Tuesday, February 11, 2014

'Have you ever been mis-sold PPI?': What #askjamesarthur wanted to ask Tees singer

11 Feb 2014 17:41

That was among the less insulting queries posed to the Teesside-born X Factor singer on a Twitter hashtag trending today

Pop star James Arthur has been trending on social networking site Twitter after fans were invited to ask him questions.

But the hashtag #askjamesarthur assumed a life of its own yesterday and today when hijacked by often insulting, largely bizarre and occasionally hilarious tweets.

It’s unclear how #askjamesarthur began, but fans wanting to learn much about the X Factor winner will have been left none the wiser.

Hundreds of the questions posed were unsuitable for us to publish. Others, however, were as random as it gets.

They included:

* How many whole uncooked chestnut mushrooms can you fit in your mouth while singing “Impossible”?

* Would you eat a spider? I would.

* Have you been missold PPI?

* If you were strong enough, would you throw a sheep into the sky to see if it would stick to a cloud?

* My pal Steve claims that penguins can fly but they’re just lazy. Is this true? I’m on my roof with 4 penguins, please reply.

* If you had to marry a mermaid, would you rather she had a fish top half of her body or bottom half?

* Are current Monster Munch of equivalent size to their 1980s incarnation, as they'd have us believe? I'm on the fence.

But some fans rallied round, with one saying: “Didn’t realise the world was so full hate. It’s terrible.”

It’s the latest Twitter problem for James, who last year even came off it for a time after a string of controversial tweets and public spats with the likes of comedian Frankie Boyle.

And perhaps one tongue-in-cheek question yesterday summed it up more than most: "Have you ever had any bad experiences as a result of texting or using social media?"

James, who didn't answer any of the questions, is currently on a European tour.

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