serve anything with pork in it — no ham, no bacon on your sub — and they will only serve halal meat.

Now, they said that they were doing this in response to overwhelming demand from their — and I quote — multicultural customers, but if you think about that a minute, what if you want ham on your sub. Well, you can’t go to Subway anymore, at least those 200 Subways in Great Britain. In other words, it was not a concession to multicultural customers. It was not multiculturalism that was served by the decision. It was monoculturalism. It was a single culture. If you are a Muslim or if you are willing to obey and adhere to Islamic food laws, then you can go to Subway in Britain. Otherwise, you’re out of luck. You gotta go somewhere else.

Now, this might seem to be a trivial example, but the fact is that there are still not all that many Muslims in Britain to warrant 200 restaurants of a chain being dedicated solely to their preferences, but they have so much power and influence in Britain now that what Subway did is no doubt just the first of many such decisions by other restaurant chains and represents, in truth, the wave of the future, as is evidenced by a much more ominous example that also happened just a few days ago.

There is a politician in Britain named Paul Weston, who I have had the pleasure of meeting, and he is a fine man who stands for the principles of Western civilization. And he heads up a new political party in Britain called Liberty GB.

And he was speaking, he was giving a speech last week, and in the speech he quoted Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill has said, as you may know, some very critical things about Islam, and he said that Islam is in a human being what hydrophobia is in a dog. And he decried the oppression of women under Islamic law. And he said other things that Muslims have found offensive, although what he said in terms of the oppression of women and the other factual statements that he made were entirely correct.

Paul Weston was quoting Churchill, whereupon a woman in the crowd exclaimed, “This is disgusting,” called the police. The police came quickly, arrested Weston, and he is facing trial and could be jailed for two years for the crime of quoting Winston Churchill.

Now, this shows exactly how much Great Britain and how much the West has changed since the time of Churchill. And what it manifests is a sense that the British authorities have that to speak the truth about Islam, to challenge Islamic Jihad, to say frankly that there’s something wrong with Islamic law in its institutionalized oppression of women, in its institutionalized oppression of non-Muslims and its denial of freedom of speech, that is, according to the British authorities, racial and religious harassment and thus to be prosecuted.

Now, the question will become, as Paul Weston faces trial, is truth a defense? And that’s an open question. If Paul Weston can show that what he was saying or what he was quoting from Churchill is factually accurate, he ought to be let off, right? One would think, but things aren’t so easy anymore.

The Grand Mufti and Sheikh ul-Islam of the Caucasus, Allahshukur Pashazadeh, he complained recently that in the West there are some people who even try to identify Islam with terrorism, and he was indignant about this.

Now, of course, it doesn’t really take a rocket scientist to know that the people who are identifying Islam with terrorism are not people like me or Paul Weston. They are Islamic Jihadis, who ascribe their actions to Jihad and Islam on a routine basis.

This is not only happening just in England either. In the United States, after many, many delays, the 9/11 Memorial and Museum is about to open in New York, and some people were invited last week to go in and see the exhibits as they had been prepared. In the course of this, they watched a video that is available — going to be available at the museum in which the highjackers’ attachments to al-Qaeda are explained, and what al-Qaeda is is explained.

There were some local Muslim leaders who saw that video and were enraged, and they said, “You cannot have this video here.” It’s Islamophobic. This video gives the impression that there’s some connection between Islam and terrorism. This video gives the impression that the highjackers were Islamic Jihadis. (Laughter.)

And the museum immediately took the words “Islamic terrorists” off its website. Right now, they’re holding firm about the video, but considering that the museum board is made up entirely of New York liberals, I don’t think they’re going to hold out very long.

But the fact is that what we have is essentially a war on the truth, a war on free speech. If you read the — There is a letter, actually, that the 9/11 plotters, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other plotters, who are still being held and their trial is held up in miles of red tape, they wrote in 2009, when their trial was just supposed to be beginning, a response, called, The Islamic Response to the Government’s Nine Accusations. The Islamic Response to the Government’s Nine Accusations. That is the nine charges that they face for masterminding the 9/11 attack.

