Friday, February 21, 2014

Beechwood teen who burgled student home on way home from drinking session spared custody

21 Feb 2014 12:30

Drunken Lee Aaron Day was spotted on CCTV stealing a jewellery box from the window sill of a Teesside University accommodation

Teesside Crown Court

A teenager who burgled a student home on his way home from a drinking session has been spared a spell in custody.

Drunken Lee Aaron Day was spotted on CCTV fiddling with the window of a student’s home, opening it and reaching inside.

He took a jewellery box from a window sill of the Teesside University accommodation on Woodlands Road, central Middlesbrough and walked away.

He didn’t get far as security officers monitoring the live video saw him acting suspiciously and caught him in the act at 4.25am.

He was restrained and the stolen jewellery box was returned to its rightful owner, Teesside Crown Court heard yesterday.

Prosecutor David Crook said: “The defendant seems to be coming back from a night out.

“He was certainly dressed as if he was coming from a night out. He wasn’t dressed as a typical burglar.”

The victim of the burglary came home from Christmas holidays to find her home had been invaded. She said the experience put her off living in the town.

Day, 18, of Fremantle Crescent, Beechwood, Middlesbrough, admitted the January 5 burglary.

He was on bail at the time for burgling an outhouse and stealing a turkey and other food from a freezer.

He received a one-year community order for this offence two days after he committed the burglary at the student home.

He also had a conviction for possessing an air weapon as a youth.

John Nixon, defending, said Day was intoxicated when he committed both his burglaries, and had little memory of the latest one.

He said Day made “a very bad error of judgment”, acted purely on impulse and nothing was lost.

Day was taking a short cut after a night out when he said he saw the window of the student home already broken.

Mr Nixon said what followed was a “bizarre incident” with Day studying the window intently then picking at the glass.

Day had family and friends supporting him in court.

Judge Peter Armstrong read references which he said showed Day could get back on the straight and narrow.

He told the defendant: “You’ve fallen off by the wayside on a couple of occasions.

“If you go on like this you’ll just end up being locked up.

“Students who attend this town are entitled to the protection of the courts and anyone indeed is entitled not to have their dwelling violated and property taken.

“This is your first dwelling house burglary. It better be your last.”

Day received a four-month sentence in a young offenders’ institution suspended for two years with 150 hours’ unpaid work.

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