Saturday, September 6, 2014

Indian Muslims’ worries grow due to Al-Qaeda branch establishment; Muslim groups rush to condemn Al-Qaeda

By A. Mirsab,,

New Delhi: In the wake of Al Qaeda’s recent announcement of a dedicated branch of it in the South Asia, many Muslim organizations in India have condemned the move and altogether rejected the statements made in concern with Indian Muslims by Al Qaeda chief Ayman Al-Zawahari in his 55 minutes video tape released online on early Thursday.

All India Muslim Majlise Mushawarat, All India Milli council, The Association of Indian Muslims of America (AIM), UMA Interfaith Alliance and several other Indian Muslims’ organizations based in the country and abroad have out rightly rejected Al-Qaeda’s declaration, adding that they have full faith in the Indian Constitution and feel more secured here.

Ayman Al-Zawahari (Source: Google)

Ayman Al-Zawahari (Source: Google)

Indian security agencies were taken with surprise on Thursday after the declaration of Al-Qaeda that it has established a new branch, called “Qaedat al-Jihad in the Indian Subcontinent”.

Zawahiri said in the video that the group will defend the “vulnerable in the Indian subcontinent, in Burma, Bangladesh, Assam, Gujarat, Ahmedabad, and Kashmir …” and “your brothers in Qaedat al-Jihad did not forget you and that they are doing what they can to rescue you from injustice, oppression, persecution, and suffering.”

To condemn the concentration of Al-Qaeda towards India, Indian Muslims Apex organization All India Muslim Majlise Mushawarat (AIMMM) immediately released press statements and tried to caution Indian Muslim youths.

Dr. Zafarul-Islam Khan, President of the All India Muslim Majlise Mushawarat said today that Indian Muslims totally reject the statement of the Al-Qaeda chief and consider it a disservice to the cause of the Muslims of South Asia who do not require such meddling in their affairs by a foreign terrorist outfit.

According to Dr. Khan Indian Muslims are loyal to the country that are well protected by Indian Constitution and laws and therefore will even fight Al-Qaeda if it ever tried to create a presence in India.

He also cautioned Indian Muslim youths not to pay heed to any one instilling Al-Qaeda thoughts which do not belong to the enlightened and moderate mainstream Islam.

All India Milli Council, Gujarat state president Maulana Mufti Rizwan Tarapuri and general secretary Mr. Abdul Hafiz Lakhani jointly stated that Indian Muslims do not need such deadly outfit in India.

All India Muslim Personal Law Board’s executive member Maulana Alif Naksbandi appealed Indian Muslims, particularly youths to desist from such outfits.

Iftekhar Hai, President UMA Interfaith Alliance condemned Al-Qaeda announcement and said that Indian Constitution is based on excellent principles of Pluralism, Democracy, Freedom of Religion and Secular Governance and that Indians from all over India and also from abroad will fight Al-Qaida units.

The Association of Indian Muslims of America (AIM), an NGO of expatriate Indian Muslims who live in North America on Thursday condemned in strong terms the statement from Dr. Zawahiri.

Kaleem Kawaja, the Executive Director of A.I.M. appealed to leaders of all significant Muslim organizations in India like Muslim Majlis Mashawarat, Jamiat- ul- Ulema, Jamat-e-Islami, Indian Union Muslim League, Darul Uloom Deoband, Nadvat ul Uloom Lucknow, Imarat e Sharia Patna, Anjuman-e-Islam Mumbai and others to condemn this mischievous statement from Al Qaeda and to cooperate fully with the police and government authorities in extinguishing any and all terrorist influences and activities from India.

National High Level Political Committee, MEMBER,AP Abdul Rahman has lashed and condemned the statement of Al- Qaeda chief to

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