And in that they wrote — Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the others wrote, Many thanks to God for His kind gesture in choosing us to perform the act of Jihad — that is, the 9/11 attacks — for His cause and to defend Islam and Muslims. Therefore, killing you and fighting you, destroying you and terrorizing you, responding back to your attacks are all considered to be a great, legitimate duty in our religion. These actions are our offerings to God.

And yet these Muslim leaders say that if you have a video about how they were in al-Qaeda it will link Islam with terrorism. Obviously, they linked Islam with terrorism. Obviously, they were the ones who said this.

But the Grand Mufti of the Caucasus is not the only Islamic leader or non-Muslim leader, for that matter, who pretends that it is spokesmen like Geert Wilders in the Netherlands and me in the United States and others who I work with in the United States who are actually pretending that this connection between Islam and terrorism is actual, when, really, it’s only incidental, that it’s as if these people just happened to be Muslims and for entirely other reasons they took down the towers, which is belied by their own words.

Now, all this would just be more idiocy and silliness were it not for the fact that the United States Government adopted this as its official policy, and that happened on October 19, 2011.

On October 19, 2011, 57 Muslim and allied organizations wrote a letter to John Brennan, who was then the Homeland Security advisor, and, now, of course, is the head of the CIA, and in it they demanded that counter-terror trainers, including me — and they named me specifically, and a few others — because I had been training FBI members in — FBI and military in the nature and magnitude of this threat, teaching them about Islam and Jihad. Obviously, you can’t defeat an enemy that you don’t understand.

Anyway, they wrote to Brennan and they said, You gotta get rid of Spencer and these other people, and you have to cleanse all counter-terror training materials of any mention of Islam and Jihad in connection with terrorism. And they pointed to things like a PowerPoint presentation that said that people might be on the path to become home-grown Islamic extremists if they are wearing traditional Muslim attire, growing facial hair, frequently attending mosque, traveling to a Muslim country and have increased activity in a pro-Muslim social group or political cause.

Now, those things are manifestly true. It is true that virtually all Jihad terrorists in the United States and elsewhere, before they start plotting their terrorist activity, start to wear traditional Muslim attire, grow facial hair, frequently attend mosque, travel to a Muslim country and increase activity in a pro-Muslim social group. This is true of many secular and ostensibly moderate Muslims, notably Mike Hawash out in Portland.

In 2000-2001, he was known — He was very popular in his community. He was a big community activist. I mean, I’m talking about in the general community in Portland. A secular, moderate Muslim, he was an executive at Intel, the corporation, had a $360,000 a year salary, wrote some technical books that are still available at Amazon, at least last time I looked, and a pillar of the community.

Then, he started to wear traditional Muslim attire, grew his facial hair, started to attend mosque frequently, and, ultimately, he was found to be recruiting people to go join up with the Taliban and al-Qaeda and fight against American troops in Afghanistan.

So, in other words, the presentation was entirely true and reasonable, but it was adduced, without any evidence, as a sign that the government was teaching Islamophobia to FBI and military personnel, and that that had to stop because it was breeding hate and victimizing innocent Muslims and so on.

John Brennan immediately complied. He wrote a letter back to Farhana Khera, who was the author of the letter in question on behalf of the 57 organizations. Farhana Khera is the head of a Muslim lawyers association called Muslim Advocates.

And he wrote back to Khera, and the letter was on White House stationary, as if to emphasize, we take this seriously at the very highest levels. And he told her that they would take care of this immediately. Not only would all counter-terror training materials be scrubbed of any mention of Islam and Jihad, but any agent of the FBI or any other agency who had been trained by Spencer or by any of these other horrible Islamophobes or who had read this material that they objected to would be reeducated.

How pleased Chairman Mao would have been.

