Friday, August 15, 2014

Stockton man threw roof tiles at police and cars 'because of break-up with girlfriend'

A man ripped tiles from house roofs and hurled them at police and parked cars before a trained negotiator talked him down as a police helicopter hovered overhead.

Tony Harris blamed the siege on the breakdown of his relationship with his girlfriend.

The 42-year-old walked from Teesside Crown Court yesterday with an order banning him from contacting her for five years.

Prosecutor Rachel Masters said he damaged two roofs, four cars and a police van in the hours long incident on May 11.

Harris also took perfumes and cheese from Stockton stores before he caused a second affray two months later at his former partner’s home in Marley Close, Elmtree, Stockton, on July 11.

He told police that he had been suffering from depression and he had some sort of breakdown.

Duncan McReddie, defending, said Harris had a 15-year non-offending gap until he began the relationship with the woman.

He had then fallen back into drug taking and mixing with old associates.

Mr McReddie said: “He is not a violent man ordinarily and he has already received drug help while in prison on remand.”

Recorder Graham Cook said: “The rooftop affray must have been a terrifying experience for all those involved.”

Harris, of Radnor Close, Roseworth, Stockton, was given an 18-month jail sentence, suspended for two years with supervision for 18 months.

He was also sentence to 100 hours' unpaid work and a five-year restraining order banning him from contact with his former partner or approaching her home.

Harris pleaded guilty to two affrays, eight charges of criminal damage, two of shoplifting and possession of a bladed article.

He was also ordered to pay £100 victim surcharge.

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