Monday, April 21, 2014

US drones kill more innocent civilians

Yemeni human rights researcher Baraa Shiban says the US is expanding its assassination drone attacks in the country and the civilian casualties of such attacks will continue to rise.

The death toll of US drone strikes in Yemen has been spiraling over the last few days. On Saturday, over 20 people were killed when a US drone attacked a highway in the country’s southeastern Baida province.

On Sunday, 30 more people were killed in a US drone attack in Yemen’s southern province of Abyan.

US drones are targeting people about whom Washington “has no proof that they are eminent threats to its security,” Shiban, project coordinator at Reprieve, told Press TV on Sunday.

Shiban went on to say that these strikes “will not only jeopardize the security of the United States but the stability of the Yemini government.”

“These drone strikes and the drone programs inside Yemen violate both the Yemeni constitution and the international law,” he noted, adding that neither the United States nor the Yemeni government know who “they are killing” in these drone attacks.

Shiban also said that “the Yemeni government has not provided any names, or at least any names even to the public, to show that those people who are targeted in those drone strikes are an eminent threat to the security of the country.”

Shiban, who has interviewed many witnesses and survivors of US drone attacks in Yemen, investigated a US drone strike on a wedding party last year in December that killed 12 people. He even received a death threat for investigating the deadly attack.


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