Right around that time, and not coincidentally, the Russians told the FBI that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was later to become the Boston Marathon Jihad bomber, was a follower of radical Islam and a strong believer — that was their words, a follower of radical Islam and a strong believer — who had tried to join underground groups in Dagestan. Dagestan is in the Caucasus in southern Russia. It is a hotbed of al-Qaeda activity. The only underground groups in Dagestan are Jihad terror groups. So they were essentially telling the FBI in 2011 that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was an Islamic Jihad terrorist.

The FBI made a perfunctory investigation and decided that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was no threat, but consider the political culture of the FBI at the time that they received this information from the Russians. In the FBI, at that time, it was forbidden, it was just becoming forbidden to speak honestly about Islam and Jihad in connection with terrorism. So either the agent who received this material — agent or agents who received this material from the Russians, they either were part of the new regime and thought, Well, he’s a follower of radical Islam and a strong believer. How nice, or, they had been trained previously and they knew that material about Islam and Jihad, especially material referring to Muslims affecting Muslim dress, going to mosque frequently, wearing the long beard and so on, that that was no sign of radicalization, and that it was wrong and Islamophobic to think otherwise.

Whether they bought all that or not, they knew that it was not possible in the current political culture prevailing in the FBI to do anything serious about that, and so they didn’t.

The only time that any investigation or anything close to an investigation was actually made touching on Tamerlan Tsarnaev was when the FBI visited the Islamic Society of Boston, which is a mosque that was founded by Abdurahman Alamoudi, who is now in prison for funding al-Qaeda, and he was a close friend, by the way, of Republican strategist Grover Norquist.

Abdurahman Alamoudi founded the Islamic Society of Boston. It was attended not only by Tamerlan Tsarnaev, but by Tarek Mehanna, who is now doing 17 years in prison for aiding al-Qaeda, and by Aafia Siddiqui, who is serving 86 years in prison for trying to murder American soldiers in the name of Islam and Jihad.

The FBI went to that mosque, but they did not actually go to the mosque to investigate. They went to the mosque for outreach in order to reassure the Muslim community in Boston that their law-enforcement efforts were not Islamophobic and hateful and would not be targeting innocent Muslims. And, of course, innocent Muslims should not be targeted, but the question is should the FBI have concentrated solely on outreach in such an obvious hotbed of Jihad terror as the Islamic Society of Boston?

The Boston Globe loves the Islamic Society of Boston, and the local imam there is named Suhaib Webb, William Webb, until he converted to Islam. And Suhaib Webb has been the subject of several adoring pieces in the Boston Globe tauting his moderation.

You can also go on YouTube and see a video of Suhaib Webb where he says that secularism is a ridiculous ideology and the only way society should be ordered is by the law of Allah; that is, by Islamic law, which mandates discrimination against women, the discrimination against non-Muslims, the denial of the freedom of speech and so on, and is, in other words, inimical to constitutional values and freedoms in numerous ways. But he’s a moderate.

Now, if the FBI had dared or had known to take the — what they had gotten from the Russians seriously — And then they complained, of course, that the Russians didn’t tell them enough and that they went back to the Russians and the Russians wouldn’t give them more information. What more did they need? They had enough already. And since when has it become the responsibility of Russia to do our intelligence and law-enforcement work for us?

If they had acted upon it properly, the Boston Marathon bombing would never have happened.

Same thing with Fort Hood. Nidal Malik Hasan, Army Major, murdered 13 Americans at Fort Hood in November 2009, shouting, Allahu-akbar, after he passed out Korans that morning and told a neighbor he was going to do a great work for God. It was very clearly an Islamic Jihad attack.

Of course, probably most of you know that it was classified by the Obama administration as workplace violence. But there’s something else also. I have in the book his performance evaluations from his superiors, and he was given glowing recommendations all the way up the line. Every time he came up for a performance evaluation they said, This is a great officer, who could teach a lot to American soldiers about Islam. And he sure did, but not in the way they expected.

