Friday, May 2, 2014

Review: Stockton Calling

Rob Nichols on the annual festival that brings music and music lovers into the heart of Stockton town centre

Stockton really does come alive for Stockton Calling. This annual festival brings music and music lovers into the heart of Stockton town centre.

Eight venues and a wealth of exceptional performers mixing and matching from this area and far beyond. I absolutely love it. And I’m not alone because every year it sells out.

There is much to choose between. So many bands and different venues. I could ponder for hours in advance so instead I just go with the flow on the day and night.

It was a flow that took me into the Green Room, where Paul Jeans aka The Shooting Of was seated at his keyboard in command of The Narc stage. It is not every act that peaks with a kazoo solo but Paul is the master multi-tasker operating a snare and bass drum with his feet, keyboards with his hands and switching between voice and kazoo with his mouth. A very 21st century one-man band and the songs are superb too.

Just across the alleyway, Bleech were belting it out to a receptive Georgian crowd. The three piece have a look and sound of a 90s US subpop or grunge band. Great stuff. The IC1s had everyone clapping and cheering along to their big, brash guitar ballads at a rocking Sun Inn.

The Kids Are Solid Gold had another solid gold act in Fatherson at a rammed Storytellers. The young Scots are canny fellas between their intense guitar work.

It was one in and one out for Little Comets in Arc. African pop welded to a South Shields sense and sensibility and a set sprinkled with sparkling songs. Down in The Vaults Silver Trees were playing out their penultimate gig. A soothing psychedelic vibe was ebbing through the mid evening crowd from the local likely lads.

Below decks on the Endeavour, Collectors Club breezed through their singing, ringing, curly, wurly guitars. Everyone was up and dancing to the final act on what is a new stage to this year’s festival.

It is difficult to think of a more atmospheric venue. Then I made a quick dash across the High Street, bound for the bright stage lights of the Ku Bar where indie popsters Superfood’s set was receiving a roar of approval.

The queues were too long to see the Georgian headliners, Public Service Broadcasting and I expected that the Ku Bar and Arc would now be full up. Instead I headed over to Storytellers where the evening was drawing to a close in the very capable hands of Paul Thomas Saunders. It was a slightly surreal state in the venue with a few audience members somehow reeling and jiving to the most haunting of voices and textured of sounds.

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