Thursday, February 13, 2014

Normanby tot Danny Bryan owes his life to the bone marrow register

13 Feb 2014 11:20

To see him now, you would never guess the trauma little Danny Bryan has been through in his short life

Thankful mum Claire Bryan counts her blessings every day when she looks at her two-year-old son Danny.

To see him now, you wouldn't guess the trauma he’s been through in his short life.

But when he was just a few months old, Danny, of Normanby, was diagnosed with Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome - the same rare condition which claimed the life of Anthony Nolan back in 1979.

Knowing a blood stem cell transplant was Danny’s only chance of living beyond a few years, Claire pinned her hopes on a donor being found, so she contacted the Anthony Nolan Trust to organise a session at Middlesbrough’s Riverside Stadium for people to join the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Register.

Just days before the session came the news Claire had longed for - a donor for Danny had been traced in Germany.

But the Riverside session still went ahead on July 10, 2012 and 66 people signed up - 66 new chances of life for people across the world needing bone marrow.

Danny had his transplant in August 2012 and Claire, 27, of Keats Road, Normanby, still keeps the trust informed about his hugely encouraging progress.

And if it was up to her, joining the bone marrow register would be compulsory, as it is in some other countries.

She said: “Before Danny got ill, I’d heard about the Anthony Nolan Trust but thought it was mainly to do with blood cancer like leukaemia. But once Danny was diagnosed, I learned much more about it.

“I knew it would be hard to find a match for Danny so I contacted the Trust and it went from there.”

Scores of people attended the Riverside Stadium session, although some were ruled out for age and health reasons.

And Claire admits it was a special atmosphere.

“It was in the papers, on TV and on the radio. And because of all the publicity, the Trust reckons lots of people signed up who wouldn’t have done.

“A lot of my friends are on the register now, but only because of Danny. And we could have signed up even more had the age limit been 16 and not 18, as it was then.”

Danny continues to do well and hopefully at a review in June, he’ll get the all-clear to come off his weekly infusions of medication and resume his baby immunisations. Claire also hopes that in August, with it being two years since Danny’s transplant, she’ll learn more about, and perhaps even meet, the German donor she owes her son’s life to.

In the meantime, Claire hopes everyone will consider joining the bone marrow register through the Anthony Nolan Trust.

She said: “It takes five minutes to join - sign some paperwork, spit in a test tube and it’s done. And if you are picked as a match for someone, it only takes a few hours and you could save someone’s life.”

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