What happened was he got these performance evaluations at the same time when his superiors knew that he was in touch with Anwar Al-Awlaki, in contact — regular contact with Anwar Al-Awlaki, the Jihad terror leader, and when he had already terrified his coworkers on several occasions by his open talk of Jihad violence, such that many of them expressed the fear that he would himself one day turn violent.

Now, why, knowing all this, did they give him these positive recommendations? It’s very easy to see why. Imagine if they hadn’t. Imagine if they had said, This guy’s nuts. Imagine if they had said, This guy keeps going around talking about Jihad war against the infidels, and he means us. This guy is in touch with Anwar Al-Awlaki who masterminds Jihad terror attacks against Americans. What would have happened?

I’ll tell you what would have happened. You probably already know what would have happened. You would have turned on CNN that night and there would have been a big expose, Islamophobia in the Military. A decent American Muslim Army Major vilified simply for practicing his Islamic faith. New York Times exposes. Council on American-Islamic Relations would have had a field day.

And the careers of his superiors would have been ruined. They would have been ruined for daring to report a Muslim soldier. We want Muslim soldiers, remember? We have to have them to show that we are not at war with Islam and that this is not about religion at all. Remember that the Army Chief of Staff, General George Casey, said, right after the Fort Hood massacre that it would be even worse than the massacre itself if our diversity in the military suffered.

And so 13 people are dead at Fort Hood because we refused to tell the truth and refused to face the reality of the war that we’re in. Both of those attacks, Boston and Fort Hood, could have been prevented.

And there is much more of this kind of thing. Just yesterday, a man in Seattle named Musab Mohamed Masmari — I think he’s a Muslim — he pled guilty to an arson attack at a Seattle nightclub on New Year’s Eve, and that was how it was reported. As a matter of fact, the report that I saw just before I came here a little while ago was — It didn’t even give his first name. It just said, Masmari Pleads Guilty. And in the whole story it called him Masmari, no Musab, no Mohamed, especially.

But what exactly was Musab Mohamed Masmari doing? The nightclub in question was actually a gay nightclub, and he was there on New Year’s Eve. He took a can of gasoline and he poured it all the way up and down the stairway, the only stairway leading out of the club, and then he set it on fire. There were 750 people in the club at the time, and he wanted to kill them all, obviously, because he was concentrating his arson on the place where — the only way they could get out.

Not only that, but it came to light after his attack that he had said that homosexuals should be exterminated, which is, of course, in line with Islam’s death penalty for homosexuals. Musab Mohamed Masmari, in other words, was the first exponent of violent, vigilante Shari’ah enforcement in the United States.

Violent, vigilante Shari’ah enforcement is something that we see in many other countries, especially in Muslim countries, where, in many cases, where countries are Islamizing — such as Turkey, Egypt, Syria and so on — where there — Iraq — where there had been relatively secular regimes followed by Shari’ah states or large armed groups that want to create a Shari’ah state. Women who don’t cover their heads are brutalized, sometimes even killed and alcohol shops, liquor stores are shot up and burned and so on.

Even in London last year there was a group calling itself the Muslim Patrol that went around, and people carrying alcohol, they would tell them to get rid of it. They would tell women to cover their heads, and they would threaten them if they didn’t.

Musab Mohamed Masmari was the first time that that happened in the United States, but not, by any means, the last. The problem, however, is that in the news reports about him there was no mention of any of this motivation. There was no mention that he said homosexuals should be exterminated. There was no mention that he was a Muslim or that the attack had anything to do with any other attack in the United States, when, actually, it was a manifestation — it was yet another attack from an adherent of the same ideology that caused the Fort Hood massacre, the Boston Marathon bombing, 9/11, the Little Rock shooting and so many others.

This denial at the top of government law enforcement and media is obviously self -defeating to the point of being suicidal, and if it continues, then, it’s obvious what’s going to happen. In Europe there are already enclaves, whole cities — Malmo in Sweden, the Molenbeek District of Antwerp and some areas of London already, as well as Paris — where non-Muslims venture at their own peril. In Malmo, even the police and firefighters don’t dare to go into the city, and Islamic law prevails in those areas. The secular law has no sway.

