Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Innovative companies in line for £400m funding

North-east firms are being encouraged to bid for a share of a £400m growth fund announced by the country’s innovation agency.

The Technology Strategy Board (TSB) made the announcement as part of its ambitious blueprint to boost innovation.

Key investment areas include £82m allocated to the energy sector, £80m earmarked for healthcare, and £72m for high-value manufacturing. Transport will benefit to the tune of £70m, while £42m will be directed towards the digital technologies market.

The TSB also announced the launch of two new Catapult Centres – in precision medicine and energy systems – and the establishment of a permanent presence in Brussels to champion British innovation abroad.

The Catapult Centres are expected to be up and running later this year but no decision has been made on where they will be based.

Forty-five organisations in the North-east received help/funding from the Technology Strategy Board in the last financial year. These companies were awarded more than £7m to support their collaborative research and development projects.

The North East Chamber of Commerce has welcomed the fund, which covers the 12 months to March 31 next year.

Mark Stephenson, NECC policy and research manager, said: “The announcement of this fund is great news for our region as the North-east has genuine strengths across all of the sectors highlighted, with the majority experiencing significant growth in recent years.

“The TSB must ensure that this fund is marketed to all relevant businesses to ensure our region takes full advantage and our innovative companies and individuals can tap into vital funding that will help take their firms to the next level.”

The TSB said the cash would be open to all UK regions and invested on a case-by-case basis. Bidders will have to demonstrate their credentials by taking part in competitions designed to unearth the top innovative ideas. A total of 88 competitions will be held throughout 2014-15.

Universities and Science Minister David Willetts said the fund was part of a long-term economic plan to invest in ambitious entrepreneurs and businesses,

He said: “Businesses in the North-east are making great use of the funding available to help develop their innovations. The region has already seen over £7m invested during the last year, which in turn helps to generate additional investment.

“I want to see even more businesses across the region bid for funding this year and help to keep the UK at the front of the global race for technology and innovation.”

The TSB has also announced that the budget for the Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) has been doubled to £200m in 2014/15.

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