Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Linthorpe fire victim Mark Lee described as 'kind and caring' as probe is launched into house blaze

29 Jan 2014 09:00

Police and fire crews begin joint investigation after a man, named locally as Mark Lee, was found dead in detached bungalow in Burlam Road

999 crews outside the house in Burlam Road where Mark Lee lived 999 crews outside the house in Burlam Road where Mark Lee lived

A man who died in a Middlesbrough house fire has been described as “kind and caring”.

The man, named locally as Mark Lee, was found dead in the detached bungalow in Burlam Road, Linthorpe.

Police and fire crews have begun a joint investigation into the cause.

Jacqueline Lynch, 44, who lives next door to Mr Lee, who was believed to be in his 50s and lived alone, called the fire brigade after hearing a fire alarm.

She said: “At that point I didn’t know where it was coming from and didn’t know if there was a fire.

“I heard the alarm and thought that I better ring the fire brigade. There was no smoke or anything like that.

“But it was unbelievable how quickly that changed. As I was on the phone to the fire brigade smoke was starting to fill the street. It was black, I remember telling them to hurry.

“I was asked if anyone was inside and I knew Mark would be in there. He always is at that time.”

It is understood Mr Lee gained a first degree from Cambridge University in engineering and was a chartered engineer.

Police, fire and ambulance crews attended at 10.20am yesterday.

Mrs Lynch added: “There were flames coming from the back of the house and then I heard the windows blow. It was awful. It all happened so fast.”

Dave Turton, Cleveland Fire Brigade duty officer, confirmed at the scene that a man had been found dead in the property.

He said: “Crews attended within five minutes of us receiving the call from a neighbour.

“Two appliances from Middlesbrough and Thornaby attended.

“The ground floor was severely on fire and there has been one fatality.”

Mr Turton said the cause of the fire is not yet known.

The kitchen was completely destroyed by fire and the conservatory and dining room were severely damaged by heat and smoke.

The remainder of the property also suffered heat and smoke damage.

Fire crews used four breathing apparatus and two hose reel jets.

Mr Turton added: “An investigation has now been launched alongside Cleveland Police.

“There is nothing to say yet what caused the fire.”

Mrs Lynch said Mr Lee was a “nice, kind and caring” man and had lived in the detached converted bungalow for about four years.

She said: “It is so sad. He was quite a quiet person who kept himself to himself. He lived by himself and one year he even came over to mine for Christmas dinner.

“He bought my children some presents which was nice.

“He used to live in Ingleby Barwick I think and he has also lived in Australia.”

Police officers were seen knocking on doors in neighbouring streets after the blaze and forensic officers were at the scene.

A Cleveland Police spokeswoman said: “Police were notified of a house fire at an address in Burlam Road in Middlesbrough just after 10.20am.

“On arrival it was confirmed that unfortunately a person had been found dead in the property.

“It is believed this person was the only occupant.

“A joint investigation into the cause of the fire has commenced, with inquiries at an early stage.”

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