The governments of those countries are either, at some point, going to have to crack down and say, There is one law for this land and you’re going to obey it, and then there will be civil conflict, or, they will let these areas grow, as they will certainly grow with unrestricted immigration, and then they will be increasingly aggressive and increasingly assertive over the non-Muslim population, and there will be civil conflict. In other words, there’s really no escaping it now for Europe, but I think that there is still a chance for the United States, but only if there is a drastic change in the political culture.

I mentioned Grover Norquist in passing earlier, and it is important to note that Grover Norquist, as the head of Americans for Tax Reform, is probably the single most powerful power broker in the Republican Party, and you can’t really run for national office as a Republican without his benediction. And, yet, he did take money from Abdurahman Alamoudi, who was also financing al-Qaeda, and he does have numerous ties to groups with links to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, and he has stymied the Republicans from forming any kind of effective or coherent alternative to the Democrats’ wholesale capitulation to this multiculturalist fiction and to Islamic supremacist groups.

As a result, there really isn’t any effective opposition in the United States today. There is no party, there are very few politicians — Congressman Gohmert being a notable exception and a few others — that even stand up and defend and articulate the reality of what we’re facing. And too long, people who support the Republicans have allowed this to continue, perhaps because they themselves did not understand or grasp the nature and magnitude of the threat that we face.

The most significant aspect of it is the war on free speech, because if we cannot speak out about it, then we cannot do anything about it to defend ourselves. Obviously, the freedom of speech was put into the Constitution as the fundamental bulwark against tyranny. If we can’t speak out against the tyrant, he can do whatever he wants. And, of course, Barak Obama said, The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.

It’s useful to remember, in connection with that sentence, that slander, in Islamic law, refers not to lying about somebody, but speaking truths about them that they don’t want known. That’s the definition of slander in Islamic law. So when Barack Obama says, “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam,” he means, if you speak unwelcome truths, such as the link between Islam and terrorism, which is obvious from the Jihadis words and not from those of Islamophobes, then the future does not belong to you. And I think that may be so the way things are going.

Right after the Benghazi Jihad attack, which, of course, we all now know was a Jihad attack by al-Qaeda, probably with weapons that the Obama administration had supplied to al-Qaeda to topple Qaddafi, right after the attack, it was known in the White House and the State Department that it was a Jihad attack, and there were emails that have now just come to light — you’ve probably seen them — that show that they deliberately chose to blame this Mohammed video that nobody had ever seen or cared about.

Now, the implications of that are enormous because in choosing to blame the Mohammed video and saying the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam, the Obama administration was essentially saying the problem is our First Amendment. The problem is the freedom of speech. The problem is if we just keep saying these things that they don’t like us to say, they’ll keep bombing us. If we shut up and obey Islamic blasphemy laws, then everything will be okay.

And Hillary Clinton told the father of Tyrone Woods, a Navy Seal who was killed along with Ambassador Stevens, We’re going to have that filmmaker arrested and prosecuted. And she did. They found that he was a sort of a shady character, which is completely irrelevant, actually, to this video and what happened to him, but he did — he was out on probation, and one of the conditions of his probation was that he not go on the Internet. And so they figured, Well, this video is up on YouTube. He must have gone on the internet to upload it. Therefore, he went back to jail.

But he was really a political prisoner and a prisoner of the freedom of speech. It was obvious there are far more serious probation violators walking around. Probably we could find some — Well, not here in Dallas, but out in Los Angeles they’re crawling with them.

And so why this guy? Because it is becoming illegal to speak the truth about the Jihad threat. That has to be a cornerstone of a new and articulate response to Barak Obama. And if we do not find politicians and elected officials who will stand for this swiftly, then the enemy who is us will win and freedom will lose.

Thanks very much. (Applause.)

So we have time for some questions, comments, death fatwas, whatever. (Laughter.)


Q: Thank you. About six months ago, I watched Representative Michael McCaul give a presentation at the Heritage Foundation. During the Q&A, he said that we would win the war on terror by winning the ideological battle by appealing to moderate Muslims that our ideology is better. Can you comment?

ROBERT SPENCER: That would be nice, but nobody’s doing that. We have never done that. We have never said, Our ideology is better. In Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States Government sponsored and oversaw the installation of Shari’ah constitutions that enshrined Islamic law as the highest law of the land. That is not standing for our values. That’s betraying our values. Our values are equality of rights for all people, the equality of dignity of all human beings, which means that women have rights in the society and are not to be treated as chattel.

We have a tradition of open political discourse and the freedom of speech. Although it is under far more grave attack than most people realize, we still have the long tradition of it. Islam does not. In Islam it is against the law, it is a death-penalty offense to criticize Islam or Mohammed. The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.

And the thing is we put those constitutions there. If we had been standing for our values, the situation would have been very different.

I do believe that Congressman McCaul is correct that if there were a United States that were standing up and saying, Well, anyone who loves the freedom of speech, who loves a free society, who loves equal rights for all people before the law, who loves the idea of making a decision in conscience about what you believe is true and not being killed for it, we stand for that, then many Muslims would support us. But we’ve never stood for that.


Q: Could you comment on the Tartars in the Crimea?


Q: How that complicates the whole Russian –

ROBERT SPENCER: It’s very complicated, and it does complicate it to a tremendous degree because the Ukrainian Government has been encouraging the Jihadis in the Caucuses because they know that the Jihadis in the Caucuses will hit the Russians. And so it becomes a very complicated situation. It’s not so easy as to say, Well, there’s the big, bad imperialist, Putin, and the plucky, independent Ukrainians. I would love to be able to say that because the idea of the Soviet Union reuniting and oppressing those peoples anew is repulsive.

At the same time, there really aren’t any good actors in this battle, as is so often the case. Just like as with Assad and his opponents in Syria.

Q: (Inaudible) in Crimea?


Q: (Inaudible?)

ROBERT SPENCER: Yes. Precisely.

Q: (Inaudible?)

ROBERT SPENCER: How might it evolve? I don’t know. I don’t have a crystal ball on that, but I think that you’re going to see far more Jihad activity in that area, because the Ukrainians are, no doubt, going to continue to try to exploit these groups to strike at the Russians. And so that could enflame that whole region, really. I don’t see that as beyond the realm of possibility at all.


Q: Hi. There is a mosque in my neighborhood, and after doing some digging, found that it is owned by NAIT, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. I also did a little bit more digging and found some literature from Mustapha [Monsur], which, of course, said that it’s the obligation of every woman and man to turn this nation into a caliphate.

So I guess my question is do we have to wait until somebody does an act of Jihad before something is done or can something be done before that?

ROBERT SPENCER: This is the great question. The North American Islamic Trust, in the first place, is NAIT, and they own 80 percent of the mosques in the United States, and they all teach this kind of thing.

There have been four separate, independent surveys done since 1999 of the mosques in the United States, and all found, independently of one another, that 80 percent of the mosques were teaching hatred of Jews and Christians and the necessity, ultimately, to replace the Constitution with Shari’ah law. So Monsur is not singular in this.

Now, the problem is is that there is a law — And I’m no lawyer and no politician, but I know that there is a law on the books which outlaws plotting or calling for, advocating the violent overthrow of the United States Government.

I think that there need to be political and legal scholars, at this point, who can examine the possibility of a law that could outlaw the non-violent overthrow of the U.S. Government and any kind of action against constitutional values and principles.

Now, how this — What form exactly this would take and how various pitfalls and minefields would be avoided, I’m no lawyer or a politician, but I think that that sedition law that exists about the violent overthrow of the U.S. Government being illegal — although it’s hardly enforced today anyway — would be a pathway that might show us how to proceed in that manner.

Congressman Gohmert.

CONGRESSMAN GOHMERT: Thank you. I’m intrigued by the notion that all it’ll take is an ideological win of moderate Muslims over the radical Islamists. You and I know that in Afghanistan, the moderate Muslim Northern Alliance defeated the radical Islamists with our air cover, a few hundred of our embedded special ops. But, Robert, you know the history even better than I do, can you think of any time in world history when radical Islamists were defeated or overcome by winning an ideological battle using moderate Muslims?

Well, I don’t know, was that an ideological win in Vienna when they were stopped? I’m trying to remember.


CONGRESSMAN GOHMERT: But, anyway, can you think of a time ever — Maybe the Barbary Pirates, maybe that was an ideological win, but can you think of a time when radical Islam was ever defeated by winning an ideological battle with moderate Muslims, unless they were winning the ideological battle with weapons and killing their enemies? Can you think of a time?

ROBERT SPENCER: No, Congressman, you’re absolutely right. There has never been a case where an ideological battle against Islamic Jihadis has ever been won. And the whole thing actually comes down to what one defines as a moderate Muslim, and the United States Government, of course, thinks that if a Muslim is not strapping on a bomb vest, then he’s a moderate.

But as far as reality goes, one of the great difficulties of fighting this conflict is that people use this term, throw around the term moderate Muslim without defining what it is. Most people assume that by moderate Muslim they mean a Muslim who rejects the idea that Muslims should wage war against unbelievers and subjugate them under the rule of Islamic law.

Actually, that is a core tenant of Islam that is taught in the Koran and taught in the Hadith and taught by all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence. The Muslims who would actually explicitly reject that in principle you could probably count on one hand. Juhdi Jasser and then who? That’s it.

Moderate Muslims, on the other hand, might be people who are just ordinary people who might live in a secular culture and are not interested in waging Jihad. They want to just raise their families and have a life and have a job and take care of themselves, and that’s it. There are lots of those people.

But the question becomes then, which side will they side with if it came down to a conflict? And probably — There doesn’t seem to be any indication that they would not side with their more radical brethren in that case. There has never been a case where this was not done without a shooting war.

At the same time, there is a crisis within Islam, because Western ideas have permeated the Islamic world. They were much more current 100 years ago than they are now, much more prominent, but they still existed — I’ll wrap up — but, nonetheless, they still exist. And so I think — When I was talking about the ideological conflict in reference to Representative McCaul’s statements before, I was referring to the fact that we — I think we can and should appeal on the basis of notions of human rights that come from the West to Muslims who may not want Islamic law. But that’s not going to win the battle, not going to win the war, not at all.

Q: Okay. What can you tell us about green-on-blue killings in Afghanistan, the insider killings? Is there anything that could be done about that, any sort of profiling on infiltrators in the Afghan security force?

ROBERT SPENCER: No, the green-on-blue killings, the killings of our troops, our personnel by their ostensible allies, there’s nothing that can be done about them, except we should just get out of there.

The fact is that there is no way to distinguish between a peaceful Muslim, that is a Muslim who doesn’t want to kill us, and a Muslim who does. I didn’t use the term moderate Muslim because it is so fraught and likely to create confusion.

The fact is, though, that this is the fundamental problem, that the United States Government assumes that these people are all of good will and doesn’t make any attempt even to profile or discern or screen people who join the Afghan Police or the Afghan Army and so on. They don’t even try. And so then they get these attacks.

But the fact is if they did try, it wouldn’t work, and that’s one of the reasons why this misadventure in Afghanistan is so disastrously wrongheaded. There’s no objective. There’s no goal. There’s not even an enemy. Barak Obama has already told Karzai that he doesn’t think the Taliban is the enemy. And then I think, well, then why are our troops there serving as a shooting gallery for the Afghans? This is nothing short of treason.

Anyway, on that happy note, thanks very much. (Applause.)

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